Monday, February 27, 2012

Tomorrow Morning

The secretary of state’s office released a statement on filing aimed to clear up the muddled state of things.


“Absent any further action by the state legislature or Missouri courts, candidate filing will begin on Tuesday, February 28, as state law requires.


As it currently stands, citizens will be able to file to run for the congressional districts approved by the state legislature and the state House of Representative districts submitted by the Appellate Apportionment Commission in late 2011.


Although our office has received the tentative Senate maps, the process for finalizing those boundaries remains incomplete until the conclusion of a 15 day public comment period. Because of that, candidates who intend to file for state Senate may consider waiting until after the final map is filed with our office.


For anyone who chooses to file for state senate before the boundaries are finalized they may later withdraw, pay another filing fee and re-file in another district until filing closes on March 27 at 5:00 pm.”



What It Means

What it means isn’t exactly clear.  But for candidates that covet the top ballot spot, the game plan, from what I can gather, appears to be to show up Tuesday morning and file for the district that you want to run in, according to the now-tentative map.  That map is expected to become final in two weeks.


For example in the new Senate 7 (akin to the current Senate 10, Sen. Jolie Justus district), a candidate expecting to run there would file for the 7th on Tuesday morning even though the “official” 7th will still be Sen. Jane Cunningham’s St. Louis County district.


The process of booting people for residency requirements will happen later in the process, so the SOS office won’t be advising people that they “can’t” file in any district.



That Race in Senate 7

With the change in Sen. Jolie Justus’ number from even to odd, there’s been a minor frenzy for candidates to test the waters for a run.  Four people in the mix – with conflicting reports as to how far “in” they are: Minority Leader Mike Talboy (best information says a decision will come today); Rep. Jason Holsman (making calls, nothing official); County Council member Crystal Williams (Facebook page and other sources indicate she’s tittering on the edge of being in); former Rep. John Burnett (almost certainly in).



Clearing out the inbox…

Rumor is that Sen. Jane Cunningham has a lawsuit on tap regarding the senate map.  Stay tuned…



Look for Sen. Jack Goodman to amend his campaign committee and run for a judgeship in southwest Missouri.



Hipness happens… as in lobbyist Franc Flotron sporting the ponytail…



Critics of Sen. Dan Brown’s SB 743, which would eliminate the requirement to wear a helmet while riding a motorcycle, often cite the medical costs associated with head injuries.  But one lobbyist without a dog in the fight chortles that he’s seen the statistics and it should actually generate a positive fiscal note.  Those without helmets die, but those with helmets live and need medical attention.



As expected former state representative Hope Whitehead started a campaign committee to run in House 84 setting up a rematch with Rep. Karla May.



American Viewpoint was in the field last week, polling on the Missouri Senate race.  That was the firm that Tom Schweich used on his auditor’s race, leading to speculation that he’s taking a seirous look.  But one GOP insider says his forensics are inconclusive.  According to this source, American Viewpoint is the firm that consultant David Barklage uses, and Barklage and Schweich have had a falling out.  “As the dome turns…”



Schaaf Interrogates Watson

In a recent Appropriations Committee Sen. Rob Schaaf used Nixon chief of staff John Watson’s appearance to fire a few shots across the bow of the administration.


Expanding Senatorial Advice and Consent – Some boards and commissions now don’t require the senate advice and consent.  There’s some argument whether the constitution requires such.  Schaaf offered support for Sen. Luann Ridgeway bill – SB 640 – which would mandate it.


Shuffling of Employees – Schaaf questioned why the governor’s office moved (in a budget sense, not in a physical sense) three staffers out from their office into that of the Department of Insurance.  The legislature continues to show skepticism of the governor’s budget changes.


Acting Directors – Schaaf drew attention to the fact that the governor now has three acting directors of departments, Economic Development, Office of Adminsitration and Social Services.



Missouri Scout’s First Ever Letter to the Editor

I read with interest the letter to the editor by Mr. Vaughn X. Prost regarding his contention that my calculations are off by 4604% as they relate to the pending initiative petition relating to renewable energy.


This initiative petition is in fact expensive, job-killing, and anti-business, unless you are fortunate enough to be one of the few large industrial electrical users that had a seat at the table when the language was composed and are funding the effort in large part.  They want this initiative petition because it dramatically reduces their exposure to the cost of meeting the state's renewable standard. It is no wonder they do....being able to reduce your annual cost of meeting the renewable standard from more than $1.5 million to $1800 is nothing short of a windfall.


Mr. Prost failed to point out that retail customer, as defined in the initiative petition, is measured per meter.  In the case of my former business, there are 9 meters.  Further, Mr. Prost assumed that none of these nine meters are large enough to raise the cost to $1800 per year (as articulated in the initiative petition) to meet the renewable standard....that assumption is incorrect.


I understand and appreciate Mr. Prost's perspective as a small businessman in the renewable industry and I appreciate the business he does and the employees that he hires.  I also have a small business perspective and I know that, just as it does in Mr. Prost's business, every dollar counts. When the cost to meet a renewable standard increases 2 times what it otherwise would be, that is bad for a small business.  When the cost to meet a renewable standard increases 46

times what it otherwise would be, that is devastating for a small businesses.  Beyond that, when a few large industrial companies hi-jack the process to write themselves a sweet-heart deal and expect residential, small and medium sized businesses to cover their share, it is bad for Missouri.


Sen. Mike Kehoe



$5K+ Contributions

Civic Progress Action Committee - $13,000 from Emerson Electric Co.

Jay Nixon for Missouri - $16,814 from Carey & Danis LLC.

Missourians for Responsible Lending - $25,000 from PICO National Network.

Give Missourians a Raise - $25,000 from PICO National Network.

MO Beverage PAC - $7,173 from Coca-Cola Refreshments.

MO Insurance Coalition PAC - $10,000 from FEAPAC of Missouri.

Montee for Missouri – $5,001 from Ryan Holden.

Vote Steve Mitchell - $15,000 from Steve Mitchell.

Jay Nixon for Missouri - $15,000 from UNITE Here Tip.



Lobbyists’ Principals Changes

From the Pelopidas website:


Tracey Glenn added Glenview Strategies LLC.

Tracey Glenn and Jeff Glenn added EZ Pay Missouri LLC .

Kelvin L Simmons added Missouri Growth Association and Stand Up Missouri.




Happy birthday to MO Press Association’s Doug Crews, and Rep. Mike Lair (66).


Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Friday, February 24, 2012