It’s pretty interesting that Chris Koster – the NRA endorsed candidate for governor – appears to have a “tough on guns” ad. See it here.
It looks like the sort of ad that’s targeted to run in urban areas. “Gun violence is killing our citizens and our city.” He promises tougher bail requirements and “long prison sentences without parole for felons caught.”
Greitens Pans Koster Attack
The Eric Greitens campaign sent an email pushing back against a new Chris Koster attack ad, and using it as a fundraising opportunity. In an unorthodox maneuver, they linked to the ad, which they themselves put online on Greitens’ YouTube channel. See it here. The ad claims that Greitens was paid over $700K by The Mission Continues, and over $600K of the charity’s budget went to “image consultants.” The ad’s tag was: If Greitens can’t be trusted with a charity’s money is he ready to be governor?
There appears to be at least one other version of this ad. See it here. It’s more powerful because it used what looks like veterans to deliver the message.
Labor Day’s gone; summer’s over; two months ‘til Election Day; the gloves are coming off and this rumble is on…
eMailbag: Is Greitens the Drag?
Down ticket Republican candidates should wonder if Eric Greitens will be a drag on the ticket. Your poll shows Donald Trump up 9%, but Eric down 4%. A 13% spread. Greitens was down 2, then 4, now 6. What happens when Chris Koster begins attacking 100%?
Stiffler Replaces Aboussie
John Stiffler, the Business Manager of Asbestos Workers Local #1, was named the new Secretary Treasurer of the St. Louis Building Trades. He replaces Jeff Aboussie. Sen. Gina Walsh tweeted a picture of Stiffler being sworn in. See it here.
There’s been a few rumors about Aboussie’s next move with most folks assuming he’s headed to some type of lobbying role.
One hint might be a pair of LLCs he registered earlier this year. On March 11 Aboussie registered Regional Strategies LLC. The purpose of the LLC is “business consulting and government relations.” See the paperwork here. And last month, on August 1, he registered Scenic Lake Properties LLC for “real estate holdings.” See the paperwork here.
And Meet Tony Dugger & Associates?
As long as we’re surfing through the secretary of state’s website trying to spot fish from their ripples in the water…
Recently resigned Rep. Tony Dugger registered a new LLC a few months ago… Tony R. Dugger & Associates LLC, formed June 27, 2016. See the paperwork here.
Bain to Farm Bureau
Kinder staffer Matt Bain announced on Facebook he was leaving that office: I am very excited to announce that I have been offered, and accepted, the position of Regional Coordinator for the southeastern 18 counties of the Missouri Farm Bureau Federation. Agriculture and rural Missouri have been cornerstones of my life for as long as I can remember; to be able to work day in and day out for MFB's 120,459 farm families and the hundreds of small communties they support is an absolute dream come true… Finally, I can't begin to express my gratitude to Lt. Governor Peter Kinder and his Chief of Staff Reid Forrester for taking a chance on this ole cotton chopper and irrigation man from the upper Boot a year ago. You gave me the oppertunity to prove myself in new ways and I will never forget your trust and guidence…
Pay Raise for State Workers?
Post-Dispatch’s Kurt Erickson reports “that Missouri lawmakers could begin work as soon as January on a plan to boost the pay for state government’s lowest paid employees. A joint House and Senate committee met Wednesday to review the results of a $324,750 report that concluded Missouri’s employees are the lowest paid in the nation.” See it here.
Folks are looking at a one-percent pay raise to make salaries closer to competitive. It would cost about $13 million to fund.
Rep. Mike Bernskoetter weighing in on it (see it here): “We’ve just got to get started and then hopefully we can go from the start and then work our way into the median range and get the salary for the employees where it should be for the type of jobs they do.”
And House Budget Committee Rep. Scott Fizpatrick: “That amount of money is something that is feasible under the right circumstances, revenue-wise. Revenue-wise and expenses-wise.”
