MOScout Daily Update: Parson KC Fundy - Walsh on Steward - Shawan Adds More $$ - Green Hints at Senate 5 and more....

Parson’s Monster KC Event

A few different folks mentioned a monster fundraiser that Governor Mike Parson had last night in Kansas City.  Held that Stock Hill restaurant, and organized by Sen. Mike Cierpiot and donor Michael Ketchmark, it’s said to have raised $400K between checks to the candidate committee and the Uniting Missouri PAC.

“Great mix of business and community leaders, Cierpiot and Rep. Jonathan Patterson welcomed the Governor. I’m guessing over a hundred people were there, and was even more surprised to see Todd Graves, Lucinda Luetkemeyer, and Scott Turk all holding court as guests arrived. Hard not to view this as anything but a home run for Parson if he has Team Greitens officially on board…”

What It Means

Parson will likely be putting up big numbers again in the October quarter reports.  And if Democrat Nicole Galloway doesn’t do the same, it will hurt her pitch to national donors that she can make this a competitive race.


Walsh on Steward’s Agenda

Minority Leader Gina Walsh tweets about David Steward’s big check… Last year, Republican Senators pushed to change Title IX laws to make things harder on victims of rape and campus assault. Thankfully, they failed. But now, the money behind the Title IX effort is being funneled into a secret PAC to elect more Republican Senators. Coincidence?


Senate 3: Don’t Forget About Henderson!

Following up on my list yesterday of Republican primaries, one MOScouter texted: Don’t forget about Mike Henderson in SD 3, I would say he is the front runner at this point.

I’d forgotten about Henderson.


Senate 5: Green Leans Toward Run

St. Louis Alderwoman Megan Green announced yesterday that she’s forming an exploratory committee to look at running in Senate 5.  See her announcement video here.
Green, along with Sen. Jamilah Nasheed, ran unsuccessfully for President of the board of Aldermen earlier this year, losing to incumbent Lewis Reed.
Green is viewed as a progressive ideologue.  One lobbyist texted his assessment that Republicans in the Senate would hate her, and she wouldn’t get anything done. 

Green would be joining Rep. Steven Roberts Jr. and Michelle Sherod in the primary.


Senate 25: Shawan Adds $50K to Account

In the large contributions (below) Rep. Jeff Shawan puts another $50,000 into his campaign committee.  This comes after his previous “investment” of $100,000.

In-box tipster writes: Shawan will continue to make major contributions to his campaign each quarter unless Eddy Justice drops out to seek the nomination for State Representative.

We’ll see whether Shawan’s strategy of writing checks clears the field….


Senate 25: Cookson In

And, not sure how I missed this before, it looks like Justice and Shawan have a third companion running in Senate 25… Rep. Steve Cookson.

Cookson has previously amended his campaign committee to run for Senate 25, but that committee was terminated.

However, popping up on Facebook yesterday were pictures of Cookson in a Labor Day parade with red Cookson for Senate signs

Go figure…

Medicaid Expansion Gets $$$

One day after their roll-out, Missourians for Healthcare recorded about $1.4 million in contributions.  This is the campaign committee working for the passage of an initiative petition to expand Medicaid coverage in Missouri. 

They received checks from Prospects for Missouri ($396,465), BJC Healthcare ($250,000), and Health Forward Foundation ($750,000).

What It Means

Likely there’ll be no shortage in resources for proponents of this proposal.  And… There’s still no evidence that an organized opposition will emerge.



·         The Jefferson City License Office is out for bid. See it here.

·         The 31st Circuit Judicial Commission releasesd the applicants for the new circuit judge vacancy created by the legislature. They are…  Becky Borthwick, Randall Eggert, Ginger Gooch, Jerry Harmison Jr., David Mercer, Darrell Moore, Timothy Todd Myers, Brian Risley, and Todd Thornhill.

·         The veto session fundraising sprint starts Monday night with an event at lobbyist Rich AuBuchon’s house.  Its for Sens. Justin Brown, Lincoln Hough and Tony Luetkemeyer.

·         Post-Dispatch reports that “the spread of unregulated video gaming machines in Missouri could be diverting $50 million away from the state lottery.  As state lawmakers debate whether to expand gambling, lottery Executive Director May Scheve Reardon said Thursday the growing number of illegal machines is cutting into the amount of money the lottery raises…”


eMailbag on STL Biz Agenda

On the conservative caucus, and you know I really like many of them, what evidence is there that the StL “business community” supports their message? One guy does not equal the business community. Right now the St. Louis business community is really only speaking with one voice on one issue...guns.


New Committees

JCFRW Donation Account was formed.  It’s a PAC.  Its treasurer is Marcia Malloy.


$5K+ Contributions

Missourians for Healthcare - $396,465 from Prospects for Missouri.

Missourians for Healthcare - $250,000 from BJC Healthcare.

Missourians for Healthcare - $750,000 from Health Forward Foundation.

Friends Of Jeff Shawan - $50,000 from Jeff Shawan.



Happy birthdays to Sarah Wood Martin and Sam Murphey.

Saturday: Sheila Solon and Kathlyn Fares.

Sunday: John Quinn.


MOScout Weekender: Poll on Medicaid Expansion - Hallway on Medicaid Expansion - Who Won the Week and more...


MOScout Daily Update: Steward Backs CL PAC w/ $700K+ Check - MNEA Preps IP - Ashcroft Hearts Parson and more....