Wednesday, July 1, 2015

LG Race: Randles Makes It Official

Not that there was any doubt considering that she started her “exploratory” committee with a million dollar contribution from Rex Sinquefield, but Bev Randles made it official that she is running for the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor.  See her announcement video here.  It’s a bio piece introducing her story.  (See her website here.)

But the press release that hit in-boxes also included her first campaign promise: “a self-imposed maximum of two terms as lieutenant governor.”

"I believe, as many of the founders fathers including Franklin, Madison, Adams and Jefferson did, that service in elective offices should be limited," said Randles. "It's important for political parties, as well as elective offices at all levels, to periodically be infused with new people and fresh ideas, and if Missouri's voters elect me as their next lieutenant governor, I pledge to serve no more than two terms in that office."

If Peter Kinder runs for re-election this cycle, he would be running for his fourth term as LG…


LG Race: Kinder For LG or G?

There’s a case to be made for Kinder to take the leap up from lieutenant governor to governor.  The biggest assets he brings to any campaign is his huge name ID across the state, and well-defined record as a conservative.

That strength could have a greater impact in a five-way (with Greitens, Hanaway, Parson and Brunner) gubernatorial race.  Others attempts to define themselves with the voters will be hindered by the flood of commercials.  And the winner could conceivably take the primary with 30% of the vote.

And of course, the other reason to run for governor is that you can actually do something in that office.  Maybe Kinder is tired of traveling to local Pachyderm meetings and guesting on radio talk shows.


LG Race: Should Kraus Rethink SOS?

Speaking of name ID, some observers think that Sen. Will Kraus should be thinking of skipping over to the LG race – especially if Kinder leaping into the guvvy race.  Kraus faces John “Jay” Ashcroft who’s name ID is so powerful his only chance rests on his ability to raise big bucks to get his own name and message out across the state.  So far Kraus has not shown fundraising muscle, so maybe he should reconsider whether it’s the right race for him.


LG Race: Pierson Follow-Up

The mighty Jason Rosenbaum reports on Rep. Tommie Pierson’s announcement that he’s running on the Democratic side for lieutenant governor.  See it here.

Pull Quote: Pierson isn’t the only Democratic candidate in the race for lieutenant governor. Springfield attorney and doctor Brad Bradshaw entered the contest earlier this year and has taken in more than $400,000 of donations of $5,000 or more. Some of that tally was the result of Bradshaw’s self-funding. But Pierson said he isn’t intimidated by Bradshaw’s war chest. “I think I’d stack up very well against him,” Pierson said. “I won’t match him in money. But I will match up with him with boots on the grounds and running a real strong campaign. I think I can put an army out there across this state that will nullify all of his money.”


UMKC on Chelsea Speech

After yesterday’s Washington Post story about Chelsea Clinton’s high-priced speech, UMKC’s Chancellor, Leo Morton, issued a statement: Chelsea Clinton came to UMKC in Feb. 2014 to speak at the kickoff of the Starr Women’s Hall of Fame, which was founded to advance and support the empowerment of women. The hall of fame, comprised of 24 community organizations including UMKC, selected Ms. Clinton for her track record of supporting and advocating for women and for her ability to inspire new generations of young women.  Ms. Clinton’s fee was paid entirely from private donations. No taxpayer funds – not state education funding, not student tuition and fees – were used to support the speech. With regard to university-sponsored events, UMKC routinely invites speakers from a variety of backgrounds to come to campus to share their thoughts and experiences with our students and our community. It is common practice to pay speaking fees and travel expenses using private donations. Our invited speakers for university-sponsored events range across the political spectrum. In the past year alone, UMKC-affiliated events have featured speakers ranging from former Sen. John Danforth and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach to U.S. Rep Emanuel Cleaver.


Nixon Signs Local Government Bills

Governor Jay Nixon signed six local government bills yesterday.  See the list here.


Lobbyists Registrations

Nikki Broadfoot deleted Glaxosmithkline.

Thomas Liu and James Calpin deleted Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Inc.

Don Soph and Chris Liese deleted Centene.

Chris Liese deleted Home State Health Care.

Craig Fowler deleted Bank of America N.A.


$5K+ Contributions

Friends of Curtis Trent - $15,000 from Curtis Trent.

Koster for Missouri - $25,000 from Kenneth McClain.

Koster for Missouri - $25,000 from Missouri Drive Fund.

Friends of Peter Kinder - $10,000 from Cape Radiology Group.

Greitens for Missouri - $10,000 from Professional Athletic Orthopedics.

Greitens for Missouri - $10,000 from Creative Consumer Concepts.

Greitens for Missouri - $5,001 from Jeff and Karen Gibson.

Grietens for Missouri - $100,000 from James Parsons.

Greitens for Missouri - $10,000 from Fred Webber Inc.

New Approach Missouri - $26,000 from MQH LLC.


Notes on Money

Curtis Trent is running in House 133 where Rep. Eric Burlison is termed.

Eric Greitens’ latest $100K check (from James Parsons) is another hedge funder.

These latest checks bring Grietens’ large contributions for the quarter to $675K.

New Approach Missouri is the campaign committee for a marijuana reformation campaign.



Happy birthday to Rep. Charlie Norr (71), former Sen. Maida Coleman (61), and former Reps. John Bowman (59) and Connie Johnson (46).


Thursday July 2, 2015


Tuesday, June 30, 2015