Galloway Slams Wellston
State Auditor Nicole Galloway released an audit which showed “the court assessed a $2 charge on all court cases to benefit local domestic violence shelters. The court took in nearly $5,000 in these fees in 2015, but they did not spend that money on domestic violence shelter operations. Poor record-keeping makes it impossible to tell how the money was spent. Auditors found little oversight and largely inaccurate records for bail bonds… [C]ourt records showed the bond bank account was short by $280,000…City and court officials made no attempts to identify possible reasons for the shortage in the bond account, to resolve discrepancies in court documents or to
replace the money improperly spent from the account. Wellston municipal court case records were disorganized, incomplete, missing and in many cases, inaccurate, with 90 percent of cases reviewed showing conflicting activity between electronic and paper records. In addition, the court also collected court costs, fees and surcharges on dismissed cases, in violation of Missouri law…” See the audit here.
Money, Money, Money, Money….
Statement of Matthew L. Myers, President of Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids: The industry's hypocrisy is underscored by the fact that Reynolds American is supporting a small and ineffective tobacco tax increase in Missouri that would provide far less for tobacco prevention and cessation programs. The tobacco companies don't care one bit about funding tobacco prevention efforts… That's why Reynolds is spending nearly $3 million to support the Missouri initiative… By fighting the California, Colorado and North Dakota initiatives – while bankrolling the counterproductive Missouri measure– the tobacco companies once again are
protecting their profits at the expense of kids and lives…
Throwback Thursday
One witty observer… Best campaign manager name so far in 2016; Steele Shippy of Jay Ashcroft for SOS. Sounds like the name of a guy on TV pitching siding...
Here's a 2006 story about then-wrestling coach Steele Shippy: Coaching also gave Shippy an outlet for his faith. He credits all his life success to God and hopes to be a teacher in the arena of life, as opposed to simply the wrestling ring. “In high school, I was ridiculed because I was always the kid who knelt and prayed before matches,” he said. “I want this to be an environment where the kids can learn discipline from wrestling, but also an environment where they can live out their faith.”
Biden to LaunchCode
Yesterday I mentioned that LaunchCode had hired the Catalyst Group to lobby in Missouri. Now comes word that Vice-President Joe Biden will be in St. Louis Friday morning at the LaunchCode facility, 4811 Delmar Blvd.
From the press release: [T]he Vice President will travel to St. Louis, Missouri to participate in an event on creating affordable, accelerated education and training opportunities so that more Americans obtain the skills they need to get middle class jobs in high growth fields such as technology.
Lant Update
The Joplin Globe gives a health update on Rep. Bill Lant. See it here.
Pull Quote: Lant, 69, was on his way to a meeting in Jefferson City on July 25 when his car skidded off the road. Jane Lant, his wife, said she usually accompanies him but she stayed behind in their Pineville home to help out with guests staying in their cabin. She said she remembers that within minutes of Bill leaving at 9 a.m., a downpour started. About 10 miles away, Bill's car hydroplaned and hit a road sign support. Bill broke his ribs, his scapula and sustained some brain damage, Jane said…
"His first communication was being able to squeeze your hand when asking if he could hear you," Jane said. "He went from not even able to walk to someone helping him to a walker. He’s walking by himself."
Bill said he will attend the veto session and that he is working every day to inform himself about the pros and cons of legislation to be considered. However, his wife said attendance would depend on Bill's therapy schedule. "If they need him, he will be there," Jane said…
She was assured he would be in good shape to attend the January legislative session.
The Missouri Insurance Coalition recorded another installment in their non-committee expenditure to oppose the campaign contribution limits initiative. This amount was for $3,709 to Stinson Leonard Street. See it here.
Post-Dispatch’s Elisa Crouch asks when the St. Louis City Schools will return to an elected board. See it here.
Politico reports “outside groups like the Senate Leadership Fund are increasingly focused on states like North Carolina and Missouri, where incumbents Richard Burr and Roy Blunt face tight contests. Senate GOP incumbents are still generally outperforming Trump in polls, but they fear he could drag them downward, and have largely kept their distance….” See it here.
