Friday, December 7, 2012

Realtors Start Committee

Missourians for Fair Taxation campaign finance committee was started yesterday.  See it here.  The treasurer is Sam Licklider.  Licklider is the long-time lobbyist/leader of the realtors in Missouri.  Missourians for Fair Taxation was a coalition which fought Rex Sinquefield’s previous attempted to change Missouri’s tax code.  Perhaps they are regrouping to fight whatever proposals emerge in response to Kansas’ massive corporation tax cut.


Realtors, in the past, have been wary of radical changes in the tax structure because they fear budget shortfalls will ultimately make their industry a target during ensuing attempts to offset the gaps.


Particularly, applying the sales tax to real estate transactions would have a depressing impact on their industry.



Sinquefield Backed Akin Through SuperPAC

The KC Star reports that Rex Sinquefield contributed $800K to the Now or Never PAC which sought in vain to help Todd Akin overcome Claire McCaskill.



Jetton to Launch Jeff City Paper

Former speaker Rod Jetton is continuing his Missouri Political Bug service which he started during the last election cycle.  That high-priced service ($25,000 for the “concierge level”) existed to tell people who would win (“Jetton’s ability to predict winners is legendary,” touted the website).  Bug will now be joined by a free weekly, The Missouri Times, run by his former staffer Scott Faughn.


Excerpts from Jetton’s announcement

“I will also be launching The Missouri Times (TMT), which will be an on-line and print publication offering a level of in-depth coverage never seen before in Missouri politics...


“I have asked for help from a few key professionals who have proven experience in making niche publications and on-line media outlets flourish. Scott Faughn who founded and owns the SEMO  Times has successfully started a small weekly newspaper with a big on-line presence and smart phone app….


“(My) connections with republicans, lobbyists, consultants, agency officials and business and community leaders all over Missouri will provide Scott and our reporters with the inside information and leads they need to dig and develop the interesting stories our audience desire…


“The Times will be a free publication we print and distribute in Jefferson City each Monday during session and twice a week when session is out.  We will also offer to mail a hardcopy of all 36 issues for $325 that includes a weekly email alerting subscribers to all the interesting developments. Additionally, TMT subscribers will be invited to 4 exclusive events with statewide and national political dignitaries during the year.


“The Missouri Political Bug is our premium service which includes in-depth campaign analysis and a weekly political report filled with tidbits of useful information my aggressive reporters have helped me track down.  As a Bug subscriber you will be privy to this information before anyone else… This service is $3,000 in off years and $6,000 in election years.  But those who sign a two year contract will save $2,000 and only pay $7,000…”



Rumorville: Vogt to Chapelle-Nadal’s Office

Former state representative Mike Vogt will join the staff of Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal.



St. Louis AgriBusiness Club Forum on River Blues

Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at Sheraton St. Louis City Center

11 am - Networking

12 pm - Meal and Program

1:30 pm - End


“As our river system is so vitally important to agriculture and in particularly top of mind to many with the drought of this summer leaving us with shallow water that has begun to impact the flow of commerce on the Mississippi and other rivers, we have decided to revise our meeting topic from previous announcements.


“Without substantial rains soon, we will experience further impact on the flow of goods to and from all industries dependent on the river, inclusive of agriculture - grain movement for processing, feed, export; fertilizer movement up river for next year's crops, feed ingredient imports such as minerals for Midwest feed/livestock production to name only a few.


“Joining us for a panel forum will be:

Paul Rohde - Vice President, Waterways Council, Inc

Marty Hettel - AEP, large barge shipper into St. Louis area

TBD - Invitation out to US Army Corp of Engineers


RSVP today to or call Tracy (636) 851-7165”




The St. Louis Beacon has 30 Day After fundraising numbers for the statewide contests.  Read it here.  I’ll probably recap some of these on Monday.



Answer to Trivia Question

Roy Blunt won two statewide races and went to the US House.



eMailbag: More on Hypothetical  LG Appt

“First, if Kinder gets elected to Congress, Nixon surely would appoint the woman who won the Dem primary and finished second in the general election, wouldn't he?


“Second, would it be possible for Kinder to serve as LG without pay while a member of Congress? (There is a state constitutional provision that keeps state employees from being on the federal payroll.)  Let's get real – the LG is not much of a job.  Nor is being the most junior member of Congress.  So we could save some money and no one would notice that the LG is spending most of his time in DC.”



Lobbyist Registrations

From the Pelopidas website:


Jacob Harvey deleted TLC Property Management.

Phil LeVota deleted Metropolitan Community Colleges.

Jeffery N Brooks, Cynthia Gamble, William A Gamble, Cecile Landrum, Jorgen Schlemeier, and Sarah Topp added Harden Healthcare.



$5K+ Contributions

Missourians for Fair Taxation - $26,016 from Missourians for Fair Taxation.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Thursday, December 6, 2012