Thursday, September 14, 2017

Turk in Senate 8?

Republican Jacob Turk is moving to get on the ballot in the Senate 8 special election as an Independent.  Turk has some good name ID from his repeated congressional runs.  Could Turk draw enough GOP votes away from Republican nominee Mike Cierpiot to create an opening for the Democratic nominee Hillary Shields?  I don’t think so, but it does add that element of uncertainty to what seemed to be a certain win for Republicans.

Turk’s Email Blast

> From: Jacob Turk <>

> Date: September 12, 2017

> Subject: Lets Get Jacob Turk On The Ballot


> I'm working on getting citizen support to be a candidate on the Nov. 8th ballot to fill the seat vacated by Senator Will Kraus. I must gather the signatures of 629 registered voters who live within MO8 State Senate district. (A little background is included at the end of this email)…

> I am asking the citizens to choose me as their independent candidate on this ballot, which is accomplished by the petition process. While the Republican and Democrat nominees only needed a committee of 18 to put them on the ballot as their party's candidate, I need 629 voters to place me on the ballot as their independent candidate through the petition process and I have a very short window to get that done. I hope you will join me in getting their signature before time runs out….


Moves in the House: Dogan Gets Chairmanship

With Sandy Crawford leaving the House yesterday and being sworn into the Senate, the biggest changes were Rep. Lyndall Fraker ascending to become Chair of the Standing Committee on Financial Institutions.   Crawford was formerly that chair.  Rep. Dan Shaul became vice-chair.  And Fraker leaving his post as chair of Local Governments opened that slot for Rep. Shamed Dogan to take over as the new chair of that committee.

Other Moves

Newcomer Rep. Sara Walsh was appointed to the Standing Committee on Budget, the Standing Committee on Pensions, and the Special Committee on Employment Security.

Rep. Ingrid Burnett was appointed to Budget.

Reps. Tracy McCreery and Peter Merideth were appointed to the Subcommittee on Quality Care for the Developmentally Disabled.

Speaker-elect Elijah Haahr was appointed to the Standing Committee on Administration and Accounts.

Rep. Jay Barnes was removed from the Standing Committee on Children and Families and Rep. Elaine Gannon was appointed to take his place.

Rep. Justin Alferman was removed from the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan Board of

Trustees and Rep. David Wood was appointed to take his place.

Rep. Mike Bernskoetter was removed from the Missouri State Employee Retirement System Board of Trustees and Rep. Alferman was appointed to take his place.

Rep. Shamed Dogan was removed from the Committee on Rules – Legislative Oversight and Rep. Dan Houx was appointed to take his place.


MCN Censure

The Senate censured Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal.  From the resolution: Be It Further Resolved that the members of the Missouri Senate urge Senator Chappelle-Nadal to resign or, upon failure to do so, she may be subject to potential expulsion at a future session of the Missouri Senate.

Only two senators dissents: Democratic Sens. Kiki Curls and Jamilah Nasheed.


The House invoked no punishment on Rep. Warren Love.


Another Special Coming?

The debate on the House floor indicated that if/when the House and Senate can agree on funding mechanism to reverse the seniors and disabled service cuts, they may try for one more special session.  They’re tentatively eying next month.

Here’s the official press release:  Senate Leader Ron Richard and House Speaker Todd Richardson announced today that their two chambers will work together to develop a funding solution that will preserve in-home and nursing care for more than 8,000 disabled Missourians. Also to be considered is restoring provider rate cuts including cuts to private duty nurses who administer in-home neonatal care. Richard and Richardson have asked Sen. Mike Cunningham and House Budget Chair Scott Fitzpatrick to work together, and to work with their colleagues from both parties, to formulate a fiscally responsible plan that will ensure services are maintained for some of the state’s most vulnerable citizens… Richard and Richardson said they are asking Cunningham and Fitzpatrick to develop a proposal over the course of the next three weeks. They said once they have an acceptable plan, they will discuss available options to put the proposal into effect.


Auditor Talk

In the rotunda yesterday some folks think that the governor’s political non-profit is going to take an interest in the Republican auditor’s primary. Because of campaign finance law changes, third parties – like the governor’s non-profit – are expected to take an increasingly large role.

If one of the candidates does get the governor’s support they’ll pay a price for all that money: their opponents will say that they’re too cozy to the governor to be an independent watchdog.


Schmitt: Pension Crisis Here

Treasurer Eric Schmitt said yesterday that the state’s pension crisis is “at our doorstep” See it here.

Pull Quote: Schmitt also presented the findings of his office’s own analysis, which shows MOSERS pays some of the highest investment fees in the country while its investment returns fall short of expectations…According to the analysis, MOSERS, with $8.87 billion in actuarial assets, paid $77.8 million in investment fees last fiscal year. The fund earned a 3.45 percent return, far below the 7.65 percent goal laid out, according to the MOSERS report.


Judge Bits

Governor Eric Greitens has appointed Bradley D. Jarrell, of Dexter, as Associate Circuit Court Judge for the 35th Judicial Circuit, which covers Stoddard County.  Brad Jarrell will replace the Honorable Stephen Mitchell, who retired earlier this month.


Here are the applicants for the circuit court judge created by the retirement of Judge Philip D. Heagney: Deborah M. Bird, Timothy J. Boyer, Michael A. Brockland, David A. Bruns, Steven J. Capizzi, Mary Pat Carl, Suzette Carlisle, Francisco J. Carretero, Nicole Colbert-Botchway, Michael J. Colona, Madeline O. Connolly, Matthew J. Devoti, Katherine M. Fowler, Micah D. Hall, Bridget L. Halquist, Heather J. Hays, Craig K. Higgins, Heather Highland, Jessica W. Kennedy, Annette Llewellyn, Jennifer Matthew, Susan W. McGraugh, Matthew C. Melton, Patrick L. Mickey, Patrick J. Monahan, Deborah L. Price, Calea Stovall-Reid, Larry D. Thomason, Jr., Michael L. Walton, Lisl E. Williams, Clinton R. Wright


New Committees

Herman Morse formed a candidate committee (Southeast Missourians For Morse) to run for House 151 as a Republican.  This is the district where Tila Hubrecht resigned.

Michela Skelton formed a candidate committee (Friends Of Michela Skelton) to run for House 50 (old Caleb Jones seat) as a Democrat.  This sets up the re-match she promised when she lost to Sarah Walsh in a special election as few months ago.


Lobbyists Registrations

Justin Arnold added Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Erik Henry-Smetana deleted Curators of the University of Missouri.



Happy birthdays to Gene McNary, Don Hinkle, and Jon Dalton.


Friday, September 15, 2017


Wednesday, September 13, 2017