Remember when Governor Jay Nixon was running for re-election – and barring a natural disaster visit – never seemed in neighborhood when Barack Obama came to town. Well, times have changed. The Kansas City Star reports that Nixon will be at Obama’s visit on Wednesday… Read it here.
Nixon’s All Male Problem
Others continued to pile on criticism which began over the weekend with Maynard Wallace’s appointment the State Board of Education. I believe it was lobbyist Kate Casas who first decried the lack of a woman on the board. But others took up her outrage. And yesterday the once and future state representative, Tracy McCreery, tweeted a similar critique… “Meet the all male MO Public Service Commission. It's 2014…”
Nixon’s Choice
And Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal says that she’s ready to spike the Wallace appointment. Here are her terms: “Nicastro goes or Maynard goes! That’s the governor’s option. He’s not getting any appointments!”
Chappelle-Nadal Plays in Primaries
Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, without an opponent this cycle, will be watching the Election results as closely as anyone next week… KWMU reports on the House 76 scuffle between the camps of two big political dynasties in St. Louis – the Carters and the Clays. Read it here. Chappelle-Nadal is helping Chris Carter Sr.
And the Post-Dispatch reports on her website attacking House 86 candidate Joe Adams. Read it here.
Ad Watch: Senate 24
Here are a pair of Robb Hicks (Senate 24 GOP Primary) TV ads. He’s doing cable. This one is anti-Obamacare. And this one is “life-saver.”
Ad Watch: St. Louis County Exec Race
Here’s the latest Steve Stenger hit on Charlie Dooley… an over-budget courts building. See it here.
Stenger Sends Another $100K to Himself
With fewer cash reserves going into the final week, and sensing a real possibility at an upset, Steve Stenger anted in another $100K to fuel his insurgent campaign against Charlie Dooley.
Stenger had previously contributed $200K of his own money to the campaign.
Sinquefield Sends $100K to Stream
Rex Sqinuefield contributed $100,000 to Rep. Rick Stream’s St. Louis County Executive campaign yesterday. For those keeping score at home. Sinquefield has now given exceptionally large contributions to both a Democrat (Chris Koster) and a Republican (Catherine Hanaway) running for governor in 2016. And a Democrat (Charlie Dooley) and a Republican (Rick Stream) running for county executive this cycle.
Follow up on Rex Chrismer Connection
Two sources indicate that Rex Sinquefield’s financial support of St. Charles Election Director Rich Chrismer is about something other than politics. It’s said that they both grew up in St. Vincent’s Home for Children. And they both now serve on its board.
Papers’ Positions
Thanks to the peerless John Combest for putting together this following survey of major Missouri editorial pages’ position on the constitutional amendments on the ballot next week.
The 8 Day reports offer one last look inside campaign finances until next Tuesday’s election. As a reminder the primary guides can be found in the Special Reports section.
Senate Primaries
Senate 2 - Bob Onder raised $50,740; spent $275,920; and has $83,450 on-hand. Vicki Schneider has not filed her 8-Day Report yet. Chuck Gatschenberger raised $2,600; spent $92,173; and has $155,834 on-hand
MOScout Forecast winner: Onder.
Senate 4 - Joe Keaveny raised $24,375; spent $1,971; and has $130,993 on-hand. His opponent, Bonnie Lynn Green, has not filed her 8-Day Report yet.
MOScout Forecast winner: Keaveny.
Senate 16 – Dan Brown raised $13,250; spent $25,363; and has $131,737. His opponent, Bernie Mowinski, filed an exemption committee, meaning he won’t be raising or spending anything significant.
MOScout Forecast winner: Brown.
Senate 24 – Jack Spooner raised $18,020; spent $31,074; has $96,254 on-hand. Jay Ashcroft raised $6,739; spent $154,199; and has $56,019 on-hand. Robb Hicks raised $25,750; spent $32,510; and has $22,616 on-hand. Maybe Spooner won’t be using the $30K he put in?
MOScout Forecast winner: Ashcroft.
Meanwhile Democrat Jill Schupp raised $36,225; spent $48,262; and has $446,250 on-hand.
