Friday, October 26, 2012


Koster the Standard Bearer?

With Governor Jay Nixon, who has raised approximately $15 million-ish this cycle, clutching paranoiacly to his cash hoard, Attorney General Chris Koster stepped up yesterday into the void.  The checks were modest (in our no-limits environment) but the reaction was astonished gratitude from the House Dems.


Koster sent $20K to the House Democratic Campaign Committee, $20K to the Senate Democratic Campaign Committee, $6K to Susan Montee, and $6K to Jason Kander.


Koster, a former Republican, has been eyed suspiciously by some rank-and-file Democrats.  But this continues his move into the hearts of the Party faithful.


Who knows, these sort of actions might be important in 2016…



New Ads

McCaskill released a wave of new commercials featuring average folks talking about Todd Akin’s position on middle class economic issues.

See Medicare here.


See Minimum Wage here.


See Veterans here.


See Middle Class here.




In LG race, Peter Kinder’s first general election ads start today.  They ding Susan Montee as a liberal activist, showing among other things her attendance at the St. Louis Pridefest parade (gasp!).



McNary’s Last Minute Push

The infusion from David and Ethelmae Humphreys yesterday may be the final part of funding for Rep. Cole McNary’s cable spots.  Half attacking Zweifel, half bio, the commercials said to start running in St. Louis, Mid-Missouri and Southwest Missouri.

More HRCC Targets

Via the $5K+ Contributions (below) here are some more apparent House Republican Campaign Committee battleground districts in which they’re investing.


House 3 - $30K to Nate Walker, running against Rebecca McClanahan.

House 40 - $11K to Jim Hansen, running against Rep. Paul Quinn.

House 113 - $26K to Dan Smith, running against Jeff Roorda.

House 150 - $38K to Kent Hampton, running against Tom Todd.




On The Missouri Paradox

“In addition to the reasons you offered for Democrats likely to win most (if not all) statewide races, but Republicans likely to continue their lopsided majorities in the legislature, I would offer this one (and you've already hinted at it some of your analysis of individual house/senate races):


“When I was in the House in a previous century, Democrats held virtually all the competitive legislative seats, which, in addition to the safe seats, gave us lopsided majorities.  Yet Republicans held every statewide office save Lt. Gov. (an exact mirror image of today).


“The additional reason is this: the extra effort of candidates and their closest associates, especially near the end of the campaign.  Whether they are aware of doing it or not, each candidate does a cost/benefit analysis.  If you're going to break your back and go bankrupt and not see your family (except at campaign events) for weeks, that is worth it to be in the majority, to chair a committee, to really influence state policy.  It is absolutely not worth it to be in a minority, especially a minority which has no realistic chance of becoming the majority while you hold that office (this is amplified in our new era of term limits).


“On the other hand, if you are of the party that is in a seemingly permanent minority in the legislature, statewide office is where you want to be.  Holding such an office, where you have quite a bit of autonomy even when the other party controls the legislature, is worth the extra effort it takes to win a competitive election.


“If the legislative numbers were closer - if the Dems had something like 75 seats - then every Democrat candidate in a competitive House race would have that extra motivation - "I could be the one that puts us back in the majority!" - that simply doesn't exist when the best a candidate can hope to be is the one that gives the Dems 64 seats instead of 63.”



Lobbyist Registrations

From the Pelopidas website:


Steven R Carroll deleted Missouri National Emergency Number Association, and Missouri Professional Bailbonding Association.



$5K+ Contributions

Missourians for Koster - $10,000 from Supporters of Health Research and Treatments.

MO Republican Party - $40,000 from Lembke for Senate.

MO Republican Party - $25,000 from Hunter Engineering Company.

Citizens for Ryan Silvey - $16,456 from Missouri Republican Party.

Citizens for Timothy Jones - $25,000 from Missouri Club for Growth.

Friends of Peter Kinder - $7,500 from Students First.

MO House Democratic Campaign Committee - $5,001 from TJ McKenna.

MO House Democratic Campaign Committee - $6,500 from TJ McKenna.

Committee to Elect Kent Hampton - $37,936 from House Republican Campaign Committee.

Friends of Susan Carlson - $24,571 from Spencer Fane Britt & Browne LLC.

Freedom PAC - $37,500 from New Models.

Missouri’s Future - $25,000 from Kenneth McClain.

House Republican Campaign Committee - $15,000 from Graves For Congress.

Unite Here Tip Missouri State and Local Fund - $25,000 from Unite Here.

MO Democratic State Committee - $10,000 from Nixon for Missouri.

MO Democratic State Committee - $8,000 from Nixon for Missouri.

MO Democratic State Committee - $5,100 from Mary Nichols for State Rep.

Friends of Nate Walker - $29,836 from House Republican House Committee.

Committee to Elect Jim Hansen - $11,037 from House Republican Campaign Committee.

Citizens for Diehl - $25,000 from Missouri Club for Growth.

Jay Nixon for Missouri - $10,000 from Zimmerman Properties.

Jay Nixon for Missouri - $10,000 from Keesag A Baron.

Kander for Missouri - $6,000 from Missourians for Koster.

MO House Democratic Campaign Committee - $20,000 from Missourians for Koster.

MO Senate Democratic Campaign Committee - $20,000 from Missourians for Koster.

Montee for Missouri - $6,000 from Missourians for Koster.

Life Sciences Fund of Greater Kansas City - $25,000 from Sam and Marilyn Fox.

Citizens for Dan Smith - $26,333 from HRCC.




Happy birthday to Ruth Ehresman (65).


Saturday: Rep. Jay Houghton (46).


Sunday: Katie Steele Danner.


Monday October 29, 2012


Thursday, October 25, 2012