MOScout Daily Update: House Passes Budget - Colona Gets Appt - Munzy on Ice? and more...

Right-Left Coalition on Title IX

One MOScouter fighting the Title IX changes says “College of the Ozarks’ concerns are echoed by Southern Baptist campuses like Hannibal La Grange University as well. Title IX reform for private schools unites the left and the far right. If a religious institution tells a woman she can’t preach because she’s a woman and then that turns into a state government panel reviewing the case, lawyer costs, etc., then you’re going to have your hands full…”

What It Means

It’s still early in this fight. Eight weeks is a lifetime in the legislative session. But if opponents of Title IX changes can inspire a few conservatives and a few liberals to be willing to stand in the Senate, it won’t matter what comes out of the House.  Speaker Elijah Haahr and Rob Vescovo have been keeping their powder dry on the issue. Perhaps they sense the that the lines are still shifting on this issue.


The Talk: STL County Dems Gaming Scenarios

It appears that St. Louis County Dems are very nervous about the swirling subpoenas around County Executive Steve Stenger.  One watcher of STL Dem politics says that there’s a lot of talk, gaming out various scenarios.  From his vantage point, he says…

·         “Dems are starting to feel that Stenger’s removal/resignation is inevitable.”

·         They worry if the “Page faction” takes the CE spot they will be under scrutiny from the “Stenger faction.”  So they want a “fresh start.”

·         Without a “fresh start” they worry that “Republican will pounce.”

·         Lots of “people angling. Jefferson City legislators who need a landing spot. Democratic lawyers in the County….”


Munzy Appt Stall

Sen. Brian Munzlinger’s appointment to the Board of Probation and Parole has apparently been held up.

Rumor is that Sen. Denny Hoskins was behind it.  “[He] asked to hold him up because he knocked his Old Drum bill off consent last year… it is almost unbelievable.”

It’s expected that Munzy will move forward next week.


Colona Gets Appt

Former Rep. Mike Colona writes on Facebook… My most sincerest thanks to Mayor Lyda Krewson for appointing me a Provisional Judge for the Municipal Court of the City of St. Louis. No to worry friends and clients! It is a part time job that allows me to still practice law full time. I am truly blessed to be living my dreams... Thanks to all of you at the Municipal Court who called or texted in my support and kept me in the hunt (you know who you are) and a special thanks to the Mayor's Chief of Staff Steve Conway for ... still... always taking my call.


House Passes Budget

KCStar reports on the House passing the budget.  See it here.

On Thursday, the Missouri House passed a $30 billion budget to fund state agencies and programs for the next fiscal year, starting in July. The next two weeks could break that budget.

That’s because budget officials are depending on cash from late tax filers to help match the revenue projections on which their plan is based. Those last-minute returns are expected to contain smaller-than-expected refunds or payments because of a change to Missouri tax tables this year to reflect federal tax cuts… The next two weeks are “pivotal,” House Budget Chair Cody Smith said… Senate Appropriations Chair Dan Hegeman, R-Cosby, told reporters Thursday he would be “cautious” and watch revenue. “A few days after the 15th we will have a much better idea of what the revenues truly are going to be and that still gives us time to make adjustments should we need to do that,” Hegeman said… Economic indicators, like low unemployment and strong job growth, traditionally translate into more tax dollars for the state. If that revenue doesn’t start coming in over the next two weeks, it could be evidence of a larger structural issue with the state’s finances…

“If (under withholding’s) not the case, we don’t know exactly what’s causing this and everything we’ve budgeted for (the next fiscal year) is, in fact, flawed because of that,” Smith said.


Weekender Preview

The Weekender returns after a Spring Break hiatus.  It will include a Remington Research poll on the KC mayoral race just ahead of next week’s vote; Hallway Index gives an early take on the House Floor Leader race; and of course Who Won the Week.  I’m traveling tomorrow, so the Weekender may not hit your in-box until Sunday morning.


eMailbag: More Committee Venting

Asking probing questions or seeking relevant information would require actually reading the bills (not the summaries - the bills) and "coming to class prepared" after doing some research.  Those who do it are increasingly rare.  ("I'm sorry, Mr. Chairman, I'm looking at the wrong bill."  "What bill are we talking about here?" "Which version of the bill is this?") With term limits and insufficient overlap between legislators, the questions being asked are the same questions that were asked two, four, or six years ago.  Groundhog daze.


Help Wanted

Missouri College Access Network (MOCAN) seeks Executive Director. “The mission of the Missouri College Access Network (MOCAN) is to increase career and college awareness, preparation, access, and completion in Missouri, particularly for the underrepresented and underserved… The Executive Director is in charge of overseeing and directing the operations and staff of MOCAN. The Executive Director is responsible for working with the Board of Directors and network membership to develop the strategic direction of the network, and for developing, enhancing and maintaining the organization’s relationships and daily operations… Salary: $100,000.00 to $120,000.00 /year…”


New Committees

Our Revolution - Saint Joseph, Mo was formed.  It’s a PAC.  Its treasurer was Billie Bricker.


$5K+ Contributions

American Property Casualty Insurance Association Political Account - $19,106 from American Property Casualty Insurance Association.

Henry Klein 4 Mayor - $12,000 from Henry Klein.


Lobbyists Registrations

Jonathan Dalton added Healthy Crops LLC, and Pace-O-Matic.

Eapen Thampy added Great State Strategies LLC, and Hemp Haven; and deleted Hemp Life.



Happy birthdays to Will Scharf, Nathan Beard, Zachary Brunnert, Ellen Brandom, and Neal St. Onge.

Saturday: Wes Shoemyer, David Pearce, Jeff Roorda, and Anne Schweitzer.

Sunday: Rep. Mark Ellebracht, and Allen Icet.


MOScout Weekly Poll: KC Mayoral Race


MOScout Daily Update: C of O Warns "Slippery Slope" - Kehoe to WH - Ellebracht Kicks Off and more....