Republican House Primaries
House 3 – Rep. Nate Walker raised $25,117; spent $67,402; and has $16,772 on-hand. John Bailey raised $31,809; spent $58,397; and has $60 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Walker.
District 14 (Schieber retiring) - Josh Catton filed Limited Activity. And Kevin Corlew raised $3,550; spent $6,574; and has $10,627 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Corlew
House 20 (Mayfield incumbent) – former Rep. Brent Lasater raised $1,450; spent $930; and has $664 on-hand. Bill Kidd raised $632; spent $2,830; and has $7,301 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Kidd
House 34 (Grisamore termed) – Rebecca Roeber raised $10,200; spent $22,597; and has $6,660 on-hand. She is the favorite. Justin Kalwei raised $0; spent $1,478; and has $5,418 on-hand. Former Rep. Bob Johnson raised $10,525; spent $7,415; and has $21,843 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Roeber.
House 41 (Schieffer for Senate) – Alexandra Salsman raised $3,034; spent $3,624; and has $2,552 on-hand. Randy Pietzman raised $520; spent $7,488; and has $8,288 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Pietzman.
House 98 (Dwight Scharnhorst termed) – Wife of term incumbent, Rea Scharnhorst raised $3,850; spent $7,307; and has $4,177 on-hand. Carol Veillette raised $665; spent $109; $1,310 on-hand. Shamed Dogan raised $3,325; spent $13,326; and has $5,615 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Dogan
House 102 –Rep. Kurt Bahr raised $1,800; spent $ $6,960; and has $3,918 on-hand. Michael Swyers raised $43,060; spent $42,383; and has $8,449 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Bahr.
House 108 (Gatschenberger for Senate) - John J. Haman, Jr. terminated his committee. Nina Dean raised $ $3,402; spent $1,879; and has $3,220 on-hand. Justin Hill raised $3,885; spent $15,530; and has $10,563 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Hill.
House 112 (Wieland for Senate) - Charles Groeteke raised $39; spent $4,721; and has $4,713 on-hand. Rob Vescovo raised $15,500; spent $11,197; and has $10,657 on-hand. Avery Fortenberry terminated his committee.
MOScout Forecast winner: Vescovo
House 113 (Roorda for Senate) - Jason Fulbright raised $850; spent $1,537; and has $2,259 on-hand. Dan Shaul raised $8,371; spent $8,224; and has $4,380 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Shaul
House 130 – Rep. Jeff Messenger raised $13,450; spent $11,776; and has $11,828 on-hand. Loren Hunt raised $200; spent $4,293; and has $21,340 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Messenger
House 139 (Elmer retired) - Clayton Jones raised $950; spent $0; and has $3,716 on-hand. Michael Hope raised $100; spent $335; and has $370 on-hand. Jered Taylor raised $11,700; spent $10,179; and has $9,177 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Taylor
House 144 – Rep. Paul Fitzwater has not filed his 8-Day Report yet. Ron Bohn raised $0; spent $11,367; has $9,966 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Fitzwater.
House 155 – Rep. Lyle Rowland raised $2,100; spent $1,550; and has $549 on-hand. Mike Lind filed Limited Activity. Jason Frodge raised $50; spent $16,049; and has $1,000 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Rowland.
House 157 – Wife of former Rep, Julie Ruzicka raised $4,150; spent $1,914; and has $8,886 on-hand. Rep. Mike Moon raised $1,533; spent $2,720; and has $10,014 on-hand. Ruzicka has a real shot at unseating the incumbent Moon.
MOScout Forecast winner: Moon
Democratic House Primaries
House 18 (Swearingen for Commissioner) – This is a very divisive Democratic primary. Lauren Arthur raised $943; spent $21,381; and has $10,205 on-hand. Kevin Garner raised $1,688; spent $12,704; and has $11,262 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Arthur
House 67 (Webb resigned) – Alan Green has not filed his 8-Day Report yet. Former Rep. Sylvester Taylor, II has not filed his 8-Day Report yet. Larry Davis Jr. raised $441; spent $70; and has $835 on-hand. Tony Weaver raised $2,420; spent $105; and has $2,347 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Green
House 76 – Rep. Josh Peters has not filed his 8-Day Report yet. Challenger Chris Carter Sr. raised $950; spent $8,884; and has $9,295 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Carter Sr.
