MOScout Daily Update: Veto Session - What House Overrides Mean - What the NOs Mean? - Who Should Lead Senate Approps and more...

House Slaps Parson’s Wrist

The House overrode a few of the governor’s budget vetoes.  The first-rate Jason Hancock writes: “Gov. Mike Parson avoided becoming only the third governor in 160 years to have a veto overturned by a legislature controlled by his own party on Wednesday, when the Missouri Senate refused to take up four vetoes that the House voted to override earlier in the day. Parson, a Republican, had been working furiously behind the scenes to avoid any overrides, fearing the optics of being rebuked by a General Assembly where the GOP holds two-thirds of the seats…

The most contentious veto debated on Wednesday eliminated roughly $154,000 that funded a program aimed at ensuring that critically ill patients suffering from trauma, stroke and heart attacks get to hospitals that can treat them most effectively… Parson’s veto of the program’s funding sparked backlash from the state’s medical community, which feared the governor was undercutting a program credited with improving patient care. In response to the criticism, Parson’s department of health and senior services announced that despite the veto it would continue to fund the program by shifting money into it from other portions of the budget. House Budget Chairman Scott Fitzpatrick, R-Shell Knob, argued that plan would be unconstitutional…

Despite Fitzpatrick’s warning that ‘there will be hell to pay’ during next year’s budget if the governor moves forward with the plan to reallocate funds, hospital inspections that were canceled because of the veto were rescheduled and state employees were assigned to administer the program… The House voted to override Parson’s veto 134-13 on Wednesday….”


What It Means

From one House source comes what feels like the majority opinion on how the governor handled the vetoes… This month we've learned the new governor is no different than other governors in recent memory… [They said] "The money for the TCD Unit is there in Health's budget. The override isn't necessary." Even if that money shows up in January's supplemental budget proposal, it means other functions in DHSS won't be funded for more than half the year to instead cover the mishandled veto of the program. Funding a legislatively-approved program that was specifically axed via executive action should be offensive to both legislators and taxpayers.  Kudos to Fitz for not resorting to disparaging remarks of the governor on the House floor, and for keeping the overrides to 5 attempts when he could have justified a dozen or more.

But not unanimous opinion.  From a different observer: “We have a GOP governor… plus we have GOP majorities in the House and Senate… if Republicans can stick together, in a tough election defined by national mood and issues, they cannot just survive but thrive.  But these House Republicans cannot stand prosperity, apparently. I haven’t seen such marksmanship in a circular House firing squad since Gov. Matt Blunt’s era.”



One hallway source looking around the corner to next year’s budget thinks Sen. David Sater would be the best pick for the Senate Appropriations chairmanship.  He remarks that House Budget chair Scott Fitzpatrick “ran over” Sen. Dan Brown, but that Sater and Fitz would work well together.  Being from the same part of the state they have a good relationship, they’re “practically neighbors.”



From my favorite cynical denizen… “Look at the people who consistently voted no on the overrides in house ....whole bunch of people who want appointments….”


Nate Agrees With MOScout Hallway Index

Nate Silver’s 538 says Claire McCaskill has a 71.6% chance of being re-elected.  See it here.


Tax Returns = New New Normal?

A day after bipartisan hemming and hawing on releasing their tax returns, both US Senate candidate did just that.  Post-Dispatch reports here“U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill and her Republican rival, Attorney General Josh Hawley, released their tax returns Wednesday. McCaskill, a Democrat, reported an adjusted gross income of $266,096 in 2017, according to a copy of her federal tax return. Hawley, who filed jointly with his wife, Erin, reported an adjusted gross income of $295,925. He reported earning $130,749, while his wife reported $165,587…”


Something Else to Worry About

Wall Street Journal reports on cities taking out cyber-terrorism insurance.  See it here. “Hackers are constantly probing for ‘the one flaw overlooked’ in Houston’s computer networks, said the official responsible for safeguarding the fourth-largest U.S. city’s system. ‘Compromise is inevitable,’ said Christopher Mitchell, chief information security official, at a Houston City Council hearing last month. His presentation helped persuade local lawmakers they needed a $30 million cybersecurity insurance plan with a $471,400 premium, an example of a burgeoning trend across the country. Policies vary, but insurance can cover hackers’ extortion demands, legal liabilities, computer-forensics expertise and costs for problems like having government services knocked off line.  A majority of the 25 most-populous U.S. cities now have cyber insurance or are looking into buying it, according to a Wall Street Journal survey…”


Politico’s “Spotted”

From this morning’s Politico Playbook… HOUSE MAJORITY WHIP STEVE SCALISE (R-LA.) hosted JARED KUSHNER for a dinner at Joe's on 15th Street with House Republicans, including Homeland Security Chairman Mike McCaul (Texas), Ethics Chairwoman Susan Brooks (Ind.), Kay Granger (Texas), Mike Turner (Ohio), Ann Wagner (Mo.), Ted Yoho (Fla.), Vicky Hartzler (Mo.), Steve Chabot (Ohio), John Curtis (Utah), Joe Wilson (S.C.) and Roger Marshall (Kan.)….


eMailbag on House Leadership Race

One building denizen games out the Dem leadership race this way…

There’s the Gina [Mitten] caucus and then there’s the anybody but Gina caucus. The ABG caucus is much larger than the Gina caucus…. People think [Crystal Quade] hasn’t been there long enough. And so enter Kip Kendrick.  If Kip runs, he wins. If he doesn’t, I think Crystal wins…


eMailbag on “Thumbs” Crancer

MEC needs a double confirm on the registration.  "Are you really certain this is how you want to spend your life? Have you considered all other options?"


Help Wanted

Overland Park Chamber of Commerce seeks Vice President, Public Policy & Advocacy.  “The Vice President of Public Policy & Advocacy represents the members of the Overland Park Chamber in legislative affairs at all levels of government….”


Lobbyists Registrations

Phillip Arnzen added Missouri Division Of Professional Registration.

Jason Klumb added McCarthy Buildings Company, Bannister Transformation And Development, and Kansas City Area Development Council.

Patrick McInerney added Enterprise Leasing Company Of Ks, LLC.

Stephanie Willis added UM System.

William Gamble, Cynthia Gamble, Jorgen Schlemeier, David Jackson, Kathryn Gamble, and Sarah Topp deleted Criminal Justice Ministry, and Luetkenhaus Properties.

Jeffrey Brooks, David Jackson deleted Confluence Charter Schools.


$5K+ Contributions

HealthPAC - $7,300 from Committee for Quality Healthcare.

HBS MO State PAC - $30,000 from Diamond Game Enterprises.

New Approach Missouri - $7,000 from Ronald Stenger.

Missouri Insurance Political Action Committee - $20,000 from RightChoice Managed Care, Inc. Friends of the St Louis Zoo - $10,000 from David P Hatfield.

House Republican Campaign Committee Inc - $10,000 from Plocher for Missouri.

House Republican Campaign Committee Inc - $10,000 from Ash Grove Cement Company.

Committee To Elect Andrea Bough - $10,000 from Andrea Bough.



Happy birthdays to Congresswoman Ann Wagner, Hillary Shields and Sam Lee.



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