MOScout Daily Update: Gas Tax Day (not in MO) - Rowland's $100K Explained - Mathews to Medicaid Effort and more...

12 Gas Taxes Rise Across US

It’s gas tax day in twelve state across the US.  See the chart here.

Today, gasoline taxes are rising in a dozen U.S. states. The increase is particularly notable in Illinois given that the state hasn't altered its gas tax since 1990. It's bumping its gas tax by 19 cents to 38 cents a gallon. California is also among the states with increases and taxes in the Golden State are going up by 5.6 cents. That now equates to 47.3 cents per gallon, meaning California once again has the highest gasoline prices in the country….


A brief history of the gas tax from MODoT and Ballotpedia.

·         The gas tax at the original rate of two cents per gallon was enacted through a citizen initiative in 1924. The initiative provided that the purpose of the gas tax was to fund the completion and maintenance of the state highways system.

·         In 1938, through a veto referendum, voters rejected a bill passed by the legislature to increase the gas tax from two cents per gallon to three cents per gallon.

·         In 1948, voters rejected a proposed constitutional amendment referred by the legislature that would have increased the gas tax by 1.5 cents per gallon.

·         In 1950 voters rejected through a veto referendum measure an effort by the legislature to increase the gas tax to four cents per gallon.

·         In 1952, the gas tax was increased from its original two cents per gallon to three cents per gallon by a vote of the legislature.

·         In 1961, the legislature approved a temporary increase of the state's gas tax from three cents per gallon to five cents per gallon. The increase was made permanent when voters approved Amendment 1 in 1962, a constitutional amendment referred by the legislature to require the gas tax revenue to be allocated to the state, counties, cities, towns, and villages.

·         In 1972, the legislature voted to increase the state's gas tax from five cents to seven cents per gallon.

·         In 1978, a citizen initiative to increase the tax rate to 10 cents per gallon was defeated.

·         In 1982, voters had rejected a four-cent gas tax increase proposed by the legislature

·         In 1987, voters approved a four-cent gas tax increase referred to the ballot by the legislature.

·         In 1992, the legislature approved a six-cent increase phased in over five years, with the final rise coming to 17 cents per gallon in 1996.

·         In 2002, motor-fuel tax increase of 4 cents per gallon rejected.

·         2018, Prop D rejected.


After the latest voter rejection, the talk has mostly gone small ball – like Parson’s bonding plan.  We’ll see if some civic momentum on the issue can be revived in the coming years.  One theory – to which I subscribe – is that until Missourians feel some pain for the decaying roads with delays and bottlenecks, they’re unlikely to approve a new tax.


Why Rowland Gave $100K to His Campaign


A couple tipsters from the western side of the state weigh in…

·         Rowland's pro-life votes and the backlash from HB 126 has him concerned about getting a well-funded pro-choice primary opponent.

·         Some feminists in KC area have threatened Rory with a primary over his votes on HB 126.  Yes & then present.  His district has a large Catholic presence & Rory is Catholic so he should be fine.  Looks like he's not taking any chances.


Mathews Joins Medicaid Transformation Effort

Former Rep. Kirk Mathews writes on LinkedIn… I am privileged to have the opportunity to assist Missouri Medicaid Director, Todd Richardson in transforming our state Medicaid program. Medicaid represents one-third of our state budget... roughly $10 Billion and growing. Our vision is to make the Missouri Medicaid program the best in class while providing important services to our state's most vulnerable population in a manner that is financially sustainable. While I have much to learn, I believe and hope my experience owning/leading a physician practice management company, combined with my four years in the Missouri House of Representatives provides a good background to help bring about meaningful change.

He’s now Chief Transformation Officer at the Office of Medicaid Transformation in the Department of Social Services.


Abortion Politics

·         Point… “Regardless of one's opinion on the issue, there simply aren't enough of those kind of swing voters to move the needle any more than it is. The critical suburbs aren’t growing THAT fast, aren't nearly young enough, and have too much Catholic/evangelical influence among the older population who are highly reliable voters. Trump got thrashed in the MO suburbs in 2016 and still won the state by 19 points. Hard to believe suburban voters will find Parson more repulsive to them than Trump to swing it in the way pro-choice voters hope - especially without easy straight-ticket voting.”

·         Counterpoint… “I don’t think Team Parson adequately considers the potential lines of attack or realizes how angry women voters already were about Trump before Parsons signed the severe abortion restrictions…”


Time reports that “the American Medical Association is suing North Dakota to block two abortion-related laws, the latest signal the doctors’ group is shifting to a more aggressive stance as the Donald Trump administration and state conservatives ratchet up efforts to eliminate legal abortion.  The group, which represents all types of physicians in the U.S., has tended to stay on the sidelines of many controversial social issues, which, until recently, included abortion and contraception…  But, says AMA President Patrice Harris, the organization feels that, in light of new state laws in the U.S…. it has no choice but to take a stand….”

See it here.


Lobbyists Registrations

Jason Zamkus added Northeast Missouri Economic Development Council.

Mike Gibbons and Tricia Workman deleted Amplify Education, Inc.     

Thomas Robbins and Steven Tilley deleted BioTrackTHC, and Missouri Council For A Better Economy DBA Better Together.



Show Me Growth PAC - $25,000 from CL PAC.

Lincoln PAC - $10,000 from Phoenix Home Care.

Roberts For St Louis - $50,000 from Steven Roberts II.

Committee To Elect Jon Carpenter - $10,000 from CHIPP Political Account.



Happy birthdays to TJ McKenna, Jake Buxton, Derek Coats, Cliff Davis, and Bruce Wylie.


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