Thursday, February 2, 2012

Filibuster Maria

Yesterday Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal held the floor for approximately ten hours in a show of strength that will remind other senators of the importance of young legs to a caucus.


Earlier in the week, one lobbyist had mentioned to me that Chappelle-Nadal was beginning to find her voice as the Dem Caucus’ potential replacement to retired liberal stalwart Joan Bray.


It was a good day for Chappelle-Nadal.  Unlike last session’s blocking of local control which at times devolved into name-calling and the perception that politics was greater than policy, yesterday she commanded the high ground.


It’s unclear though whether the ultimate compromise (reached around 1:30 a.m.) was really a victory for opponents– a question highlighted by Chappelle-Nadal’s own quotes in the AP story.  Read it Here.  One source says that Missouri Chamber was willing to give more ground.



Notes from the Filibuster

It was a good day for the Democratic Caucus as every Democrat did a tour of the floor and helped Chapelle-Nadal.



Early on, Minority Leader Victor Callahan advised Chappelle-Nadal that simply saying No was not a winning strategy.  He implored her to determine what changes she would propose to make it a bill she could love with.  It was the seasoned veteran reminding the first-term senator not to forget the end-game even in the opening moves.



The most poignant moments were around 8:30pm as Sen. Ryan McKenna spoke about his wife’s diagnosis and treatment of Hepatitis C, and Chappelle-Nadal spoke about her father’s death.



The inevitable funny moments of a filibuster were provided mostly by a Republican: Sen. Kevin Engler.  Callahan inquired of Engler in the ten o’clock hour and they took a stroll down Memory Lane included recalling Charlie Shields’ aide Chris Roepe begging for mercy after Democrats Harry Kennedy and Joan Bray tried awkwardly, tediously, and ultimately torturously, to inquire of each other during a filibuster.




Okay, since I spent sixteen hours listening to a filibuster, let’s take a stroll through the peerless John Combest today to see what else happened…


Miller: Senators Don’t Take Nieves Seriously

Bill Miller Sr., editor of the Missourian, take issue with Sen. Brian Nieves’ campaign to eliminate press parking from the Capitol.  Read it Here.


Pull Quotes: “For a brief period, he had been quiet and we were naive enough to think maybe he had ‘reformed’ somewhat from his usual unsenatorial-like conduct. We were wrong!... With his latest fiery ‘outrage’ words on the Senate floor, it was but another example of why his colleagues don't take him seriously. The voters of his district are the ones who should be outraged by his behavior.”



Hall for DED Dead

After the Senate failed to move Nixon DED nominee Jason Hall from the Gub Appt Committee yesterday, the Post Dispatch calls the nomination “dead.”  Read it Here.



Martin Billboards Koster

From the Beacon (Read it Here): Ed Martin bought two billboard ads – small price to pay if it gets you free media – promoting a campaign website: Obama’s Lawyer.  Will the charge stick? Koster was careful to disagree with portions of the federal law in his amicus filing.



Federal Quarters

The Senate Republican candidates continue to flounder.  Sarah Steelman raised a mere $85K last quarter; she has $570K cash on-hand.  Todd Akin raised $230K and has a little over $1 million in the bank.  And John Brunner spent $1 million of his own money, an act which propelled him into third place in a Public Policy Poll (See it Here).


Meanwhile Sen. Claire McCaskill sits with $5 million – and poor poll numbers…




Last quarter Ed Martin raised $22K in his congressional campaign.  Yesterday – with no limits – he raised $15K (see below).




Lobbyists’ Principals Changes

From the Pelopidas website:


John C. Cozad added City of Grandview, Missouri; and deleted Marathon Digital Services Inc.

Jessica Hodge deleted Bluebird Media LLC.



$5K+ Contributions

Missourians for Ed Martin - $5,500 from Warren Keinath Jr.

Missourians for Ed Martin - $10,000 from Missourians for Matt Blunt.

MO Democratic State Committee - $5,450C000960




Happy birthday to NEA’s Otto Fajen (49).


Friday, February 3, 2012


Wednesday, February 1, 2012