MOScout Weekender: Hallway on 2020 - Who Won the Week and more...

MOScout’s Hallway Index: Does Parson Get a Credible GOP Challenger?

Do you think Mike Parson will face a serious/credible primary challenger?  29 responses from the Hall-Walkers…

Yes… 41.4%

No… 58.6%


Maybe some huff and puff, but I doubt anything actually materializes.


Because you added the word “serious,” I said “no.”  I’m including John Lamping or anyone he recruits in the “not serious” category.


Prop D was a gutsy endorsement but the loss makes him vulnerable to a primary voter base that is very anti-tax.


[Shallow minds] voice their displeasure about the 1% of issues on which they disagree with the Governor instead of working to promote the 99% on which they do agree.  Or maybe they are still sore??? One is a leader and the other is not.



As Dems search for 2020 names, Scott Charton tweets out this one: Clint Zweifel….


Who Won the Week?

HRCC and Casey Wheat – From one politico… “Casey Wheat deserves a lot of praise. Despite the many calls she likely received for her to change her plans or go off script, she stuck to her plan while patiently listening to everyone and explaining her rationale. Every time I talked to her she knew exactly where things stood, had a plan to address the issues, and was incredibly responsive…”

Kit Crancer – Keeps a low profile, but wins races for his overlords.

Palm Strategies – Consultants on both House and Senate campaign committee and now has clients as floor leaders of both chambers.

Sean Soendker Nicholson – Great plans that come to fruition are very rare. Now he has to protect the CLEAN Missouri victory for two years.

Dave Schatz and Elijah Haahr – Retained huge margins in their chambers and have a Republican governor who treats the legislative branch with respect, could be a very big two years legislatively.

2012 – The year shines brighter and brighter in Dems memories…

Get a downloadable version here.


eMailbag: Don’t Dog Galloway Win

People are trying to diminish this win, but she out performed Democrats by a huge margin, beat her opponent with the same percentage as Hawley beat Claire and won Counties that some Dems were getting 30% in....and she was an appointed Auditor who was running her first Statewide campaign. Hawley had at least run a previous Statewide campaign just two years previously.  The actual data shows that it was an impressive win… Claire won Jackson County by 2,000 votes...Galloway won it by 16,000 votes.


eMailbag: What KS Means for MO

To add some insight on Kansas electing a Democrat, Laura Kelly was supported by many top Republicans and campaigned as a moderate. Kelly characterized what happened as a wave of common sense rather than a blue wave. Kansas voters saw her challenger Chris Kobach as another Brownback (akin to Todd Akin) and they could not tolerate another round tax cuts and reduced spending (which Kobach promised), especially around education. What this means for Missouri is watch out. Even conservative voters value public education.


eMailbag: Voters No Taking Orders

Missouri’s GOP leadership holds little sway with its own voters.  GOP leaders supported RTW, yet about half of GOP voters opposed it; Prop D lost (even getting a lower percentage than Claire) despite all-out support by GOP leaders and no public opposition.


Help Wanted

Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals seeks Associate Director, State Government Affairs & Advocacy.  “The Associate Director, State Government Affairs & Advocacy, reporting to the Senior Director, Government Affairs & Advocacy, is responsible for identifying and promoting public policies and developing strong relationships with state and local elected officials and policymakers that foster a competitive environment for the company’s business activities. This position is responsible for ensuring that activities at the state and local level are well-coordinated within the company and meet all ethical rules and guidelines, including the high- standards maintained by the company. This position will help develop and then implement state-specific government affairs plans to advance business objectives and address identified threats and opportunities. It will be responsible for maintaining strong relationships with decision-makers and enhance corporate reputation in the region…”  See the ad here.


Lobbyist Registrations

DeeAnn Aull deleted Missouri National Education Association.

James Farrell deleted American Heart Association.


$5K+ Contributions

Raise Up Missouri - $100,000 from Sixteen Thirty Fund.

Raise Up Missouri - $12,448 from Missouri Organizing and Voter Engagement Action.

Citizens to Elect Gray - $7,000 from Friends of the St. Louis Zoo.


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MOScout Daily Update: Dems for 2020 Gov? - Schatz, Rowden, Walsh, Walker Win Leadership Races - Walker Quits Black Caucus and more...