MOScout Daily Update: NFIB For Kehoe - Kalmer Honored - Gubby Debate Day and more…

Quick Friday update…


NFIB Endorses Kehoe

Press release: The NFIB Missouri PAC endorsed Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe for Governor. The political action committee is comprised exclusively of NFIB members in Missouri. The endorsement was announced at a campaign event at NFIB member small business Red Wheel Bike Shop, in Jefferson City, Missouri… Today’s endorsement puts the considerable grassroots support of the state’s small businesses behind Kehoe’s campaign. Small business owners and their employees vote in large numbers and are known for actively recruiting friends, family members, and acquaintances to go to the polls.  NFIB’s political support is based on the candidates’ positions and records on key small-business issues.

·       Many other associations and trade groups stuck their neck out for Kehoe with early primary endorsements against then-favorite Jay Ashcroft.  This NFIB endorsement is a bit anti-climatic.



Pro-Brown PAC Formed

Kansas City Forward was formed.  It’s a PAC to support Rep. Chris Brown.  His House 16 is considered one of the House “battleground” districts this cycle.  See the filing here.


Driving the Day: Gubby Debate

LG Mike Kehoe and Rep. Crystal Quade will meet at a Missouri Press Association forum this afternoon (2PM) for their first (and only?) debate. 

·       I believe it will be livestreamed on CSPAN here.


Kalmer Gets ACS CAN Honor

Emily Kalmer was recognized as the country’s top government relations professional by the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN) in honor of her exceptional work advocating for cancer-fighting public policies.

·       ACS CAN, the advocacy affiliate of the American Cancer Society, presents the award to a staff person who has consistently demonstrated outstanding leadership and excellence in the areas of advocacy and public policy.

·       Kalmer has served as ACS CAN’s Missouri Government Relations Director for six years. She shepherded the passage of key legislation in Missouri that has impacted millions of lives on multiple cancer policy issues, including increased access to breast and cervical cancer treatment, tobacco cessation and prevention funding and copay assistance for prescription drugs. She spends countless hours working behind the scenes to ensure that ACS CAN’s volunteers have impactful opportunities and moments.


Lobbyist Registrations

Grayson Briggs and Justin Olson added The Gordian Group, Inc.            

Jim Gwinner added Forbes Tate Partners (on behalf of Indivior).


$5K+ Contributions

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom (pro-choice IP) - $400,000 from American Civil Liberties Union Foundation, Inc. (New York, NY).

Missourians for Constitutional Freedom - $10,000 from Jerome and Susan Schlichter.

Committee to Ensure a Future for Sheriffs & Prosecutors (pro-Amendment 6) - $100,000 from Missouri Sheriffs' Association.

Missourians for Healthy Families & Fair Wages (pro-minimum wage IP) - $16,389 from Missouri Jobs with Justice.

American Dream PAC (pro-Kehoe) - $100,000 from Conservative Leadership for Missouri.

American Dream PAC - $20,000 from AT&T.

Great Northwest PAC (pro-Rusty Black) - $10,000 from Mark Monheiser.

BB Freedom Fund (pro-Ben Brown) - $10,000 from Paladin PAC.

Protect our Kids PAC (pro-Schnelting) - $7,500 from Paladin PAC.

AshPac (pro-Aune) - $10,000 from Mid-America Carpenters Regional Council MO-KS Area PAC.

Southwest Conservative PAC - $25,000 from BOLD PAC.

Clay County Democratic Central Committee - $25,000 from Clay Dems Political Action Committee.

Missouri Democratic State Committee - $11,626 from Antonia Grilikhes-Lasky (Brooklyn, NY).

Evergy Employee PowerPAC – Missouri - $26,000 from Evergy Employee PowerPAC.

Friends of John C Russell - $20,000 from Brent Davis.

Missourians for a Fair Economy - $50,000 from Missouri & Kansas Laborers PAC.

Pfizer Missouri Political Action Committee - Federal Committee - $16,625 from Pfizer Inc PAC.



Happy birthday to Trish Gunby.


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