Friday, November 15, 2013

Friday bits... in no order…

Ready Fire Aim

Last week Grow Missouri, the coalition that worked to try to override Nixon’s HB 253 veto, said it had filed two initiative petitions, and has more in the works.  Read the Kansas City Star story here.

“One plan would impose a $200 million annual cap on tax credits; the other would ban all new tax credits upon voter approval of the amendment on the November 2014 ballot. If the state nonetheless exceeds the tax credit caps, the proposals would trigger an automatic reduction in the state's income tax rate.”

The move caught members of the coalition off guard.  One source said they might or might not be on board with these ideas, but they felt blind-sided by the lack of a heads-up.

McCaskill Fundy for House Dems

U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill continues to make good on her pledge to help out on state legislative races this cycle.  She’ll be headlining tonight’s MO Dem House fundy.

“Please join us for a fundraiser in support of the MO Democratic Party with Sen. Claire McCaskill, Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, II, Governor Jay Nixon, Attorney General Chris Koster, State Treasurer Clint Zweifel, and Secretary of State Jason Kander in Kansas City at The Brewhouse Bar at Boulevard Brewing Co… Checks payable to Missouri Victory Fund.”

St. Louis American: Hummel Douses “Burning” Webb With Gas

The St. Louis American’s Political Eye column this week makes Rep. Steve Webb, accused of stealing political contributions for personal use, the victim.  The real bad guy is Minority Leader Jake Hummel for trying to distance Democrats from corruption.  Read it here.

What was Hummel trying to protect? The Democrats’ House majority? The Democrats are a woeful minority. Or maybe the Democrat seat in Webb’s North County district? There is no way a Missouri Republican could take that seat away.


Why was Hummel pouring gasoline on the fire?


Hummel told the press, “Misappropriation of political donations for personal use cannot be tolerated, and, if guilty of the charges against him, Representative Webb will have to answer for his alleged actions.”


With a “leader” like Hummel, who needs enemies?


Also, who told the Missouri Ethics Commission to look at Webb’s handling of money? Webb’s attorney is seeking that information now.

Steinkamp for House 112

Legislative assistant/political consultant Ryan Burke sent out a press release yesterday heralding a Democratic candidate in House 112.  The candidate is Larry Steinkamp The current incumbent Republican Rep. Paul Wieland is running for Senate 22.  This is in the Jefferson County battleground.

“Steinkamp, a life-long Jefferson County resident, recently retired as a Deputy Chief from the Antonia Fire District after serving 36 years for the Department which covers much of the House District. For decades, Steinkamp served as the fire district's public relations officer and fire safety officer making him a fixture in the community… He served 12 years on the Board of Directors of the Rock Ambulance District in central Jefferson County, much of that time as the elected board's chairman... Steinkamp announced today the endorsements of Jefferson County State Senator Ryan McKenna and State Representative Jeff Roorda, the presumptive Democratic nominee to fill McKenna's Senate seat when McKenna vacates the office due to term-limits in 2014…

“When asked about the potential for a Democratic primary in the seat, Roorda observed, ‘Bob Butler is a great guy and most of all, he's very smart. I've been talking to him extensively and I'm hopeful that he'll see that dropping-out and supporting Larry is the best thing he can do for this community. Bob's only downfall as a candidate is that he's an unknown commodity in the district. For Larry, the exact opposite is true. He can't walk into a store or a school or a barber shop without being swarmed by people who know and like him. He's not a politician; he's a local celebrity.’”

Transportation Tax IP Approved for Circulation

Secretary of State Jason Kander announced that transportation tax petition initiative had been approved for circulation.  Here’s the official ballot language:


Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to:


*         increase funding for state, county, and municipal street, road, bridge, highway, and public transportation initiatives by increasing state sales/use tax by 1%;


*         prohibit a change in gasoline taxes and prohibit toll roads or bridges; and


*         require these measures to be re-approved by voters every 10 years?


Annual increased revenue is estimated to start at $651 million for the state and $72 million for local governments. Expenditure of this revenue is restricted to the purposes outlined in the proposal.


Nixon Edges Toward Marriage Equality

Governor Jay Nixon issued an executive order yesterday ordering the Department of Revenue to accept jointly filed tax returns from same sex couples that have been married in other states.

From the statement:  “The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service ruled in August that legally married same-sex couples would be treated as married for federal tax purposes, regardless of where the couple lives. The Treasury's ruling implemented federal tax aspects of the June 26th Supreme Court decision invalidating a provision of the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act.