Help Wanted
St. Louis City seeks Deputy City Counselor. “This is an advanced-level attorney management position responsible for assisting and/or acting in the absence of the City Counselor in the administration and management of all legal work and programs for the City. Responsibilities include: management and assignment of cases to subordinates; oversight and evaluation of various work sections within the Law Department; making recommendations on legal issues and departmental policy; contributing to the formulation and justification of budgetary requests; representing the City in complex/significant litigation and corporate matters, including those on appeal in Missouri and Federal Courts; responding to press and media inquiries; drafting, reviewing, and analyzing newly proposed legislation, and advising department heads and City officials… Salary: Minimum: $102,726, Maximum: $161,356….”See it here.
City of St. Charles seeks Community Relations Liaison. “The purpose of the Community Relations Liaison position is to provide a wide variety of professional level support for the Mayor, City Council, and Administration and coordinates activities; performs extensive research, professional assistance, project management, and recommendations on City issues; and spearheads the receipt of and responds to citizen concerns/complaints by working with all city departments and management. This is a professional position requiring exceptional analytical, communication and personal skills and performs highly responsible administrative work covering a broad range of municipal activities.” See it here.
Today’s Events
Powered by Mary Scruggs’ indispensable events calendar:
Former Sen. Jeff Smith – Reducing Recidivism – 6:30PM – 8001 Dale, Richmond Heights.
Changes in Lobbyist Registrations
Salvatore Panettiere added Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City.
David Sweeney added St. Louis Parking Company.
Rick Eastman added Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois.
Sherry Kuttenkuler deleted Concerned Women for America of Missouri.
Laura Ruediger deleted Missouri Energy Development Association.
$5K+ Contributions
Citizens Committee for Soil, Water and State Parks - $10,000 from COOP Owners Political Action Committee (COPAC).
Koster for Missouri - $15,000 from Potts Law Firm.
Missouri Senate Campaign Committee - $25,000 from Republic Services Inc.
Missouri Senate Campaign Committee - $25,000 from Romine for Senate.
Civic Progress Action Committee - $13,000 from Anheuser-Busch Companies.
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Thursday, September 8, 2016
Koster Tough on Guns?
It’s pretty interesting that Chris Koster – the NRA endorsed candidate for governor – appears to have a “tough on guns” ad. See it here.
It looks like the sort of ad that’s targeted to run in urban areas. “Gun violence is killing our citizens and our city.” He promises tougher bail requirements and “long prison sentences without parole for felons caught.”
Greitens Pans Koster Attack
The Eric Greitens campaign sent an email pushing back against a new Chris Koster attack ad, and using it as a fundraising opportunity. In an unorthodox maneuver, they linked to the ad, which they themselves put online on Greitens’ YouTube channel. See it here. The ad claims that Greitens was paid over $700K by The Mission Continues, and over $600K of the charity’s budget went to “image consultants.” The ad’s tag was: If Greitens can’t be trusted with a charity’s money is he ready to be governor?
There appears to be at least one other version of this ad. See it here. It’s more powerful because it used what looks like veterans to deliver the message.
See Greitens’ rebuttal video here.
What It Means
Labor Day’s gone; summer’s over; two months ‘til Election Day; the gloves are coming off and this rumble is on…
eMailbag: Is Greitens the Drag?
Down ticket Republican candidates should wonder if Eric Greitens will be a drag on the ticket. Your poll shows Donald Trump up 9%, but Eric down 4%. A 13% spread. Greitens was down 2, then 4, now 6. What happens when Chris Koster begins attacking 100%?
Stiffler Replaces Aboussie
John Stiffler, the Business Manager of Asbestos Workers Local #1, was named the new Secretary Treasurer of the St. Louis Building Trades. He replaces Jeff Aboussie. Sen. Gina Walsh tweeted a picture of Stiffler being sworn in. See it here.
There’s been a few rumors about Aboussie’s next move with most folks assuming he’s headed to some type of lobbying role.
One hint might be a pair of LLCs he registered earlier this year. On March 11 Aboussie registered Regional Strategies LLC. The purpose of the LLC is “business consulting and government relations.” See the paperwork here. And last month, on August 1, he registered Scenic Lake Properties LLC for “real estate holdings.” See the paperwork here.
And Meet Tony Dugger & Associates?
