Thursday, January 3, 2013

8th Congressional Vote Rules

The 8th Congressional Republican Committee’s Rules Committee has determined the rules which will govern the upcoming nomination meeting to fill Jo Ann Emerson’s seat.


Proposed Rules

1. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised 11th Edition, shall govern this meeting unless they are in conflict with the Rules of Missouri Revised Statute or the rules agreed to by this committee. All decisions by the Parliamentarian are final.


2. Eligible voters for this nomination meeting include the duly elected (according to Missouri Revised Statute) Chair and Vice Chair of each County Republican Committee, and the Chair and Vice Chair of each Republican Legislative Committee located in whole or in part in the 8th Congressional District. Each position listed has a vote to cast if the person holding that position is present.


3. Nominations of a Candidate may not exceed 1 minute.  No second will be necessary and an individual committee member may only nominate one candidate.  After the floor has been closed to nominations, each candidate, in the order they were nominated, will be allowed to address the committee for up to 3 minutes.


4. After a vote is taken, if no candidate has received the Missouri Revised Statute required 50% +1 minimum needed to receive the nomination, the candidate receiving the fewest number of votes will be eliminated from the nomination process and a new vote will be taken.  If there is a tie between two or more candidates for the fewest votes received, and that tie is 2 votes or less per candidate, all of those tying candidates are eliminated from consideration.  If the total vote for each candidate tied is 3 votes or more, a new election will be held without a candidate having been eliminated. Any candidate that gets no votes during any elections will be eliminated in addition to the candidate that receives the fewest votes.  After a vote has been taken, and if no candidate has received the required majority, any current candidate or committee member may request that the body stand at ease for up to 5 minutes.  If no request is made, then the meeting will proceed.


A Few Thoughts

What these rules make clear is that we’re looking at a multiple round scenario.  Let the game theory begin.  It’s about surviving the early rounds and picking up support from those whose candidates falter.


It’s likely that each of the major candidates – I’m counting Peter Kinder, Todd Richardson, Jason Smith and Lloyd Smith (but maybe I should also include Sarah Steelman) – will come to the meeting with some strong votes which they could direct should they drop.  More prevalent though will be committee members who are largely independent of the candidates.


The candidates appear to be doing with as many sit-downs with as many committee members as they can.  One assumes they are trying to leave a favorable impression regardless of whether the person is committed yet or not.  For they may become uncommitted in a later round.


Also, it’s said that Rep. Stan Cox is expected to be the Parliamentarian.



The Case for Jason Smith

In the MOScout Readers Poll, Jason Smith scored last on the question concerning who will win this contest, taking only 5.8% of the votes.  But one observer thinks my folks – you folks – are underestimating him.


The case for Smith is that this committee vote is not dissimilar to a leadership race.  You need about three score votes and the way to get there is through one-on-one, person-to-person contact, hard work and making a good impression.  Smith has proven he can win this kind of “small ball” race twice, most recently for speaker pro tem.


All the candidates have potent political skills, but this observer thinks Smith’s particular strengths match up well for this particular battle.



Candidate Letters

Various letters from candidates to the committee members have been leaking out.


Kinder Letter

Eli Yokely’s PoliticMO has the Kinder letter.  See it here.


Steelman Letter

Scott Faughn’s SEMOTimes has the Steelman letter.  See it here.


Lloyd Smith Letter

Subject:GOP Nomination- 8th District, US Congress

TO: Members of the 8th District Congressional Committee

FROM: Lloyd Smith

RE: GOP Nomination- 8th District, US Congress

DATE: December 28, 2012


After much prayer and discussion with my wife of 40 years, our friends, and family—especially my 3 grown children: Trista, Sam, and Tiffany—I have decided to seek the nomination of the 8th District Committee for the Congressional seat now held by Congresswoman Jo Ann Emerson. In the coming days and weeks, I hope to talk with each of you about my hopes, dreams, and vision for the job of serving our district in the US House of Representatives. More importantly, I want to listen to you, the committee members, about what your concerns are for our district, state, and nation. Above all else, I want to answer your questions about my background, family, faith, philosophy of government, and political experience. I am truly committed to running and serving if selected as the GOP nominee. As you and the entire committee move forward in this process, please feel free to call or email me with any questions you may have. I will be sending more information in the coming days, and I wish you and your family a Happy New Year.


God Bless,

Lloyd Smith



Gatsch Proposes to Lower Conceal Carry Age

Rep. Chuck Gatschenberger pre-filed a bill (see it here) which would lower the age when a person could get a license to carry a concealed firearm.


This will likely get ensnared in the larger gun control debate expected following the mass murder of kindergarteners in Newtown Connecticut.


