Tuesday, November 13, 2012

BOOM! – Barnes: Crimes Were Committed

In a Post-Dispatch opinion piece this morning (see it here), and in greater detail on his blog (see it here), Rep. Jay Barnes goes after the secret money funneled through “non-profits” which evade the transparency requirements of political contributions.


“From a review of these statutes and the timings of the relative donations, it appears there are enough facts to support criminal charges against all persons associated with the non-profits and PACs for (1) failure to file a statement of organization, (2) failure to disclose donations, (3) concealing the identity of the actual source of contributions, and (4) conspiracy under §564.016 to do all of the above. All of these offenses would be class A misdemeanors. In addition, per §130.072, in each situation, the donor, the organizers of the putative non-profits, and the PAC which eventually made the expenditures would be liable to the state for civil penalties in the total amount of $1,725,000.”


It would appear that there will be a legislative push to close this loophole in the coming session.




Barnes also argues for setting up a state-run health exchange.  See it here.


“Our choice is whether Missourians are going to be taxed to pay for this unaffordable mess in New York, California, Texas, and Florida, but then not get any benefits from it here in Missouri. By failing to create our own exchange, we shortchange the tax dollars of Missourians.”



More on 2014 Senate Races

Senate 12

Rep. Mike Thomson may be a candidate in this seat too.  “The key to Senate 12 is the one that is able to hire Jeff Roe. His business has grown too large for state senate races, but he is not going to let Graves’ home district fall into the hands of someone who is not loyal to him. Casey Guernsey should have the advantage here.”
And in Senate 2

Don’t count Doug Funderburk out from looking at this one.



More on Committees


It’s said that Ron Richard has been slotted for Fiscal Oversight.  Now that’s he’s floor leader he won’t have a committee chairmanship.  With the Ag chairmanship already in Brian Munzlinger’s hands, Pro Tem Tom Dempsey may instead award this committee to Mike Parson.


Chuck Purgason displayed that committee’s potential power by killing every tax incentive he got his hands on.  Yet Parson’s more reasonable approach would prevent it from becoming the same graveyard that Purgy created.



The other name mentioned as possible utilities chair is Dave Schatz.




Democrat Deb Lavender nearly knocked off Republican Budget Chair Rick Stream last week. She lost by 249 votes.  And when you look at outside help, it looks like a case where Republicans provided just enough support to carry their candidate across the finish line.  HRCC sent a little over $37K into the district, and MO GOP Party added another $17K independent expenditure.


According to the Missouri Ethics Commission website, HDCC’s only help came in July to the tune of about $7,000.


For Dems, one would think this will be ripe for a pick-up without an incumbent Republican.  But there won’t be any anti-Akin wind at their back then either.



Damon Jones for Alderman

The mighty Jason Rosenbaum reports that it will be Damon Jones, not his mother former state senator Robin Wright Jones who will “seek” the Democratic nomination for City Alderman.  It’s a gimme for Jones since the appointment is basically up to the committeewoman of the ward and himself, the committeeman.  Read Rosenbaum’s story here.


Meanwhile Martin Casas, who ran unsuccessfully for House 79 last summer, is said to be weighing an Independent bid.


And exiting alderwoman Kacie Triplett’s campaign account shows $54,000 on hand. Under Missouri law, she can donate it to other  campaign committees or nonprofits, but not her nonprofit employer.



Morning After Social Media

Classy – Jason Crowell who had warred with Peter Kinder for over a decade offers his congratulations via twitter.  ‏@senjasoncrowell: @PeterKinder congratulations on an impressive reelection As much as any MO republican in memory you've proven you are a winner at the polls



Weepy – Jim Lembke frets about the future over Facebook.  In our system, we the people, get the government we deserve. I weep for our nation. Not because of my loss, but because we re-elected a man who embraces evil and hates our founding principles.



Relive the Akin Mess

The players recount the effort to ease Akin out.  Read it here with perspectives from Roy Blunt, Andy Blunt, Perry Akin, Adrienne Marsh and others.



$5K+ Contributions

Committee to Elect Ron Richard - $20,000 from Friends of Mike Cunningham.

United Food & Commercial Workers Local #655 Elect Political Action Fund - $6,277 from United Food & Commercial Worker Local 655.




Happy birthdays to Jack Jackson and J.C. Kuessner, both celebrating the big 7-0 today.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Monday, November 12, 2012