Thursday, June 22, 2017

Another Sign Hawley Is In for Senate

USA TODAY’s Deirdre Shesgreen reports on GOP mega-donor Sam Fox “urging his national political network to woo Josh Hawley into entering the U.S. Senate race —and advising his deep-pocketed contacts to keep their checkbooks closed until Hawley makes a decision about whether to run…”  See it here.

Smart folks are taking this to mean that Hawley is 100% in.  You don’t jerk the chain of someone like Fox if you’re just playing footsie.  Fox wouldn’t be using his capital with network if Hawley wasn’t really running in the end.

MOScouter: As Bill Clinton said, “when ya see a turtle sittin on a fencepost, it didn't get there by accident…”


Hawley announced yesterday he was suing three pharmaceutical companies for their role in the opioid epidemic.  The three hit: Johnson & Johnson, Purdue and Endo.


State Rebidding Security Contract

Despite the expectation that Governor Eric Greitens will be signing HB1194 which would overturn St. Louis City’s minimum wage law, the state is rebidding a security contract to comply with the high wage.

From the RFP: Due to recent minimum wage increase per the minimum wage law, ordinance 70078, in St. Louis City the State of Missouri is rebidding the Security Guard Services in the Greater St. Louis Region…. The contractor shall provide unarmed and armed security guard services in the Greater St. Louis Region (hereinafter referred to as security guard services) for any requesting state agency of the State of Missouri (hereinafter referred to as the state agency)…


Moore Exits AMEC

Richard Moore announced on Facebook that he was leaving Association of Missouri Electrical Cooperatives.  It was a job he took just months ago, so word of his leaving came as a surprise.

Sometimes you come to a crossroads in life where you realize you have to go down a different path than you're on in order to end up where you want to be in the long run. Today is one of those days for me, I have resigned my position with The Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives. Although AMEC is a great organization that represents its members well, we differ on some important policy issues which make it impossible to wholeheartedly serve as their advocate. I wish AMEC and its employees well as I look forward to my next chapter.


What Georgia Means?

One reader wonders if there’s a message in the Georgia special election of the possible congressional primary for Congresswoman Ann Wagner’s seat (when she runs for Senate apparently against Hawley).  “I noticed that one of the more effective attacks against Ossoff was that he didn't live in the Congressional district and couldn't even vote for himself. Wonder if that will give Bob Onder or Paul Curtman pause when looking at CD2?..”


Galloway Release Credits Audit

Auditor Nicole Galloway released an audit of the state’s tax credits.  See it here.  Among the findings: Total redemptions of tax credits have increased an average of 2.8 percent per year over the past decade, and have exceeded $500 million every year since 2009… As of June 30, 2016, the amount of tax credits authorized but unredeemed was approximately $3 billion… [C]oncerns also continue to exist regarding tax credits that are awarded non-competitively, programs that have no funding limits or unclear funding limits, and programs that do not have sunset provisions…


Rumors are circulating concerning the recommendations that the governor’s tax commission will be making at the end of the month.  It’s expected that the two big tax credits (historic and low income) will “get whacked.”  One observer thinks that could mean “cut in half.”

Also it’s thought that the commission will be ending exemptions on most sales taxes except food.  That will draw the ire of manufacturers and businessmen.

The big question is how the governor’s office will attempt to implement the recommendations.  Do you bundle the changes together with tax cut to make the whole package revenue neutral?  Or do you pass things piecemeal so that disparate opposition can’t coalesce and sink the whole measure?



Mark Hollander was named Executive Director for Vision St. Charles County Leadership.


MACFPD (in the large contributions today) stands for Missouri Association of Career Fire Protection Districts.  See their website here.


eMailbag on Chamber Mess

The Chamber drama seems to be more of a well-orchestrated PR coups than anything of substance.  If there is discrimination or wrongful work practices you file a lawsuit.  You don't write an anonymous letter.


Today’s Events

From Mary Scruggs’ indispensable calendar:

Rep. Judy Morgan Cookout – Morgan’s home – Kansas City – 5PM.

Reps. Jean Evans & David Gregory Reception – Bardgett’s home – Ballwin – 5:30PM.

House 104 candidate Adam Schnelting Reception – Pio’s – St. Charles – 6PM.


Lobbyists Registrations

Theresa Garza added Renovate America Inc.

Richard Martin deleted HNTB.


$5K+ Contributions

MACFPD Campaign Committee - $10,000 from Rubicon Corporation.



Happy birthday to for Rep. Margo McNeil and Ann Auer.


Friday, June 23, 2017


Wednesday, June 21, 2017