This bill continues to place the Republicans in the camp of more guns, fewer restrictions.  Kind of waiting for someone to poll Missourians on this issue, might bite the bullet and do it myself soon…



Justus Proposes Campaign Caps

Sen. Jolie Justus pre-filed a campaign finance reform bill which would bring back campaign contribution limits.  See it here.


This is a serious suggestion.  It likely will not get much airing from the Republican majority which has become addicted to the six figure checks, but these amounts give plenty of oxygen for the big dogs to raise money.  It’s not some kind of lefty-hippie-dippie dream bill and should be considered.


Limits proposed: $10,000 for statewide candidates; $5,000 for state senators; $2,500 for state representatives; and for local elections the amounts are fixed according to population: $2,500 if the population of the area is under 100,000; $5,000 if the population of the area is between 100,000 and 250,000; and $10,000 if the population of the area is over 250,000.


Obviously, this doesn’t apply to candidates for federal office as they are already under contribution limits according to federal law.



Where is the ethics reform bill we’re expecting from the House?  Rep. Todd Richardson is said to be finishing his preparations, but is still gathering input.  He wants to make sure he’s clear on language especially in dealing with the pesky issue of non-profits disclosing donors.  Expect to see it in the next week or two.



Will Ruzicka Have Senate Trouble?

Don Ruzicka resigned from the House after receiving an appointment from Governor Jay Nixon to the Board of Probation and Parole.  But that appointment is subject to the Senate’s confirmation.  And one observer yesterday suggested that Ruzicka might face some friction from a Senate Republican or two who don’t like the idea of Nixon appointing away the Republicans’ super-majority in the House.


Someone like Sen. Brad Lager would fit the bill.  He’s already battling with Nixon over appointments to the university in his district, and this would be one more skirmish in that war.



That Bond KC Lobbying Announcement

See it here.



Grace Challenge Update

Following up on yesterday’s bit about lobbyist Brian Grace encouraging his fellow lobbyists to take on a pro bono client this session.  Here’s the list of folks – that I know of – accepting the “Grace Challenge.”  I will continue to update this list.


KCPL’s Cara Hoover – Midwest Foster Care and Adoption Association

Bryan Cave’s Matt Jessee - ‏MO Epilepsy Foundation

Stinson’s Jane Dueker ‏- Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition

Moody and Associates’ Jim Moody - Thompson Foundation for Autism



Lobbyist Registrations

From the Pelopidas website:


John E Bardgett Jr, Brian Millner, Kimberly Tuttle and John R Parris added The Staenberg Group; and deleted THF Realty Inc.

John E Bardgett Jr, Brian Millner and Erika Leonard added Kansas City MO School District Board of Directors.

Ralph E Bellar Jr added EHMD Properties LLC.

Andrew Briscoe added Missouri Division of Professional Registration; and deleted Missouri Department of Corrections.

Alex Franco added Mead Johnson Nutrition Company.

Michael Louis added Missouri AFL-CIO

Michael H Morris added Prestige Powers, and Missouri Cable Telecommunications (MCTA).

Amanda Petelin added American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network.

Don Stamper added Home Builder Association of Columbia.

Jay Atkins deleted Missouri Department of Revenue.

Ronald D. Berry deleted Missouri Secretary of State.

Rodney Boyd, Brian Grace and Kelvin Simmons deleted March of Dimes, Greater Missouri Chapter, and Arcturis.

Shelby L. Butler deleted Southwest Center for Independent Living.

John Coffman deleted Missouri Alliance for Animal Legislation.

MayeBeth Hadfield deleted Genentech Inc.

John Hancock deleted Peabody Energy.

James Harris deleted Tata Consultancy Services, and Sandata Technologies.

William J. Kuehling deleted IESI.

Michael Taylor and R Edward Murphy deleted Joseph Peter Gray.

Kenneth E Siemens deleted Murphy, Taylor, Siemens & Elliott P.C.

Don Stamper deleted Tiger Mobile Advertising.



$5K+ Contributions

A Better Missouri with Governor Jay Nixon - $10,000 from Ford Motor Company.

Civic Progress Action Committee – $37,500 from Energizer Holdings Inc.

Civic Progress Action Committee – $20,000 from World Wide Technology Holding Co Inc.

Civic Progress Action Committee – $20,000 from Brown Shoe Company Inc.

Civic Progress Action Committee – $20,000 from Harbour Group Industries Inc.

Civic Progress Action Committee –  $20,000 from Mercy.

Civic Progress Action Committee – $37,500 from Edward Jones.




Happy birthdays to former state senator Dan Clemens (68).


Friday: Sen. Rob Schaaf (56), and Adam McBride.


Saturday: Former Rep. Sara Lampe (64)


Sunday: Rep. Genise Montecillo (50), Former Reps. Mike Daus (39) and Bob Onder (51), and Stacy Morse.


Monday, January 6, 2013


Thursday, January 2, 2013