House 86 (Ellinger vacancy) – Fareedah S. Sidqui hasn’t started a campaign committee yet. Joe Adams raised $3,541; spent $3,420; and has $5,066 on-hand. Dawn Price hasn’t started a campaign committee yet. Mary Ann Merz raised $2,525; spent $1,776; and has $748 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Adams.
House 112 (Wieland for Senate ) – Robert Butler raised $970; spent $11,375; and has $8,856 on-hand. Larry Steinkamp has not filed his 8-Day Report yet. Steinkamp is just going through the motions – and not even.
MOScout Forecast winner: Butler
House 149 (Hodges termed) – Bill Burlison has not filed his 8-Day Report yet. Diedra Ashley Freeman raised $900; spent $150; and has $3,623 on-hand.
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Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Nixon Hearts Obama?
Remember when Governor Jay Nixon was running for re-election – and barring a natural disaster visit – never seemed in neighborhood when Barack Obama came to town. Well, times have changed. The Kansas City Star reports that Nixon will be at Obama’s visit on Wednesday… Read it here.
Nixon’s All Male Problem
Others continued to pile on criticism which began over the weekend with Maynard Wallace’s appointment the State Board of Education. I believe it was lobbyist Kate Casas who first decried the lack of a woman on the board. But others took up her outrage. And yesterday the once and future state representative, Tracy McCreery, tweeted a similar critique… “Meet the all male MO Public Service Commission. It's 2014…”
Nixon’s Choice
And Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal says that she’s ready to spike the Wallace appointment. Here are her terms: “Nicastro goes or Maynard goes! That’s the governor’s option. He’s not getting any appointments!”
Chappelle-Nadal Plays in Primaries
Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal, without an opponent this cycle, will be watching the Election results as closely as anyone next week… KWMU reports on the House 76 scuffle between the camps of two big political dynasties in St. Louis – the Carters and the Clays. Read it here. Chappelle-Nadal is helping Chris Carter Sr.
And the Post-Dispatch reports on her website attacking House 86 candidate Joe Adams. Read it here.
Ad Watch: Senate 24
Here are a pair of Robb Hicks (Senate 24 GOP Primary) TV ads. He’s doing cable. This one is anti-Obamacare. And this one is “life-saver.”
Ad Watch: St. Louis County Exec Race
Here’s the latest Steve Stenger hit on Charlie Dooley… an over-budget courts building. See it here.
Stenger Sends Another $100K to Himself
With fewer cash reserves going into the final week, and sensing a real possibility at an upset, Steve Stenger anted in another $100K to fuel his insurgent campaign against Charlie Dooley.
Stenger had previously contributed $200K of his own money to the campaign.
Sinquefield Sends $100K to Stream
Rex Sqinuefield contributed $100,000 to Rep. Rick Stream’s St. Louis County Executive campaign yesterday. For those keeping score at home. Sinquefield has now given exceptionally large contributions to both a Democrat (Chris Koster) and a Republican (Catherine Hanaway) running for governor in 2016. And a Democrat (Charlie Dooley) and a Republican (Rick Stream) running for county executive this cycle.
Follow up on Rex Chrismer Connection
Two sources indicate that Rex Sinquefield’s financial support of St. Charles Election Director Rich Chrismer is about something other than politics. It’s said that they both grew up in St. Vincent’s Home for Children. And they both now serve on its board.
Papers’ Positions
Thanks to the peerless John Combest for putting together this following survey of major Missouri editorial pages’ position on the constitutional amendments on the ballot next week.
