Thursday, January 16, 2014

January Quarters - Statewide

Governor Jay Nixon raised $74,403, spent $128,272, and has $434,160 on-hand. His biggest expense line item was $49,220 to University of Missouri for “rental and tickets.”   The next biggest one was a $30,000 poll by the DC firm of Bennett, Petts & Normington….

Lieutenant Governor Peter Kinder raised $65,778, (but spent $60,238), and has $58,054 on-hand.

Attorney General Chris Koster raised $605,994, gave $100K to the Dems, and has $1.6 million on-hand.

Secretary of State Jason Kander raised $49,004, and has $216,410 on-hand.

Among the potential Republican AG candidates…

Sen. Eric Schmitt raised $108,550, and has $855,014 on-hand.  Sen. Kurt Schaefer raised $130,020, and has $760,037 on-hand.  And Speaker Tim Jones raised $255,147, and has $908,219 on-hand.  Jones raised the most, but also has the highest “burn rate” spending over $80K.

January Quarters - Senate

Senate 2

Rep. Chuck Gatschenberger raised $40,575, and has $67,447 on-hand. Former Rep. Bob Onder raised $19,260 and has $100,034 on-hand. And former Rep. Vicki Schneider raised $33,095, and has $47,927 on-hand.


Senate 10

Rep. Jeanie Riddle raised $66,680 and has $203,150 on-hand.  We already saw Rep. Ed Schieffer’s embarrassing quarter (Raised $8K, spent $8K…).

Senate 12

Rep. Casey Guernsey raised $10,800, and has $109,882 on-hand.  And Rep. TJ Berry raised $6,145, and has $33,911 on-hand.  It’s said that Berry has decided against challenging Guernsey. 

Senate 14

Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal raised $59,287, and has $208,246 on-hand.

Senate 24

Rep. Jill Schupp raised $103,154, and has $261,202 on-hand.  Still waiting to have an announced Republican candidate here.

Senate 34

Sen. Rob Schaaf raised $38,089, and has $90,159 on-hand.  This is a swing district if Dems can find a candidate…

January Quarters – House

Floor Leader John Diehl raised $191,675, and has $412,595 on-hand.

Assistant Floor Leader Mike Cierpoit raised $17,875, and has $47,107 on-hand.

Caucus Chair Shelley Keeney raised $14,706, and has $14,704 on-hand.

Todd Richardson raised $46,750, and has $70,012 on-hand

Caleb Jones raised $34,900 and has $67,478 on-hand.

Minority Leader Jake Hummel raised $30,365, and has $30,596 on-hand.

January Quarters - Others of Interest

Jackson County Executive Mike Sanders raised $40,703 and has $412,201 on-hand.

St. Louis County Executive Charlie Dooley raised $109,060, and has $458,154 on-hand. His challenger, Councilman Steve Stenger raised $227,083, and has $638,158.  Dooley released a statement hemming-and-hawing about how the two were close if you took Stenger’s self-contributions out etc.  It’s bad news when the incumbent is the one spinning fundraising numbers.

Jo Mannies reported that Congresswoman Ann Wagner ended her quarter with a million in the bank.  See it here.

Don’t Criticize It?

“Secretary of State Jason Kander today announced that 13 initiative petitions relating to the production, sale, distribution, and consumption of marijuana and hemp products met state standards for circulation.” 

And here’s an unscientific but totally rad poll from

Follow the Bill

Sen. John Lamping’s anti-Obamacare bill – SB 546 – was referred to Sen. Scott Rupp’s Small Business Committee.

Danner Dinged in CDT Story

CDT’s Rudi Keller has a long, detailed report this morning from Missouri National Guard whistleblower Michael Fayette with allegations of mistreatment of minorities in the service.   Adjutant General Steve Danner takes a lot of the hits.  Read it here.

One source writes, “Keller’s story matters because Danner was laying groundwork to run for lieutenant governor…”

Pull Quote: “The Guard has a history of trying to eliminate people before it goes to a big public mess,” Fayette said. “Nixon has a history of eliminating people before it goes to a big public mess. … Why he doesn’t afford the same kind of leadership methodology to Danner makes me question this whole ‘I’m the commander in chief thing.’ ”



eMailbag: Replacing Swearingen

“A lot of folks are hoping Jake Zimmerman will step up now that Swearingen is out. His performance in St. Louis County has been outstanding and those who remember him in the House recall he is one the sharpest economic minds to sit in that chamber for years.”

Rupp Appointment Narrows Supermajority in Senate

One observer sees the possible Scott Rupp appointment to the Public Service Commission as a pretty significant play by Governor Jay Nixon.   It will leave Senate Republicans temporarily (read: over veto session) with a 23-9 majority – still enough to override the governor, but with no margin for error.

First the unfilled vacancies in the House, now is the governor opening a second front on the war on veto overrides?

Latest Lewis & Clark Franchise Opens?

A committee by the name of “Lewis & Clark - Northern Missouri Forum” was formed.  It appears to be the latest replica of the Lewis & Clark Regional Forum which was started in St. Charles as a vehicle for businessmen to organize themselves and advance their political agenda.  David Barklage is their consultant.

Earlier this year Lewis & Clark Ozark Mountain Forum was organized in southwest Missouri.  And now the third such group is forming…


Alex Eaton, staffer to Sen. Mike Parson, will start lobbying.  He’s joining Danny Pfeifer’s Catalyst Group.

Dennis Broadbooks started a campaign committee yesterday to run for House 110 as a Republican. That’s Speaker Tim Jones’ district.  Broadbrooks is a notary public.  See his business website here.

Rep. Randy Dunn was appointed to the Rules Committee by House Minority Floor Leader Jacob Hummel.


$5K+ Contributions

Missourians for Koster - $10,000 from Thompson Coburn LLP.

Lobbyist Registrations

From the Pelopidas website:

Shanon M Hawk added CCRC OF Gladstone LLC.

Michael G Winter added Missouri Self Storage Owners Association.

David Michael Jackson added Missouri Council for a Better Economy DBA Better Together.

Cassie Grewing added Lilly USA.


Happy birthdays to Rep. Don Gosen (51), and former Rep. Mary Still (60).


Friday, January 17, 2014


Wednesday, January 15, 2014