Monday March 2, 2015

Schweich Funeral Tomorrow

Tom Schweich’s funeral will be tomorrow.  It’s at 10AM in St. Louis.  I expect that the legislature will cancel their hearings and convene later in the afternoon Tuesday accordingly.


KC Star’s Steve Kraske writes that Jack Danforth will give the eulogy and speculates that Danforth’s words will help define the narrative.  Specifically, is anyone to blame for Schweich’s death?  Those pointing fingers are pointing them at John Hancock for supposedly saying that Schweich was Jewish, and Catherine Hanaway for whatever role her supporters played in the radio ad mocking Schweich.

Maybe I’m hardened, but someone says you’re Jewish? Big deal.  And the radio ad seemed tame.  For example, compare it to 2010 when Schweich first ran for office, and the incumbent, Susan Montee was secretly filmed at a Democratic political social event and then dubbed “Margarita Montee” on the YouTube video.

In short, unless there’s something more that we don’t know, no one is to blame for Schweich’s death.  Schweich had something going on inside of him that made him take his own life. That’s the tragic truth.



Governor Jay Nixon appoint his long-time right-hand man John Watson as auditor.  The press release indicated that Watson would resign once Nixon named a “permanent” auditor.

As I mentioned last week, Clint Zweifel is mentioned among Dems, but it’s unclear that Zweifel would accept.  Some think that Nixon should use this opportunity to name an African American.  St. Louis City Treasurer Tishaura Jones is mentioned as a possibly, but again it’s unclear if she would accept.  Some think she has her eyes on Lacy Clay’s congressional seat once he moves on, and there is on-and-off talk that Clay is mulling life after Congress.  To pursue that path, it’s better that she stays in St. Louis.

Finally there is Susan Montee, the former auditor.  She actually has experience, and would make sense in terms of running the office.  But because she and Nixon have a frosty relationship, she’s presumably not on the short list.

The general consensus is that Nixon will end up with one of his trusted lieutenants like Jeff Harris.  But as always… we’ll see.


Poll Cross Tabs

Find the full report from the MOScout Weekly Poll in the Special Reports section here.



Grow Missouri is bringing in Sam Brownback.  Despite the Kansas deficits he’ll be headlining a March 4 luncheon at the Doubletree entitled “Growing Prosperity for Years to Come.”


Mayor Francis Slay (who landed a $100K check from Rex Sinquefield, see below) will celebrate his 60th birthday with a fundy.  The March 18 event offers pairings of chocolate and beer.  Uh-huh.


The Missouri Partnership named Steven Johnson as its new CEO.  Johnson is currently the Veep of Economic Development and Market Strategies at the St. Louis Regional Chamber.


Travis Brown, CPAC, a robot named Govtron… oh I don’t know, just read it here.


Jason Kander heads to DC to jumpstart his Senate fundraising…  See it here.


NYTimes reports that Justice Dept report on Ferguson nearly finished.  Read it here.  Pull Quote: According to several officials who have been briefed on the report’s conclusions, the report criticizes the city for disproportionately ticketing and arresting African-Americans and relying on the fines to balance the city’s budget. The report, which is expected to be released as early as this week, will force Ferguson officials to either negotiate a settlement with the Justice Department or face being sued by it on civil rights charges.


Help Wanted

Senate seeks Security Specialist.  “Position will provide expertise regarding security matters and work with Senators and staff to develop processes to enhance security efforts for Senators, staff, and those visiting the Missouri Senate.” See the ad here.


Lobbyist Registrations

Jim and Chris Moody added Schreimann, Rackers, Francka And Blunt, LLC and their clients.

Jon Galloway deleted Mortgage Research Center.

Mark Reading deleted Results Engineering.

Andy Blunt and Mark Schwartz added Missouri Hospital Association, and Truman Medical Center Charitable Foundation.

Eddie Giesing added Missouri Grocer’s Association.


$5K+ Contributions

United Food & Commercial Workers Local #655 Elect Political Action Fund - $6,634 from UFCW Local 655.

Local 41 Political Action Fund - $9,502 from DRIVE Committee.

Missourians for Koster - $25,000 from Carey & Danis LLC.

Slay for Mayor - $100,000 from Rex Sinquefield.

Citizens for Steve Stenger - $10,000 from Anheuser Busch.


Happy Birthday

Happy birthdays to Rob Monsees (45), Greg Harrison (67), and William “Buddy” Hardin.


Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Top Lines Weekly Poll March 1