Amendment 1 – Right to Farm
Southeast Missourian
Columbia Daily Tribune
Jefferson City News-Tribune
Joplin Globe
Kansas City Star
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Springfield News-Leader
Amendment 5 – Gun Rights
Southeast Missourian
Columbia Daily Tribune
Jefferson City News-Tribune
Kansas City Star
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Springfield News-Leader
Amendment 7 – Transportation Tax
Columbia Daily Tribune
Joplin Globe
Kansas City Star
Springfield News-Leader
Washington Missourian
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Southeast Missourian
Amendment 8 – Veteran Lottery Ticket
Columbia Daily Tribune
Joplin Globe
Kansas City Star
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Southeast Missourian
Springfield News-Leader
Amendment 9 - Privacy
Southeast Missourian
Springfield News-Leader
Columbia Daily Tribune
Kansas City Star
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
8-Day Reports
The 8 Day reports offer one last look inside campaign finances until next Tuesday’s election. As a reminder the primary guides can be found in the Special Reports section.
Senate Primaries
Senate 2 - Bob Onder raised $50,740; spent $275,920; and has $83,450 on-hand. Vicki Schneider has not filed her 8-Day Report yet. Chuck Gatschenberger raised $2,600; spent $92,173; and has $155,834 on-hand
MOScout Forecast winner: Onder.
Senate 4 - Joe Keaveny raised $24,375; spent $1,971; and has $130,993 on-hand. His opponent, Bonnie Lynn Green, has not filed her 8-Day Report yet.
MOScout Forecast winner: Keaveny.
Senate 16 – Dan Brown raised $13,250; spent $25,363; and has $131,737. His opponent, Bernie Mowinski, filed an exemption committee, meaning he won’t be raising or spending anything significant.
MOScout Forecast winner: Brown.
Senate 24 – Jack Spooner raised $18,020; spent $31,074; has $96,254 on-hand. Jay Ashcroft raised $6,739; spent $154,199; and has $56,019 on-hand. Robb Hicks raised $25,750; spent $32,510; and has $22,616 on-hand. Maybe Spooner won’t be using the $30K he put in?
MOScout Forecast winner: Ashcroft.
Meanwhile Democrat Jill Schupp raised $36,225; spent $48,262; and has $446,250 on-hand.
Republican House Primaries
House 3 – Rep. Nate Walker raised $25,117; spent $67,402; and has $16,772 on-hand. John Bailey raised $31,809; spent $58,397; and has $60 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Walker.
District 14 (Schieber retiring) - Josh Catton filed Limited Activity. And Kevin Corlew raised $3,550; spent $6,574; and has $10,627 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Corlew
House 20 (Mayfield incumbent) – former Rep. Brent Lasater raised $1,450; spent $930; and has $664 on-hand. Bill Kidd raised $632; spent $2,830; and has $7,301 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Kidd
House 34 (Grisamore termed) – Rebecca Roeber raised $10,200; spent $22,597; and has $6,660 on-hand. She is the favorite. Justin Kalwei raised $0; spent $1,478; and has $5,418 on-hand. Former Rep. Bob Johnson raised $10,525; spent $7,415; and has $21,843 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Roeber.
House 41 (Schieffer for Senate) – Alexandra Salsman raised $3,034; spent $3,624; and has $2,552 on-hand. Randy Pietzman raised $520; spent $7,488; and has $8,288 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Pietzman.
House 98 (Dwight Scharnhorst termed) – Wife of term incumbent, Rea Scharnhorst raised $3,850; spent $7,307; and has $4,177 on-hand. Carol Veillette raised $665; spent $109; $1,310 on-hand. Shamed Dogan raised $3,325; spent $13,326; and has $5,615 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Dogan
House 102 –Rep. Kurt Bahr raised $1,800; spent $ $6,960; and has $3,918 on-hand. Michael Swyers raised $43,060; spent $42,383; and has $8,449 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Bahr.
House 108 (Gatschenberger for Senate) - John J. Haman, Jr. terminated his committee. Nina Dean raised $ $3,402; spent $1,879; and has $3,220 on-hand. Justin Hill raised $3,885; spent $15,530; and has $10,563 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Hill.
House 112 (Wieland for Senate) - Charles Groeteke raised $39; spent $4,721; and has $4,713 on-hand. Rob Vescovo raised $15,500; spent $11,197; and has $10,657 on-hand. Avery Fortenberry terminated his committee.
