Monday, August 14, 2017

Roberts in Senate 34

Harry Roberts, presiding commissioner of Buchanan County, has formed a campaign committee to run for Senate 34.  See his Facebook page here which doesn’t yet mention the state senate campaign.

Buchanan County covers the northern half of Senate 34 and Platte County is the southern half.  In the 2014 Senate 34 primary (Schaaf was uncontested) 5,430 votes came from Buchanan, and 7,199 came from Platte.

Roberts joins Tony Leutkemeyer and Rep. Nick Marshall in the potential Republican field to replace termed Sen. Rob Schaaf.  Luetkemeyer is a first-time candidate who is cousin to Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer and recorded a hefty $113,000 haul in his first fundraising report.

Former Rep. Sheila Solon is also rumored to be surveying the St. Joe landscape as she considers the field.


Dems Form New Ag 501c4

Former Democratic Lieutenant Governor Joe Maxwell and former Democratic State Senator Wes Shoemyer are among the leadership of a new 501c4 group, Family Farm Action.  Its mission is to “protect America’s family farms and rural communities from multinational agribusiness monopolies that are destroying local economies and traditional ways of life.”

See the website here.

From the website:  Family Farm Action will fill a significant void, as most existing agricultural political organizations traditionally represent Republican candidates and corporate agriculture. Industry-backed lobbyists and political groups have virtually unchallenged influence over agricultural policy and politics, even though their agenda is broadly unpopular… One Chinese corporation took control of over 100,000 acres of U.S. farmland through the Smithfield acquisition, and now controls one in four pigs in the United States. Five multinational corporations—soon to merge to just three—dominate the market for seeds and fertilizer. “Contract farming” pushes families deep into debt, often making them beholden to a single corporation for survival. Overall, over 1 million family farmers have being driven from the land.

Family Farm Action is calling for a new “Farmers Bill of Rights” to level the playing field and let family farmers compete. The platform calls for limitations on contract farming, new restrictions on foreign ownership of American farm land, and renewed anti-trust provisions to break agribusiness monopolies.


MOScout Weekly Poll: Senate 32 GOP Primary

I ran a bit late with the MOScout Weekly Poll this weekend, so here it is this morning.  See it here.

It’s the latest in my ongoing series of early looks at state senate races.  This one surveys Senate 32 where President Pro Tem Ron Richard will be termed out.

The two state representatives who are running to replace him are Reps. Charlie Davis and Bill White.

Other questions included the job approval rating of top Republicans (Governor Eric Greitens and Donald Trump).  In this heavily red district offer an estimate of their approval ceiling.  And Sen. Richard’s approval could be important if his endorsement is a factor in the race.

The poll details: Survey conducted August 11 through August 12, 2017. 501 likely 2018 Republican Primary Election voters participated in the survey. Survey weighted to match expected turnout demographics for the 2018 Republican Primary Election. Margins of Error within specific demographics (crosstabs) is significantly higher due to smaller sample size. Margin of Error is +/-4.3%. Totals do not always equal 100% due to rounding. Survey conducted by Remington Research Group on behalf of Missouri Scout.

Q1: Do you approve or disapprove of Donald Trump’s job performance as President of the United States?

Approve: 77%

Disapprove: 16%

Not sure: 7%

Q2: Do you approve or disapprove of Eric Greitens’ job performance as Governor of Missouri?

Approve: 68%

Disapprove: 18%

Not sure: 14%

Q3: Do you approve or disapprove of Ron Richard’s job performance as State Senator?

Approve: 50%

Disapprove: 19%

Not sure: 31%

Q4: Possible candidates in the 2018 Republican primary election for State Senate are Charlie Davis and Bill White. If the election were held today, for whom would you vote?

Charlie Davis: 33%

Bill White: 19%

Undecided: 48%


Hawley SuperPAC

Politico reported late last week that “Missouri Rising, the state-based spinoff of the Republican opposition research outfit America Rising, is launching a super PAC encouraging Attorney General Josh Hawley to run for Senate against Democratic incumbent Claire McCaskill. The super PAC, dubbed Missouri Rising Action, will back Hawley with television, digital and radio ads against McCaskill, who is considered one of the most vulnerable Democratic incumbents in the country. Hawley has formed an exploratory committee but has not officially entered the Senate race…”  See it here.

Why It Matters: The truth is that Reps. Paul Curtman and Marsha Haefner (and others) will be hard pressed to mount effective insurgent campaigns against Hawley.  They simply won’t have the money.  And this news drives the point home.  Hawley is able (while still in the exploratory phase) to marshal significant national resources.  He’s very clearly THE candidate for Republicans looking to oust McCaskill.


Proudie in House 73

Friends Of Raychel Proudie was formed.  Proudie is running in House 73 as a Democrat. See her Facebook here.

This is Courtney Curtis’ seat.  He’s not termed yet, but is considered to be a candidate to replace Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal in Senate 14.  Additionally his right-to-work vote has earned him critics in the Democratic Party, and his huge fine from the Missouri Ethics Commission hasn’t helped his standing either.  Proudie joins Lee Smith who also is running for this seat.



Funny MOScouter writes in about the new Boone County Clerk…  “Ladies' and perhaps a few guys' hearts are aflutter around the Boone County Government Center in Columbia about handsome newly appointed Republican Boone County Clerk Taylor Burks, who, one said, "looks damn good in those jeans. He carries it off better than Greitens!" (He's a Naval Reservist and married dad of three whose wife gave birth a few days after his recent swearing-in). Burks let Columbia Daily Tribune reporter Brittany Reuss shadow him on Tuesday as he ran his first election as successor to Democrat Wendy Noren, who ran the office for about 35 years before resigning in June for health reasons. His photos were being admired in county offices...


KC thinking about a downtown ballpark?  See the curious tweet here.

Help Wanted

The Housing Partnership, Inc. seeks Executive Director.  “In general, the Executive Director provides leadership for staff and executes the mission and vision of the organization. This is a full-time exempt position which can include occasional evening and weekend hours on the job. Executive Director coordinates all organizational activities and ensures that the organization meets all funder requirements as stipulated in funding agreements and contracts. Executive Director works to maintain and enhance programming for new and continued programs and projects and is directly responsible for the day-to-day operations of THP. The position requires a high level of professionalism and accountability to the clients served various business partners (public and private sector), program volunteers, grantors, donors, board members and staff…”

See the ad here.


Today’s Events

From Mary Scruggs’ indispensable calendar:

Reps. Phil Christofanelli, Nick Schroer, John Wiemann Reception – 164 Blue Water – St. Peters – 6PM.


Lobbyists Registrations

Sarah Schlemeier added Missouri Health Care Association, Missouri Residential Care Association DBA Missouri Assisted Living Association, Missouri Rising, Missouri Pharmacy Association, Washington University, Missouri College of Emergency Physicians, Missouri Dental Association, and Missouri Hotel and Lodging Association.

Spencer Tuma added Missouri Farm Bureau.

David Zevan added Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys.


$5K+ Contributions

Property Casualty Insurers Association of America Political Account - $52,397 from Property Casualty Insurers Association of America.

Citizens for Steve Stenger - $10,000 from MHS Trust DTD.

Stand Up Missouri - $19,000 from World Acceptance Corporation.



Happy birthdays to former Sen. John Loudon (the big 5-0), and Nancy Cross.


Tuesday August 15, 2017


Thursday, August 10, 2017