Wednesday, June 12, 2013

 Dems to Wagner: Not So Fast

Prominent St. Louis Democrats reacted negatively to my writing of Ann Wagner’s “dream of the Senate in 2018.”  Their response: first, she better worry about getting through 2014 and 2016.  They’re vowing a “a top tier congressional opponent for Ms. Wagner. Her opposition to the Violence against Women Act crystallizes her extreme agenda.”

Inside Team Zweifel

One Dem cautions that I shouldn’t take Clint Zweifel out of the U.S. Senate race in 2016 simply because he’s raising no-limits money now.  It’s said that the large contributions are to fund Zweifel’s ongoing political operations for the next three years, and that nothing is off the table.   He may very well open a federal campaign account at some point and head in that direction.

Zweifel has earned a lot of goodwill by backing down from the gubernatorial primary.  Wherever he runs, the money will be there.

A Thousand Paper Cuts

Mayor Vince Schoemehl once described his long tenure as St. Louis City mayor as the accumulation of “a thousand paper cuts.”  That seems to be the fate befalling St. Louis County Executive Charles Dooley.  Last night another contentious meeting.  This one in the suburbs of Oakville where everyone – the residents, the Republican state rep, the Democratic state senator, even the frickin cloistered nuns who love nearby – is opposed to a low-income development.  Everyone but Dooley it seemed last night…  See the Post-Dispatch article here.

FERAF Calls for ISRS Veto

FERAF, the Fair Energy Rate Action Fund, which led the charge last session to defeat ISRS, came out with a statement urging Governor Jay Nixon to veto SB 240, the gas ISRS bill.

In their call they drew attention to what they view as the law’s consequences of Laclede Gas’ merger.  “[This special interest legislation will prevent consumers from receiving any savings from the pending Laclede Gas and Missouri Gas Energy merger for a period of five years.”

The statement also revisits the “bad debt” controversy that created fireworks from Utilities Chair Doug Funderburk.  “Legislative leaders persuaded the Missouri House to pass SB 240 by publicly stating during debate that the bad debt language would be repealed in separate legislation during the final week of session, but that provision ultimately failed to be removed”

Supreme Court Throws Open Student Transfers

Yesterday the Missouri Supreme Court ruled in favor of students attempting to leave an unaccredited district as they are entitled under state law.  This is the old Turner case.  See a summary of the ruling here.  This ruling looks like the worst nightmare for those thriving districts adjacent to a failing one.  And with more districts vulnerable to losing accreditation across the state, this is no longer an urban issue.

Also Pay That Ticket

A Missouri Court of Appeals ruled that the “red light camera” tickets are constitutional.  See the Post-Dispatch article here.

United Brotherhood of Carpenters Fined

The United Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 1839 PAC and their treasurer Mark Light were fined $3,700 by the Missouri Ethics Commission for sloppy book-keeping and commingling of personal and political funds – a real no-no.  See the consent order here.


Former state senator Robin Wright Jones has appealed the Missouri Ethics Commission order against her which fined her $270,000.

$5K+ Contributions

MO Chamber PAC - $10,000 from Hallmark Cards Inc.

Missourians for Koster - $10,000 from UFCW Local 655 Elect Political Fund.


Happy birthday to Scott Charton (52).



Thursday, June 13, 2013


Tuesday, June 11, 2013