MOScout Forecast winner: Vescovo
House 113 (Roorda for Senate) - Jason Fulbright raised $850; spent $1,537; and has $2,259 on-hand. Dan Shaul raised $8,371; spent $8,224; and has $4,380 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Shaul
House 130 – Rep. Jeff Messenger raised $13,450; spent $11,776; and has $11,828 on-hand. Loren Hunt raised $200; spent $4,293; and has $21,340 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Messenger
House 139 (Elmer retired) - Clayton Jones raised $950; spent $0; and has $3,716 on-hand. Michael Hope raised $100; spent $335; and has $370 on-hand. Jered Taylor raised $11,700; spent $10,179; and has $9,177 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Taylor
House 144 – Rep. Paul Fitzwater has not filed his 8-Day Report yet. Ron Bohn raised $0; spent $11,367; has $9,966 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Fitzwater.
House 155 – Rep. Lyle Rowland raised $2,100; spent $1,550; and has $549 on-hand. Mike Lind filed Limited Activity. Jason Frodge raised $50; spent $16,049; and has $1,000 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Rowland.
House 157 – Wife of former Rep, Julie Ruzicka raised $4,150; spent $1,914; and has $8,886 on-hand. Rep. Mike Moon raised $1,533; spent $2,720; and has $10,014 on-hand. Ruzicka has a real shot at unseating the incumbent Moon.
MOScout Forecast winner: Moon
Democratic House Primaries
House 18 (Swearingen for Commissioner) – This is a very divisive Democratic primary. Lauren Arthur raised $943; spent $21,381; and has $10,205 on-hand. Kevin Garner raised $1,688; spent $12,704; and has $11,262 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Arthur
House 67 (Webb resigned) – Alan Green has not filed his 8-Day Report yet. Former Rep. Sylvester Taylor, II has not filed his 8-Day Report yet. Larry Davis Jr. raised $441; spent $70; and has $835 on-hand. Tony Weaver raised $2,420; spent $105; and has $2,347 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Green
House 76 – Rep. Josh Peters has not filed his 8-Day Report yet. Challenger Chris Carter Sr. raised $950; spent $8,884; and has $9,295 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Carter Sr.
House 86 (Ellinger vacancy) – Fareedah S. Sidqui hasn’t started a campaign committee yet. Joe Adams raised $3,541; spent $3,420; and has $5,066 on-hand. Dawn Price hasn’t started a campaign committee yet. Mary Ann Merz raised $2,525; spent $1,776; and has $748 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Adams.
House 112 (Wieland for Senate ) – Robert Butler raised $970; spent $11,375; and has $8,856 on-hand. Larry Steinkamp has not filed his 8-Day Report yet. Steinkamp is just going through the motions – and not even.
MOScout Forecast winner: Butler
House 149 (Hodges termed) – Bill Burlison has not filed his 8-Day Report yet. Diedra Ashley Freeman raised $900; spent $150; and has $3,623 on-hand.
MOScout Forecast winner: Freeman
Lobbyist Registrations
From the Gate Way Group website:
Jorgen Schlemeier deleted Kansas City Transportation Group.
Ann Teget deleted Time Warner Cable.
Fundraising Calendar
Today’s fundraising events from Mary Scruggs’ indispensable events calendar:
Rep. Mike Colona Golf – Crescent Farms Golf Club, Eureka – Noon.
Rep. Vicki Englund Birthday Bash – Firehouse Bar & Grill, St. Louis – 5:30p.m.
$5K+ Contributions
Friends of Rick Stream - $100,000 from Rex Sinquefield.
Friends of Rick Stream - $10,000 from Drury Development.
Freedom PAC - $22,000 from PCM Resources Inc.
Citizens for Organized Growth - $10,000 from National Association of Realtors.
Friends to Elect Duston Y Stone - $12,000 from Duston Stone.
Robb Hicks for Senate - $25,000 from Robb Hicks.
Citizens for Steve Stenger - $35,000 from McCulloch for Prosecutor Committee.
Citizens for Steve Stenger - $100,000 from Steve Stenger.
Missourians for Tim Jones - $10,000 from Roy Pfautch.
Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to Rep. Vicki Englund (40).
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Monday July 28, 2014