Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Take a deep breath… it’s LG Madness…


Lager: Bold Leadership Needed in LG’s Office

Sen. Brad Lager’s press release hit the in-box at 5:23pm… Savannah, Missouri – Today Senator Brad Lager announced his candidacy for the office of Lieutenant Governor citing a need for bold leadership focused on job creation, smaller government and restrained spending.


“Missourians are tired of self-interested politicians beholden to special interests getting in the way of good government.  My solemn promise to the people of Missouri if elected Lieutenant Governor is to continue to do everything in my power to create an environment where job creators can create jobs by reducing regulation, cutting spending and getting government off the backs of Missourians and out of the way.  As a small business owner, I understand that every dollar that government taxes and spends would be better spent by small businesses, innovators and entrepreneurs to fuel our economy and create jobs,” said Lager.


On Lager

It’s really do-or-die here for Lager’s political career.  He’s in his final term in the state senate, having lost two leadership bids within his own caucus and one statewide contest already.  This is his elimination round match.


The statement – “self-interested politicians beholden to special interests” – is an early swipe at the father of primary opponent Chris McKee (below).  But the attack could work as a two-fer if Sen. Eric Schmitt (below) jumps in as his strong advocacy for China Hub will put him in the same bucket.


Ironies abound here of course.  It was Lager who was the “Nixon-to-China” champion for McKee’s land assemblage tax credit, putting forth a proposal in 2009 to increase it from $10 million a year to $20 million.  (I re-listened to the classic early morning exchange between Sen. Wes Shoemyer and Lager, if anyone wants a copy I’ll email it.  It’s a reminder how fun democracy is as 2am on the Senate floor).



McKee: Missouri Needs a Pro-Jobs LG

Chris McKee’s press release hit at 7:36pm… ST. LOUIS, MO – St. Louis businessman Chris McKee (R-St. Louis) today announced that he will seek the Republican nomination for the Office of Lieutenant Governor. “Missouri needs a pro-jobs administration in Jefferson City. In this economic climate we need officials who understand job creation so we can start to move Missouri forward again, and I am qualified to do that,” McKee said.


McKee commented on the need for steadfast leadership that will work with lawmakers and advocate for much needed jobs legislation that will put Missourians back to work.  A formal announcement from McKee is expected within the next two weeks.


On McKee

First, it’s an odd statement. There’s the awkward (R-St. Louis) thing for a non-elected person (Maybe I will start using “GDI-Inner City” behind my name).  And then the announcement that the announcement will be in two weeks?  It reads like a panic press release.


Still the emphasis on St. Louis in McKee’s statement looks to be a shot across the bow of Schmitt who would also draw on the St. Louis County and St. Louis business community base if he enters.


Schmitt’s clearly the stronger candidate, but Lager must salivate at the prospect of two St. Louisans against a rural out-stater with a pick-up truck.


Soon after the Post-Dispatch ran their article on McKee’s entry, one commenter hit the nail on the head of the McKee Achilles heel…


jjk said on: November 14, 2011, 8:20 pm

Is it possible to get tax credits to fund a campaign?



Schmitt, Others?

The St. Louis Beacon ran an interview with Schmitt on his potential candidacy.  Read it Here.


And whether it’s Schmitt and/or someone else, this thing does not stop at two.  There are just too many folks talking trash about Lager and McKee for the field to stop here…



Montee Stock Rises

Republicans are looking at a spirited, and likely negative, and probably nasty primary.  With Susan Montee owning the Dem side, she will raise money and be in a good position to fight the tide and take the LG spot.




From the scuttlebutt… next session will “suck” according to one lobbyist, thinking about all the politics that will go along with these candidacies… and who does Sen. Jason Crowell vote for in this Republican LG primary?  Lager or McKee?



Spence Officially IN for Gov?

Yesterday the Washington Post citing a source said that Dave Spence would run for governor.  (Read it Here.) Sometimes the nationals’ sourcing isn’t as good as the locals’ reports, but it’s consistent with the word that’s going around.


And it means what everyone’s saying: the Republicans are a mess… primaries at gov, lite gov, and SOS, but Clint Zweifel and Chris Koster are wide open in the end zone.



Three Businessman Amigos

Everything looks easier from the outside… I, for example, sure thought I would have been a better manager than Tony LaRussa sometime around Game 5.  And so we have three businesspeople thinking they can do the politics/governing gig without any prior experience.  We will find out if it is that easy in Missouri…


John Brunner for Senate… He has a good story, and seems like a winner compared to Todd Akin and Sarah Steelman, but his ability to answer questions coherently means he may get eaten alive by a politician as savvy as Claire McCaskill – if he survives the primary.


Dave Spence for Governor… He has a lovely young family and will immediately raise a ton of money if he gets in.  That’s tough for Peter Kinder given that Spence has no record to run against.  But Jay Nixon’s “no-turnovers” discipline together with his work in southwest Missouri make an upset unlikely.


Chris McKee for Lieutenant Governor…  The conventional wisdom is that the McKee name is

damaged goods from the start.  Says one lobbyist, “Even if he is able to beat Montee he would be nearly impossible to elect as Governor given how much money his family has taken from the state.  The campaign ads against him literally write themselves.”


If this crop of businessmen-candidates blows the Republican slate, that (Republican) lobbyist says it could be a turning point for Dems.  A statewide sweep and Dems would have a tremendous platform to get organized, and raise enough money to at least reduce the Republican legislative majorities.




Looks nice Dave, and it all worked well for me ...and you know if I can manage means no one else should have a problem  love mom



Lobbyist Principal Changes

From the Pelopidas website:


Rodney Boyd and Brian Grace added Healthlink Inc.

Shanon Hawk deleted Missouri Energy Group.



$5K+ Contributions

Heavy Constructors Association Local PAC - $5,100 from Heavy Constructors Association of Greater Kansas City.




Dem activist Rea Kleeman is 77 today.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Monday, November 14, 2011