Republican legislative leaders let them see their priority pieces of legislation be debated. In the House, Rep. Jim Hansen’s HB 1062 to prevent eminent domain for the Grain Belt Express was perfected. In the Senate, Sen. Mike Bernskoetter’s SB 391 to prevent tighter CAFO regulations was debated for hours before being set aside.
One lobbyist jokingly referred to them as schizophrenic… “Farmers telling people they should want hog farms as their neighbors in the Senate. In the House they’re saying transmission lines make bad neighbors.”
After a break the Senate returned and debated changes to title IX in a long evening. No resolution was reached, and the bill – carried by Sen. Gary Romine – was placed on the informal calendar.
Follow-Up on Galloway Makes Moves
One tipster says that Claire McCaskill’s former finance director, Erika Brees, is joining Team Galloway…. One more sign that Auditor Nicole Galloway is looking seriously at 2020.
One MOScouter weighs in: “I’m not sure why people are pushing Galloway to run in 2020. If I was a D candidate, I’d rather the Republican purity primary choose my opponent than intentionally run against someone fairly moderate, at least on the Missouri Republican spectrum.”
Supremes Back Kehoe Appointment
The Missouri Supreme Court backed the governor’s power to appoint the lieutenant governor. This solidifies Governor Mike Parson’s appointment of Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe. See the ruling here. And
Another hand-down yesterday was Larry Rebman’s appeal for being “fired” by the legislature through the appropriations process. The Supreme Court unanimously sided with Rebman saying the he was unfairly targeted.
“HB2007 provided the funds appropriated for the payment of ALJ salaries could be used to pay only the salaries of ALJs appointed before 2012 and after 2015... Rebman was the only ALJ appointed between 2012 and 2015.”
· Citizens to Protect Saint Louis, the campaign committee started by Brandon Frazier-Bosley to recall Mayor Lyda Krewson, did not file an April report.
· St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has only $6,692 cash on-hand. That’s a terribly low sum. And with the on-going investigation, Gardner is vulnerable as she enters re-election in 2020. Listen for opposition names to be floated soon.
· In the Senate 27 primary stare-down, it was a treading-water quarter for both Rep. Kathy Swan ($115K COH), and Rep. Holly Rehder ($191K COH). Each spent about as much as they raised.
· Columbia Tribune reports on fundraising numbers in the Columbia mayoral race. See it here.
· Rep. Rusty Black’s HB 77 became the second bill signed by the governor this session. It was a fix to school employee retirement systems.
Daily Revenue Watch
As of close of business April 15, state tax receipts were $236 million behind last year, or -3.36%.
Lobbyist/budget guru Jim Moody has started a subscription service, The Moody Report, which tracks state budget information. See it here. Moody is an Ashcroft administration alum, where he served as commissioner of OA, and budget director.
· The Twenty-Second Circuit Judicial Commission announced the panel of three nominees to fill the circuit judge vacancy in St. Louis city created by the retirement of Judge Mark H. Neill. Those nominated by the commission are: Nicole Colbert-Botchway, Madeline O. Connolly, and Matthew C. Melton.
· Post-Dispatch reports that the St. Louis City is poised to return its school board back to elected members. “The district has been governed by a three-member special administrative board since 2007, when the district lost accreditation after poor financial and academic performance and infighting among elected board members. The district regained full accreditation in 2017 after improvements to graduation rates and finances, among other measures. Margie Vandeven, state commissioner of education, recommended the handover in a presentation at the state board meeting Tuesday at the Westin St. Louis downtown. The state board voted unanimously to approve the transition.”
· Sen. Justin Brown removed HB 831 from the Consent Calendar. This is Rep. Greg Sharpe’s bill to allow a special license plate for Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives.
Missouri Association of County Developmental Disabilities Services (MACDDS) seeks Executive Director. “The ED/CEO is the chief staff administrator providing the professional leadership and administrative management of the Association’s policies and fiscal management of the organization’s $420,000 annual budget... He/she will represent the Association’s membership at various public policy meetings… The ED/CEO should be a strategic thinker, planner and an experienced change manager…”See the ad here.
New Committees
Eric Woods formed a candidate committee (Eric Woods For Missouri) to run for House 15 as a Democrat.
Chris Heitzman formed a candidate committee to run for Council Person District 4 City of Independence.
Lobbyist Registrations
Rodney Boyd, Kate Casas, Brian Grace and Kelvin Simmons added US Capital Development.
Jerry Burch and Lisa Christie added Donald Hermann on behalf of Missouri Son Inc and Cryptic River Management.
Michael Grote added Independent Colleges & Universities of Missouri.
$5K+ Contributions
City of Fountains Committee - $10,000 from Jason Holmes.
Happy birthdays to Gregg Hartley, Tom Rackers, Patrick Shami, Joe Pierle, and Ryan Silvey.
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MOScout Daily Update: Ag Plays Both Sides of NIMBY - Supremes Heart Kehoe - Rebman's Revenge - Brees to Galloway? - Meet The Moody Report and more...
Ag’s Nimby & Anti-Nimby Day
Agriculture groups came to the capitol yesterday to rally. News-Tribune estimated their crowd size to be 200.
