PPP: Missouri Has “Shifted”

Public Policy Polling release a new Missouri poll.  See it here.

The release: A new Public Policy Polling survey of Missouri voters finds that Claire McCaskill leads Republican challenger Josh Hawley 45-44 for reelection. The political climate in Missouri has shifted in a number of ways since 2016 that greatly improve McCaskill’s reelection chances: Voters in the state are almost evenly divided now on Donald Trump, with 48% approving of him to 47% who disapprove. That represents a sharp decline in Trump’s popularity given his 19 point victory in the state, but is also consistent with the decline in his approval numbers seen across the country…. Public Policy Polling interviewed 965 Missouri voters on January 8th and 9th. Respondents with landlines were reached over the telephone, with respondents who don’t have landlines interviewed online. The survey’s margin of error is +/-3.2%. This research was conducted on behalf of The Majority Institute.

Originally in January 16 MOScout.


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