Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Sifton to Get Company?

The heels of Sen. Scott Sifton’s announcement that he will seek the attorney general job in 2016, comes word that he’s not the only Democrat eyeing that position.  In fact St. Louis County Assessor Jake Zimmerman is also talking to donors about it, and considering a run.  One politico thinks that Zimmerman’s interest might have accelerated Sifton’s timeline as he looks to nail down donors and endorsements ahead of Zimmerman.  However this same observer remarked that there’s less enthusiasm for the early ask.  Some donors are feeling more cautious after Steve Tilley, and now Tim Jones, have demonstrated that sometimes folks change their mind.  There’s no clawback provision with political contributions.

There are no ideological difference – to my eye anyway – between a Sifton AG and a Zimmerman AG.  And in terms of candidate strength both have impressed observers with their smarts and strong work ethic.

Still there are two factors which could boast Zimmerman.  First, he appears more popular with the St. Louis American and the African American establishment.  He stuck with Charlie Dooley and courted the splinter group’s endorsement.  Second, his current real estate is less valuable to Dems.  The Assessor position is not in jeopardy.  Democrats can win that seat easily in the future if Zimmerman moves up.  But Sifton would leave behind a senate seat over which Democrats’ hold is tenuous.


Dems fear a return of former Sen. Jim Lembke.  He attends public meetings; there’s no evidence that his consulting or lobbying careers have taken off.  He could make another run for Senate in 2016, and in that tight district with his name ID, it might just depend on the environment and whether Dems have a good candidate…

However one Republican thinks their best candidate is Rep. Marsha Haefner, with her mild-manner persona to appeal to women and crossover voters, but her conservative voting record to rally the base.



Former Sen. Brian Nieves gave an update on his upcoming book on Facebook…

Will YOU Chase a Dream in 2015? Will YOU decide to stop playing small? My answer is YES!

Working closely with my publisher and striving to have my book done soon! After careful consideration and many long talks with my publisher, I think we've decided to tone the book down just a Tiny Bit for this first one and maybe go a little harder hitting on the second book! Anyway, I think we're even going to re-do the title and go with...


Subtitle: 12 Simple Changes To Boost Your Income, Relationships, Career, or Business.

2nd Subtitle: The New Success Guidebook

The book is geared toward being a part of the Management Consulting I already do but will benefit ANY Reader! This book will help you boost your Income, Build Better Relationships, Advance your Career, and Multiply your Business!

My company, Nieves Enterprises Int., has a proven track record of engineering Business Turn Arounds for small to mid sized companies. During my tenure as a State Senator I've worked with small to mid sized businesses that fit certain specific criteria and the results have been undeniably amazing! I don't take on every business or project that would like to hire my company BUT the ones we do take on consistently see true, measurable, increase in the productivity and profitability of their company! The principles and strategies I've used to orchestrate REAL business turn arounds can be used to get better results in ANY area of life!


Follow-Up on Hawley

One source says that the Josh Hawley for AG rumor is true.  As proof, he point to an event Hawley’s parents are hosting for him in Springfield on November 21… “Doesn’t say what for, but I assume it’s not just to wish him a happy Thanksgiving.”

But another Republican poo-poos the idea that Hawley is any sort of threat to Schaefer… “Ivy League credentials and eloquence without real-world experience sounds like a candidate for liberals, not Republican primary voters… Hawley can talk, in theory, about standing up for conservative values. Schaefer has an actual record of it. Hawley can talk, in theory, about the practice of law. Schaefer's been a real lawyer, with real clients, for 20 years. Who would Republican primary voters want representing them in court? A real lawyer and a conservative who's been tested under fire - or an academic who's never set foot inside a Missouri courtroom?”


Does Hawley have the stomach for retail politics? We’ll see….


Why Black to GOP is Good for Labor

One observer considers why Rep. Linda Black switching to the Republican caucus might be a good thing for labor (and thus Minority Leader Jake Hummel)… Because she’s not changing her position on labor issue, she might be more effective inside the Republican causus. “The more pro-labor reps in the GOP caucus, the easier it is to stop or water down anti-labor bills.  If she were the tipping point for control or for veto-proof, it might be different. But not with these numbers.”


Follow-Up on Blaming Martin

The schtick of blaming Ed Martin – whether for fundraising woes, or for the near-miss in the St. Louis County Executive – appears to have gone stale.  The new thing is figuring who will replace him.

Eli Yokley reports that political consultant John Hancock wants the job.  See it here.  Another name mentioned by multiple Republicans is Eddy Justice.  And yesterday I had a Republican comment that putting Peter Kinder in the Party either as Chair or Executive Director would make sense.  We’ll see…



Worst Missouri commercial of the cycle? Sharon Carpenter’s which twice misspells the word efficient in making the (successful) pitch to reinstate her as Recorder of Deeds. See it here.


Mayor Francis Slay tweeted out: “I believe Scott Sifton would make an excellent MO Attorney General. #fgs”  Is that an endorsement or just a some early feedback on the field?


Ad Age has an article about bringing negative campaigning into the consumer products arena… See it here.


Help Wanted

Senate seeks Legislative Analyst.  “The successful applicant will draft legislation, staff committees of the Senate, prepare legal opinions, analyze legislative proposals, and develop policy alternatives. Position requires excellent writing and oral communication skills. Experience in legal or legislative field important. Health law background preferred, but not required. Law degree or advanced degree in Public Administration, Political Science or a related field required. Salary begins at $47,000, commensurate with experience.”  See ad here.


The Nature Conservancy in Missouri seeks Missouri State Director.  “The State Director oversees fundraising, marketing and operations for the state, including approving budgets and setting priorities which dictate private and public fundraising goals. He/she supports philanthropy, resources and external affairs staff in the cultivation and direct solicitation of donors (private, bilateral and multilateral government) to meet fundraising goals.”  See the ad here.


Missouri Department of Social Services seeks Hearing Officer – Benefits.   “The Department of Social Services, Division of Legal Services, has a hearing officer/attorney position available immediately in our Administrative Hearing Unit located in Jefferson City, Missouri. The position requires a licensed Missouri attorney who will conduct hearings involving Benefits. Starting salary is $38,040 annually.”  See the ad here.


$5K+ Contributions

Midwest Region Laborers’ Political League - $6,517 from Laborers Supplemental Dues Fund.

Committee to Elect David Gregory - $5,001 from David Gregory.


Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Rep. Dwight Scharhorst (67), and former Reps. Tom Shively (68) and Terry Young (57).


Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Monday, November 10, 2014