As long as we’re surfing through the secretary of state’s website trying to spot fish from their ripples in the water…
Recently resigned Rep. Tony Dugger registered a new LLC a few months ago… Tony R. Dugger & Associates LLC, formed June 27, 2016. See the paperwork here.
Bain to Farm Bureau
Kinder staffer Matt Bain announced on Facebook he was leaving that office: I am very excited to announce that I have been offered, and accepted, the position of Regional Coordinator for the southeastern 18 counties of the Missouri Farm Bureau Federation. Agriculture and rural Missouri have been cornerstones of my life for as long as I can remember; to be able to work day in and day out for MFB's 120,459 farm families and the hundreds of small communties they support is an absolute dream come true… Finally, I can't begin to express my gratitude to Lt. Governor Peter Kinder and his Chief of Staff Reid Forrester for taking a chance on this ole cotton chopper and irrigation man from the upper Boot a year ago. You gave me the oppertunity to prove myself in new ways and I will never forget your trust and guidence…
Pay Raise for State Workers?
Post-Dispatch’s Kurt Erickson reports “that Missouri lawmakers could begin work as soon as January on a plan to boost the pay for state government’s lowest paid employees. A joint House and Senate committee met Wednesday to review the results of a $324,750 report that concluded Missouri’s employees are the lowest paid in the nation.” See it here.
Folks are looking at a one-percent pay raise to make salaries closer to competitive. It would cost about $13 million to fund.
Rep. Mike Bernskoetter weighing in on it (see it here): “We’ve just got to get started and then hopefully we can go from the start and then work our way into the median range and get the salary for the employees where it should be for the type of jobs they do.”
And House Budget Committee Rep. Scott Fizpatrick: “That amount of money is something that is feasible under the right circumstances, revenue-wise. Revenue-wise and expenses-wise.”
Galloway Slams Wellston
State Auditor Nicole Galloway released an audit which showed “the court assessed a $2 charge on all court cases to benefit local domestic violence shelters. The court took in nearly $5,000 in these fees in 2015, but they did not spend that money on domestic violence shelter operations. Poor record-keeping makes it impossible to tell how the money was spent. Auditors found little oversight and largely inaccurate records for bail bonds… [C]ourt records showed the bond bank account was short by $280,000…City and court officials made no attempts to identify possible reasons for the shortage in the bond account, to resolve discrepancies in court documents or to
replace the money improperly spent from the account. Wellston municipal court case records were disorganized, incomplete, missing and in many cases, inaccurate, with 90 percent of cases reviewed showing conflicting activity between electronic and paper records. In addition, the court also collected court costs, fees and surcharges on dismissed cases, in violation of Missouri law…” See the audit here.
Money, Money, Money, Money….
Statement of Matthew L. Myers, President of Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids: The industry's hypocrisy is underscored by the fact that Reynolds American is supporting a small and ineffective tobacco tax increase in Missouri that would provide far less for tobacco prevention and cessation programs. The tobacco companies don't care one bit about funding tobacco prevention efforts… That's why Reynolds is spending nearly $3 million to support the Missouri initiative… By fighting the California, Colorado and North Dakota initiatives – while bankrolling the counterproductive Missouri measure– the tobacco companies once again are
protecting their profits at the expense of kids and lives…
Throwback Thursday
One witty observer… Best campaign manager name so far in 2016; Steele Shippy of Jay Ashcroft for SOS. Sounds like the name of a guy on TV pitching siding...
Here's a 2006 story about then-wrestling coach Steele Shippy: Coaching also gave Shippy an outlet for his faith. He credits all his life success to God and hopes to be a teacher in the arena of life, as opposed to simply the wrestling ring. “In high school, I was ridiculed because I was always the kid who knelt and prayed before matches,” he said. “I want this to be an environment where the kids can learn discipline from wrestling, but also an environment where they can live out their faith.”
Biden to LaunchCode
Yesterday I mentioned that LaunchCode had hired the Catalyst Group to lobby in Missouri. Now comes word that Vice-President Joe Biden will be in St. Louis Friday morning at the LaunchCode facility, 4811 Delmar Blvd.