Republican legislative leaders let them see their priority pieces of legislation be debated. In the House, Rep. Jim Hansen’s HB 1062 to prevent eminent domain for the Grain Belt Express was perfected. In the Senate, Sen. Mike Bernskoetter’s SB 391 to prevent tighter CAFO regulations was debated for hours before being set aside.
One lobbyist jokingly referred to them as schizophrenic… “Farmers telling people they should want hog farms as their neighbors in the Senate. In the House they’re saying transmission lines make bad neighbors.”
After a break the Senate returned and debated changes to title IX in a long evening. No resolution was reached, and the bill – carried by Sen. Gary Romine – was placed on the informal calendar.
Follow-Up on Galloway Makes Moves
One tipster says that Claire McCaskill’s former finance director, Erika Brees, is joining Team Galloway…. One more sign that Auditor Nicole Galloway is looking seriously at 2020.
One MOScouter weighs in: “I’m not sure why people are pushing Galloway to run in 2020. If I was a D candidate, I’d rather the Republican purity primary choose my opponent than intentionally run against someone fairly moderate, at least on the Missouri Republican spectrum.”
Supremes Back Kehoe Appointment
The Missouri Supreme Court backed the governor’s power to appoint the lieutenant governor. This solidifies Governor Mike Parson’s appointment of Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe. See the ruling here.
Another hand-down yesterday was Larry Rebman’s appeal for being “fired” by the legislature through the appropriations process. The Supreme Court unanimously sided with Rebman saying the he was unfairly targeted.
“HB2007 provided the funds appropriated for the payment of ALJ salaries could be used to pay only the salaries of ALJs appointed before 2012 and after 2015... Rebman was the only ALJ appointed between 2012 and 2015.”
See that ruling here.
More Bits from April Filings
· Citizens to Protect Saint Louis, the campaign committee started by Brandon Frazier-Bosley to recall Mayor Lyda Krewson, did not file an April report.
· St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner has only $6,692 cash on-hand. That’s a terribly low sum. And with the on-going investigation, Gardner is vulnerable as she enters re-election in 2020. Listen for opposition names to be floated soon.
· In the Senate 27 primary stare-down, it was a treading-water quarter for both Rep. Kathy Swan ($115K COH), and Rep. Holly Rehder ($191K COH). Each spent about as much as they raised.
· Columbia Tribune reports on fundraising numbers in the Columbia mayoral race. See it here.
· Rep. Rusty Black’s HB 77 became the second bill signed by the governor this session. It was a fix to school employee retirement systems.
Daily Revenue Watch
As of close of business April 15, state tax receipts were $236 million behind last year, or -3.36%.
Lobbyist/budget guru Jim Moody has started a subscription service, The Moody Report, which tracks state budget information. See it here. Moody is an Ashcroft administration alum, where he served as commissioner of OA, and budget director.
· The Twenty-Second Circuit Judicial Commission announced the panel of three nominees to fill the circuit judge vacancy in St. Louis city created by the retirement of Judge Mark H. Neill. Those nominated by the commission are: Nicole Colbert-Botchway, Madeline O. Connolly, and Matthew C. Melton.
· Post-Dispatch reports that the St. Louis City is poised to return its school board back to elected members. “The district has been governed by a three-member special administrative board since 2007, when the district lost accreditation after poor financial and academic performance and infighting among elected board members. The district regained full accreditation in 2017 after improvements to graduation rates and finances, among other measures. Margie Vandeven, state commissioner of education, recommended the handover in a presentation at the state board meeting Tuesday at the Westin St. Louis downtown. The state board voted unanimously to approve the transition.”
· Sen. Justin Brown removed HB 831 from the Consent Calendar. This is Rep. Greg Sharpe’s bill to allow a special license plate for Association of Missouri Electric Cooperatives.
· If you have a few minutes, an interesting read… The Smart Gun Doesn’t Exist for the Dumbest Reasons.
Help Wanted
Missouri Association of County Developmental Disabilities Services (MACDDS) seeks Executive Director. “The ED/CEO is the chief staff administrator providing the professional leadership and administrative management of the Association’s policies and fiscal management of the organization’s $420,000 annual budget... He/she will represent the Association’s membership at various public policy meetings… The ED/CEO should be a strategic thinker, planner and an experienced change manager…” See the ad here.
New Committees
Eric Woods formed a candidate committee (Eric Woods For Missouri) to run for House 15 as a Democrat.
Chris Heitzman formed a candidate committee to run for Council Person District 4 City of Independence.
Lobbyist Registrations
Rodney Boyd, Kate Casas, Brian Grace and Kelvin Simmons added US Capital Development.
Jerry Burch and Lisa Christie added Donald Hermann on behalf of Missouri Son Inc and Cryptic River Management.
Michael Grote added Independent Colleges & Universities of Missouri.
$5K+ Contributions
City of Fountains Committee - $10,000 from Jason Holmes.
Happy birthdays to Gregg Hartley, Tom Rackers, Patrick Shami, Joe Pierle, and Ryan Silvey.
MOScout Daily Update: Cole In Senate 29 - Senate Works FRA - Hyperbole Loop? - Strange Things in Parma and more...
MOScout Daily Update: Galloway Prepping for 2020? - Senate Fireworks - Top COH Committees - Gutting STL City's Public Safety and more...