“Missouri tax law states that couples filing a ‘joint federal income tax return shall file a combined return,’ and that any terms used in Missouri tax law shall have the same meaning ‘as when used in a comparable context in the laws of the United States relating to federal income taxes.’

“The Governor said his executive order applies only to the specific issue of tax filing status and does not in any way authorize or sanction same-sex marriage in Missouri, which the state's constitution does not recognize…”

Jones Does Not Edge Toward Marriage Equality

Speaker Tim Jones stuck with the dwindling right-wing on this issue. His statement: “Once again, Governor Nixon is trying to play to all sides of every issue, indulging his liberal ideals while hedging his bets by saying the courts have forced his hand.  The Governor’s job is to defend our state’s constitution – including the constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman, that was passed overwhelmingly in this state - not to surrender to the whims of the Obama administration…”

Zimmerman on the Move

St. Louis County Assessor Jake Zimmerman is having a monster fundraiser next week – November 21.  The invite has one of those pages-long host committees (450+ names).  Interestingly, one of the host names is Chip Wood who was Zimmerman’s Republican opponent in the April, 2011 special election for assessor.

Look for a $100K quarter with few if any $5K+ contributions.

Wheeler on the Move

Long-time Kansas City politician Charlie Wheeler is having a moving sale.  See Steve Kraske’s article here.

Media Watch: Moon Having her Larry Connors Moment?

Melanie Moon, a St. Louis TV personality, is under fire for getting cozy with Ryan FergusonSee an interesting retelling of it here.

As someone who’s not above having a few beers with sources/subscribers/subjects/all-of-the-above-at-once, I’m not as outraged by the hugging as I am by her inability to read the court’s ruling and accurately report it.

McEagle Presentation Offer

From: Yolanda Murphy

Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 11:54 AM

To: _Republican Representatives; _Democrat Representatives

Subject: McEagle Properties Presentation


Rep. Gatschenberger has been contacted by Paul McKee asking that you attend an overview presentation of his company’s NorthSide Regeneration Project.  The presentation will be held on Tuesday, December 17, at 1:30 p.m… Space is limited to the first 12 people to respond…

What Does This Mean?

Does this mean that Rep. Chuck Gatschenberger has the inside track garnering McKee’s support in the Senate 2 bid?

ObamaCare Getting Lift as 2014 Issue

President Barack Obama retreats on another ACA provision.  See the NYTimes article here.

Pull Quote:  “Barack Obama won the presidency by exploiting a political environment that devoured George W. Bush in a second term plagued by sinking credibility, failed legislative battles, fractured world relations and revolts inside his own party.  President Obama is now threatened by a similar toxic mix. The disastrous rollout of his health care law not only threatens the rest of his agenda but also raises questions about his competence in the same way that the Bush administration’s botched response to Hurricane Katrina undermined any semblance of Republican efficiency.”

What It Means

Republicans will likely be running against Obama’s healthcare plan for yet another election cycle.

eMailbag: One-Liners

On Nicastro Playing on iPad

“Both are right. Ty’s tired ass powerpoint and Nicastro’s self preoccupation.  Both should go! Soon!”

On PSC Appointments

“Very odd how this administration lets plum appointments sit for so long.”

Lobbyist Registrations

From the Pelopidas website:

Patricia R. Jensen and James C. Bowers, Jr. added L.I. Trust , Lake June Trust.

James C. Bowers, Jr. added Gary Marvine.

Mark Bryant added Hughes Development Company.

Aaron G. March added Quality Redevelopment Corporation.

Michael T. White added The Spanos Corporation.

Notes on Lobbyist Registration:  These names pop up from time to time on the registration.  They’re members of White Goss Bowers March Schulte & Weisenfels.  Explains one observer: “They are a small firm in KC that specializes in commercial real estate development. They deal heavily in projects that receive TIFs, TDDs, and other local development incentives – which they have to advocate for and negotiate with the city. The ethics laws were changed a few years ago to require anyone who advocates locally to register. They are one of the few shops in the state abiding by the law.”


A Better Missouri With Governor Jay Nixon - $20,000 from Noranda Aluminum.

Citizens for Steve Stenger - $5,001 from Eastern Missouri Laborers’ Educational and Benevolent Fund.


Happy birthday to Dem activist Rea Kleeman (79).

Saturday: Rep. Jeff Grisamore (52), and Penny Rector (48).


Monday, November 18, 2013


Thursday, November 14, 2013