MOScout Daily Update: Tightening Gov Race? - Burlison for Wasinger - GOP Senate Consultants and more…

Quick Friday update…


Emerson Poll Shows Tightening Gov Race

Out this morning, Emerson College with a new Republican gubernatorial poll that shows a tightening race.  Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft remains in the lead, but Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe is now within the margin of error.  And with 49% still undecided, there’s a lot of race left in this race.

 ·       Other findings… Voters were asked how important it is to them that the Kansas City Chiefs and Royals remain in Missouri.  63% of voters find it important that the Chiefs stay in Missouri, 37% do not find it important.


First in MOScout: Burlison Picks Wasinger for LG

Breaking today… Congressman Eric Burlison will endorse David Wasinger for lieutenant governor.

“David Wasinger is a true patriot and embodies the core conservative values that define Missouri…. David’s commitment to protecting the unborn, promoting hard work, and limiting government intervention reflects the values that our state needs to thrive.”

Why It Matters

·       In the crowded field, every candidate is looking for any possible persuadable factor.  Burlison is popular in the vote-rich southwest corner of Missouri, his nod giving Wasinger credibility there. And Team Wasinger crows that Burlison chose their man over his own state senator, Lincoln Hough.


AG Candidates Trade Charges

Attorney General Andrew Bailey and his challenger Will Scharf each pointed to episodes from the other’s past (each from their youth) to cast doubts about their character.

 ·       I can’t imagine that voters care about this stuff.  I think campaigns do this to try to get under their opponents’ skin a bit.


Updated 2024 Watch

I updated the 2024 Watch spreadsheet to add a “consultants” column to Republican state senate races.  It’s interesting to note the various consultants (Axiom, Barklage, Harris, Palm, Victory) working together on one race, and then on opposite sides on the next.


$5K+ Contributions

American Dream PAC (pro-Kehoe) - $50,000 from Richard Miller (Pittsburg, KS).

American Dream PAC - $25,000 from Taxpayers Unlimited, Inc.

American Dream PAC - $10,000 from MBL Development Co.

American Dream PAC - $7,500 from Matthew Lowe.

American Dream PAC - $7,000 from United Scripts LTC LLC.

American Dream PAC - $7,000 from Pool King Enterprises.

American Dream PAC - $15,000 from Midwest Long Term Care Services LLC.

American Dream PAC - $10,000 from David Hogan.

Independence PAC (pro-McMullen) - $25,000 from Rex Sinquefield.

Independence PAC - $40,000 from Conservative Justice PAC.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $10,000 from Jason Smith for Congress.

House Republican Campaign Committee, Inc - $20,000 from David Steward.

Defend Missouri (pro-Scharf) - $465,000 from Club for Growth Action - Missouri Federal Committee.

Missourians for a Fair Economy - $15,000 from Volunteer Political Fund Local 533.

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom - $25,000 from Alison Ferring.

Friends of SJSD - $10,000 from Joseph and Stacchya Gray.

Friends of SJSD - $10,000 from Gray Manufacturing Company, Inc.

Friends of SJSD - $10,000 from Hillyard Industries, Inc.

Boeing Political Action Committee Missouri PAC - $15,000 from The Boeing Company Political Action Committee.



Happy birthdays to Mike Pridmore, Hank Thompson, and Jeff Shawan.


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