Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Special Session?

From: Jake Hummel

Sent: Monday, November 25, 2013 9:29 AM

To: _Democrat LAs & Staff; _Democrat Representatives

Subject: Possible Special Session




Given that most you know doubt have plans around the holidays, I wanted to inform you of the possibility that the governor might call a special session sometime in December for the purpose of enacting a package of incentives for Boeing to build its new 777X airliner in St. Louis. I want to stress that this is only a possibility and as to how likely it is it will happen, I can only guess.


As you may have read, the governor met with Boeing officials on Thursday. The company apparently intends to make a decision about where to build the 777X in early January. As a result, if Missouri is going to offer any incentives that would require action by the General Assembly, next year's regular legislative session would come to late.


I am not privy to any details regarding when a special session would begin, how long it would be expected to last or the particulars of any legislation that might be proposed. I just wanted to let you know that there is a chance the legislature might be back in session a little earlier than we all expected.


Jake Hummel

The Nixon Talk

Governor Jay Nixon has been historically skittish of calling a special session without a clear agreement in hand.   He abhors the prospect of sitting on the sideline after calling an expensive special session and watching the legislature dither.  Therefore they’ll try to get the deal done before a session is even called.  Republican leadership has already indicated that they’re interested in putting a package together for Boeing, but the devil is always in the details.

The Boeing Talk

It’s said that St. Louis has never been talked about internally for 777x, but that you might see some IT jobs coming.  “Boeing is recognizing St. Louis as a  low cost structure and that’s part of their new strategy.  Seattle is too expensive.  IT jobs are non-union.”

MASW Cries Foul Over Transport Tax Language

The Missouri Association for Social Welfare (MASW) sued yesterday, saying that the summary ballot language for the proposed transportation tax was prejudicial.

Their Grievances:

“The summary blurs the distinction between two separate types of taxes, the sales tax and the use tax.

“The summary statement states that the proposed constitutional amendment prohibits toll roads and bridges.  Yet the actual language of the proposed amendment states that “the state highways and transportation commission shall not authorize, own or operate a toll highway or toll bridge on a state highway or bridge that is in existence on January 1, 2014, while the sales and use tax authorized by this section is in effect…”  Section 30(e).4(2).  Thus, the proposed amendment actually may authorize toll roads and bridges so long as they are constructed after January 1, 2014. 

“The summary statement states that the sales/use tax would be increased by 1 percent.  In fact, the amendment would increase both the sales tax and the use tax by 1 percentage point.  Currently the state sales tax rate is 4.225. Thus, the amendment would increase the sales tax rate to 5.225 which is actually a 23.67 percent increase, not a 1 percent increase as stated in the summary statement.”

Andrews in House 1

Allen Andrews started a campaign committee to run as a Republican in House 1.  The current incumbent Rep. Mike Thomson, is termed.  The district is overwhelmingly Republican.

Andrews’ family is big in the sheep industry.  They run the Wool Shop.  See the website here.


Bob Smith, a Democrat, started a campaign committee to run in House 120.  That’s where Jason Smith vacated to become congressman.  It is also a strong Republican seat.  Republicans have been asking Governor Jay Nixon to call a special election to fill the seat.  Nixon seems content to keep the Republican supermajority at minus one instead.


Nicastro Bits

Rep. Jay Barnes, vice-chair of the Education Committee, offers a defense of DESE Commissioner Chris Nicastro’s helping hand to the reformers’ petition language.  See it here.

And Rep. Genise Monticello and Sen. Paul LeVota team up and put out a joint statement this morning calling on Nicastro to resign.  “During her tenure as state education commissioner, Dr. Chris Nicastro has demonstrated a troubling tendency to abuse power… We believe the faith that Missourians once had in DESE has been shattered. As a result, Dr. Nicastro’s resignation as education commissioner is necessary to restore public confidence that DESE is working on behalf of the children our state.”

Other Bits

Yesterday Governor Jay Nixon proposed to increase Bright Flight scholarships in return for Missouri residency of graduates.  Here’s the heart of his proposal: “The Governor said that with an additional $15 million in his balanced budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2015, Bright Flight Boost would offer Bright Flight scholars the option of receiving an additional $5,000 per year on the condition that they pursue employment in Missouri after they graduate.”

Washington Post names Tom Carnahan, brother to former congressman Russ Carnahan, as a leading contender for Ambassador to Ireland.  Read it here.

eMailbag: on Tilley Hearts Dooley

“The Beacon story led with Steve Tilley as a former Republican Speaker. That's bullshit.  He’s a lobbyist now - where capitalism prevails. The smart money is always with the incumbent.”

Lobbyist Registrations

From the Pelopidas website:


Matt Hill added RYO Coalition of America.

Maureen McDonnell added St. Louis Association of Realtors.

Larry Rohrbach deleted Oracle America Inc.


Friends of Tom Schweich - $20,000 from Steven Trulaske Sr.

Citizens for Steve Stenger - $5,001 from I.U.O.E. Local 513 Political and Educational Fund.


Happy birthdays to Stinson’s Jane Dueker, and Committeeman Damon Jones.

MOScout News

Morning Update tomorrow and then the Weekly Summary and “Who Won the Week” tomorrow afternoon, and then no MOScout Thursday or Friday.


Special Update - November 27


Monday, November 25, 2013