From the press release: [T]he Vice President will travel to St. Louis, Missouri to participate in an event on creating affordable, accelerated education and training opportunities so that more Americans obtain the skills they need to get middle class jobs in high growth fields such as technology.
Lant Update
The Joplin Globe gives a health update on Rep. Bill Lant. See it here.
Pull Quote: Lant, 69, was on his way to a meeting in Jefferson City on July 25 when his car skidded off the road. Jane Lant, his wife, said she usually accompanies him but she stayed behind in their Pineville home to help out with guests staying in their cabin. She said she remembers that within minutes of Bill leaving at 9 a.m., a downpour started. About 10 miles away, Bill's car hydroplaned and hit a road sign support. Bill broke his ribs, his scapula and sustained some brain damage, Jane said…
"His first communication was being able to squeeze your hand when asking if he could hear you," Jane said. "He went from not even able to walk to someone helping him to a walker. He’s walking by himself."
Bill said he will attend the veto session and that he is working every day to inform himself about the pros and cons of legislation to be considered. However, his wife said attendance would depend on Bill's therapy schedule. "If they need him, he will be there," Jane said…
She was assured he would be in good shape to attend the January legislative session.
The Missouri Insurance Coalition recorded another installment in their non-committee expenditure to oppose the campaign contribution limits initiative. This amount was for $3,709 to Stinson Leonard Street. See it here.
Post-Dispatch’s Elisa Crouch asks when the St. Louis City Schools will return to an elected board. See it here.
Politico reports “outside groups like the Senate Leadership Fund are increasingly focused on states like North Carolina and Missouri, where incumbents Richard Burr and Roy Blunt face tight contests. Senate GOP incumbents are still generally outperforming Trump in polls, but they fear he could drag them downward, and have largely kept their distance….” See it here.
Help Wanted
St. Louis City seeks Deputy City Counselor. “This is an advanced-level attorney management position responsible for assisting and/or acting in the absence of the City Counselor in the administration and management of all legal work and programs for the City. Responsibilities include: management and assignment of cases to subordinates; oversight and evaluation of various work sections within the Law Department; making recommendations on legal issues and departmental policy; contributing to the formulation and justification of budgetary requests; representing the City in complex/significant litigation and corporate matters, including those on appeal in Missouri and Federal Courts; responding to press and media inquiries; drafting, reviewing, and analyzing newly proposed legislation, and advising department heads and City officials… Salary: Minimum: $102,726, Maximum: $161,356….” See it here.
City of St. Charles seeks Community Relations Liaison. “The purpose of the Community Relations Liaison position is to provide a wide variety of professional level support for the Mayor, City Council, and Administration and coordinates activities; performs extensive research, professional assistance, project management, and recommendations on City issues; and spearheads the receipt of and responds to citizen concerns/complaints by working with all city departments and management. This is a professional position requiring exceptional analytical, communication and personal skills and performs highly responsible administrative work covering a broad range of municipal activities.” See it here.
Today’s Events
Powered by Mary Scruggs’ indispensable events calendar:
Former Sen. Jeff Smith – Reducing Recidivism – 6:30PM – 8001 Dale, Richmond Heights.
Changes in Lobbyist Registrations
Salvatore Panettiere added Health Care Foundation of Greater Kansas City.
David Sweeney added St. Louis Parking Company.
Rick Eastman added Ameren Transmission Company of Illinois.
Sherry Kuttenkuler deleted Concerned Women for America of Missouri.
Laura Ruediger deleted Missouri Energy Development Association.
$5K+ Contributions
Citizens Committee for Soil, Water and State Parks - $10,000 from COOP Owners Political Action Committee (COPAC).
Koster for Missouri - $15,000 from Potts Law Firm.
Missouri Senate Campaign Committee - $25,000 from Republic Services Inc.
Missouri Senate Campaign Committee - $25,000 from Romine for Senate.
Civic Progress Action Committee - $13,000 from Anheuser-Busch Companies.
New Approach PAC - $32,000 from New Approach PAC.
Happy birthday to former Rep. John Quinn.
Friday, September 9, 2016
Wednesday, September 7, 2016