August 22, 2018 - Latest Twist on McDowell Residency - Sanders to be Sentenced - Des; Bright Spots and more....

McDowell’s First Stop: Kansas

Yesterday the Post-Dispatch reported (see it here) that Saundra McDowell was living in Mission, Kan., when she was sued by a furniture company for failing to pay $698 plus 18 percent interest after entering into a contract in June 2012…

Questions about McDowell’s residency have dogged her campaign because she said she didn’t move to the Show-Me State until 2010, two years short of the legal threshold. She has said she nonetheless qualifies for the ballot because she was in law school in Virginia the previous two years and had intended to move to the state where her husband is from once she finished. She has not previously said she lived in Kansas after her marriage.

McDowell was at the Missouri Republican Party offices in Jefferson City Tuesday, but party political coordinator David Bader said McDowell would not be made available for questions. Later, she sent a statement via email that did not address the Kansas address…”

What It Means

Three things:

First, it doesn’t help McDowell’s legal case if someone sues. 

Second, it doesn’t help McDowell’s campaign as we’re entering “drip, drip, drip” territory with this controversy.  Every week there’s going to be another news story about how she didn’t live in Missouri until 201X???

But third, and maybe most importantly at this stage, this hurts McDowell with the Republican powerbrokers and donor class because as one building denizen texted me: “She has NEVER mentioned living in Kansas.  I really wonder if the GOP wasn’t told either.”  The guess is that they were blindsided by this latest revelation.  And if that’s the case, they’re wondering what else is out there…

Listen to  McDowell Not Mentioning Her Time Living in Kansas After Law School

Saturday, August 18 on 97.1 FM News Talk Weekend Report: “I love Missouri. I planted my foot here and came back here after law school. Only place I took a bar exam was in Missouri. I got married here in Missouri at Washington University campus where my husband’s parents got married. So I had every intent to reside here and everything I did after the fact shows I did intend to be here.”

July 20 at the America First Missouri Auditor Debate in St. Louis County: “Under the Kit Bond case the intent to reside somewhere gives you the residency there. And as soon as my husband and I were engaged - and even before that - I had the intent to live in Missouri. We were married at Washington University - at the chapel there - um, I’ve only taken the Missouri bar. My facts are actually better than Kit Bond’s."


Sanders to be Sentenced

KCStar reports (see it here) that “sentencing for former Jackson County Executive Mike Sanders is set for next month in federal court, nine months after he pleaded guilty to a single count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Sanders, whose resume also includes stints as county prosecutor and Missouri Democratic Party chairman, admitted to misusing tens of thousands of dollars in campaign funds, some of which went for trips to California wine country and to pay his federal income taxes. The charge carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $250,000 fine. In his guilty plea, Sanders acknowledged converting $62,000 in political campaign funds into cash in a check-cashing scheme involving a disabled friend from high school…”


Cohen Pleads Guilty

Here’s a contrary take on Michael Cohen pleading guilty, saying that the President of the United States directed him to pay hush money to a porn star with whom he’d had an affair.  (Hard to get all that into one sentence).

Could it help Republican turn-out as the importance of retaining control of the House of Representatives gains new urgency, lest Dems take the gavel and start investigations galore – possibly impeachment hearings?....


Bright Spots for Dems

Yesterday I dinged some House Dems for running in contestable districts and raising practically no money.  Let me say there are some putting up some solid numbers…

House 17 – Incumbent Rep. Mark Ellebracht realizes he might be a target and has $48,093 cash on-hand.

House 35 – Keri Ingle, trying to take Rep. Gary Cross’ district now that he’s termed, has $32,450 COH.

House 65 – Former Rep. Bill Otto, now running in St. Charles against Rep. Tom Hannegan, has $16,807.

House 113 – Karen Settlemoir-Berg has $27,638, about even with incumbent Rep. Dan Shaul’s $28,756 COH.



Bernie folks taking over Dem Boone County… Rudi Keller has the story here.


Sen. Jill Schupp, with only nominal Republican opposition, opens her new campaign office today.  4-6PM at 11052 Olive Boulevard, St. Louis, MO 63141.


State Treasurer Eric Schmitt launched Show-Me Checkbook, a new website to help make state financial information more accessible.  See it here.


Chatter: with the rumor of Rep. Rob Cornejo getting a Parson appointment, who will get the General Laws chairmanship….


New Committees

Missourians First was formed.  It’s a campaign committee.  Its treasurer is Rachel Purschke.  This is the vehicle for the coalition opposed to the CLEAN Missouri proposal.


$5K+ Contributions

We Are Missouri - $48,089 from SEIU MO/KS State Council.

We Are Missouri - $80,490 from Protect Missouri Families.

House Victory Committee - $10,000 from AT&T Missouri.

MO State Teachers Assoc Legislative Impact Co - $5,542 from Northeast Missouri Teachers Association Inc.

Find the Cures - $6,500 from Bradley Bradshaw.



Happy birthday to Glenn Burleigh.


Thursday, August 23 2018: MOScout Maps! - Cornejo Resigns - Latest McDowell Drip - Brunnert Wedding and more...


August 21, 2018: Dem Candidates Lack $$$ - NEA for CLEAN - Parson for HRCC and more....