Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Big Court Day?

Folks are waiting on lots of decisions from the Missouri Supreme Court.  They think that today could be the day because it is Judge Price’s last day.   Included in the heavy watch are the initiative petition cases.


The “handdown” time is 1 p.m.



8 Day Reports

8 Day Reports were due yesterday.  Here’s the selected primary races…




Nixon raised $176K; spent $653K; 7 big ones on-hand.

Spence raised $60K; spent 1 big one; $245K on-hand.  (After deadline, Spence dropped in another $500K from his personal piggy).


Republican Lieutenant Governor

Lager raised $81K; spent 1.3 million; has $142K on-hand.

Kinder raised $125K; spent $1.2 million; has $35K on-hand.


Democratic Lieutenant Governor

Montee raised $27K; spent $20K; has $140K on-hand.

Lampe raised $17K; spent $7K; and has $36K on-hand.

Baker raised $15K raised; spent $64K; and has $33K on-hand.

Haas raised $10K; spent $8K; and has $2K on-hand.

Kratky raised $6K; spent $5K; has $69K on-hand.


Secretary of State

Rupp raised $43K; spent $51K; has $168K on-hand.

Schoeller raised $42K; spent $241K; has $103K on-hand.

Stouffer raised $23K; spent $88K; has $172K on-hand.


Senate Races

Senate 1 - Democratic

Schoemehl raised $6K; spent $10K; and has $12K on-hand.

Sifton raised  $21K; spent $95K; and has $9K on-hand.


Senate 5 - Democratic

Nasheed raised $34K; spent $27K; has $28K on-hand.

Oxford raised $29K; spent $37K; has $19K on-hand.

Wright Jones hasn’t filed yet.


Senate 7 - Democratic

Holsman raised $33K; spent $67K; and has $40K on-hand.

Williams raised $11K; spent $24K; and has $24K on-hand.


Senate 13 - Democratic

Walsh raised $20K; spent $63K; and has $52K on-hand.

Hudson hasn’t filed yet.


Senate 21 - Republican

Pearce raised $53K; spent $95K; and has $152K on-hand.

McGhee raised $107K; spent $85K; and has $69K on-hand.


Senate 27 - Republican

Brandom raised $15K; spent $227K; and has $33K on-hand.

Wallingford raised $62K; spent $201K; and has $4K on-hand.


Senate 31 - Republican

Largent raised $72K; spent $97K; and has $32K on-hand.

Emery raised $159K; spent $108K; and has $134K on-hand.


House Races

House 12 - Republican

Hurlbert raised $850; spent $10K; and has $1K on-hand.

Wilson raised $800; spent $4K; and has $19K on-hand.


House 15 - Democratic

Carpenter raised $800; spent $9K; and has $4K on-hand.

Suter raised $400; spent $4K; and has $7K on-hand.


House 24 - Democratic

Morgan raised $7K; spent $11K; and has $14K on-hand.

Gillooly raised $13K; spent $10K; and has $9K on-hand.


House 68 – Democratic

Atkins raised $8K; spent $10K; and has $8K on-hand.

English raised $11K; spent $6K; and has $11K on-hand.


House 70 - Republican

Dokes raised $2K; spent $3K; and has $2K on-hand.

Holyfield raised $400; spent $1K; and has $300 on-hand.


House 72 - Democratic

Nichols raised $8K; spent $15K; and has $500 on-hand.

McGeoghegan raised $3K; spent $9K; and has $1K on-hand.

Berry has not yet filed.


House 73 - Democratic

Curtis raised $1K; spent $1K; has $3K on-hand.

Clemens raised $1K; spent $3K; has $5K on-hand.


House 78 - Democratic

Hubbard raised $24K; spent $14K; and has $10K on-hand.

Ehresman raised $17K; spent $15K; and has $12K on-hand.

Cummings has not yet filed.


House 83 - Democratic

Mitten raised $4K; spent $10K; has $12K on-hand.

Trout raised $4K; spent $7K; has $2K on-hand.


House 87 - Democratic

Newman raised $3K; spent $20K; and has $25K on-hand.

Carlson raised $12K; spent $55K; and has $2K on-hand.


House 124 - Republican

Miller raised $2K; spent $14K; and has $7K on-hand.

Loraine raised $8K; spent $6K; and has $6K on-hand.


House 131 - Republican

Anderson raised $1K; spent $4K; and has $183 on-hand.

Roark raised $250; spent $2K; and has $1K on-hand.


House 134 - Republican

Sellars raised $2K; spent very little; and has $10K on-hand.

Haahr raised $2K; spent $11K; and has $717 on-hand.


House 146 - Republican

Adams raised $5K; spent $10K; and has $1K on-hand.

Litchenegger raised $14K; spent $21K; and has $9K on-hand.


House 158 - Republican

Washburn raised $1K; spent $15K; and has $200 on-hand.

Bennett raised $2K; spent $10K; and has $7K on-hand.



Palin Ad

Sarah Steelman’s campaign unveiled their latest effort to close the distance in the final week: an advertisement featuring Sarah Palin speaking in Republican code (“Momma Grizzly” = conservative maverick?).  See it here.



Rupp Hits Schoeller

In a new television ad, Sen. Scott Rupp hits Rep. Shane Schoeller for his vote on the creation of a health care exchange. (See it here. With great thanks to the mighty Jason Rosenbaum who appears to have recorded it from his TV.)  That bill passed unanimously through the House before Sen. Jane Cunningham and the Senate educated the House that it was noxious to their attempts to obstruct implementation of the federal health care law.  It’s an effective attack.  The question is whether Rupp has enough dough to put it in front of enough voters.



Noranda’s Missourians Against Higher Utility Rates

8 Day Report

Senate 5 - $33,477 in support of Oxford.

Senate 31 - $27,863 in opposition to Emery; and $83,716 in support of Largent.

Senate 33 - 106,080 in support of Franz.




The fun continues… part two of SEMO Times’ interview with Jason CrowellRead it here.




On the GOP Money Men

“You mentioned big money guys making poor investments.  First, the three younger men -- a Humphreys, a Herzog,and (occasionally) a Drury are NOT the men who made the money.  Their fathers did.  These guys grew up awash in money, can afford to be careless because money is always there as a matter of birthright.  Their fathers may have been more careful; they do not have to be.  Sinquefield is both more complex and more simple.  He made much of his money advising CALPERS, the California public pension system.  Does that mean much of his fortune comes from government and government workers? Yes. Does he appreciate the irony? Perhaps not.  But he is driven by his carefully developed ideology, which is not entirely irrational.


“What these men have in common is that they are suckers for slick-talking consultants, political geniuses for sure, who talk them into spending millions on ideological causes and candidates where, win or lose, big gobs of money inevitably end up sticking to the aforementioned consultants.”



Lobbyist Registrations

From the Pelopidas website:


James R Moody added Missourians for a Balanced Energy Future.

Jerry W Burch and Scott Marrs deleted The Mountain Complex.



$5K+ Contributions

Committee to Elect Rod Glaze - $5,500 from Service First.

Missourians for Health and Education - $10,000 from Gary Ritter & Graham, P.C.

MO Petroleum Marketers + Convenience Store Assoc PAC - $10,000 from Abel Oil Company.

Progress KC Committee - $10,000 from Burns & McDonnell.

Missouri Senate Campaign Committee - $6,000 from UGas.

SEIU HCII Missouri PAC - $30,000 from SEIU Healthcare.

Spence for Governor - $500,000 from David Spence.




Happy birthdays to Jon Prouty (28) and the great Rodney Gray.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Monday, July 30, 2012