Chappelle-Nadal “Injects”

Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal knocked SB 574 off the consent calendar.  It’s Sen. Wayne Wallingford’s bill on mandatory reporting of nursing home neglect.

Chappelle-Nadal’s letter… “Pursuant to Senate Rule 45, please remove the SCS/SB 574 from the Consent Calendar and return such to the Seniors, Families and Children committee.  While I take no issue with the underlying public policy of the legislation, (in fact, I wholeheartedly support increasing reporting requirements for sexual assault victims in long-term care facilities) I do take issue with the sponsor, who elected to interject himself into a public health matter situated wholly within my Senatorial District.  Specifically, the bill’s sponsor, despite living 126.2 miles away from the radioactive West Lake Landfill, signed a letter, dated October 1, 2017, to the Environmental Protection Agency that stated, in part, that there is “no evidence of health risks to individuals living or working in the vicinity of the (West Lake) landfill.”  Further, the letter expressed opposition to properly remedying this public health disaster that has killed, is killing, and, unless properly alleviated, will continue to kill my constituents.  For this reason, I choose to inject myself into this Senator’s business, which includes the consent status of the SCS/SB 574…”

Originally in January 31 MOScout.


SLBJ Endorses Wiemann’s Bill


IPs Filed For Fuel Tax