MOScout Weekender: Special Session? - Herzog Passes - Stenger Sentencing Memo - Senate 25 Poll - Hallway Yawns at Greitens and more....

Summer Caucus Talk… Special Session?

At the House Republican Campaign Committee’s summer caucus there was talk of… a special session.  It would run concurrent with Veto Session in September.  The governor’s office apparently is interested in a legislative fix for a Missouri Supreme Court case: Kehlenbrink v. Director of Revenue.  See a summary here.  The decision was issued at the end of June.  It says that you can’t turn in more one used car at a time to reduce sales tax on buying a new car. 

It is, in the words of one observer, “a super niche issue.”


I’m told that this talk has opened the flood gates so to speak and “lots of people want to add stuff to the call.”

Including the Jay Ashcroft, who reportedly told the GOP Caucus that he wants to change Missouri’s presidential primary to a caucus.

We’ll see how this shakes out. But if the plan goes forward the governor’s folks would keep everything non-controversial to make sure it’s an in-and-out affair.

Veto Session is September 11.


Herzog Passes

From the Kansas City Star: Stan Herzog, a prominent St. Joseph businessman and GOP donor, died Friday, according to a statement from Herzog company officials. Herzog was the president of Herzog Enterprises and chairman and CEO of Herzog Contracting Corp. The 70-year-old spent his final days with his family and friends by his side, the company’s statement said.

Under Herzog’s leadership, the company became “one of the largest” private contractors in the country to provide construction, operations and maintenance services for railroads and transit clients, the statement continued. Herzog was the company’s longest serving employee and majority shareholder.  The company was founded by Herzog’s father, William E. Herzog, in 1969. Herzog started as a foreman on asphalt paving projects and was later promoted to project superintendent, working on heavy highway and railroad construction projects throughout the country.

“The entire Herzog family mourns this loss. Stan’s impact on Herzog, its employees, and the industry will forever be felt,” the Herzog company said in a statement. “He was a very generous, kind, Christian man who made a lasting impression on our community. Stan relished every opportunity he had to spend time outdoors hunting, fishing or golfing with friends and family.”

Herzog was a major Republican campaign contributor who gave Gov. Eric Greitens’ campaign $650,000 in 2016.


Jeff Roe on Twitter: We lost Stan Herzog last night. He was my friend and mentor for 25 years. I walked into his conference room on June 6, 1994 and my life hasn’t been the same since. He led not only a successful life but a significant life. His imprint on my life will be felt every day.





More Stenger Scarface Quotes

Post-Dispatch reports on the Feds’ sentencing memo for Steve StengerSee it here.  It’s full of crazy, profane quotes.  But honestly this St. Louis County scandal hasn’t produced any quotes as snappy and memorable as our Jeff City brew-ha-has… “Green balloons,” “Munich is a cool place,” “Eric, why you gettin’ all yelly,” “Proper pull-up,” etc….

Nothing here that will enter the lobbyist lexicon, unfortunately.


MOScout Poll: Parson – Senate 25

This week, the MOScout Poll asked about the Senate 25 Republican primary.  There’s been remarkable consistency in these Republican Senate primary polls.  Trump’s approval is in the 80s among Republicans, and the sitting state representatives have no name ID advantage over their opponents.  See the full results here.

Survey conducted July 30 through July 31, 2019. 438 likely 2020 Republican Primary Election voters participated in the survey. Survey weighted to match expected turnout demographics for the 2020 Republican Primary Election. Margin of Error is +/-4.7%.

Q1: What is your opinion of Donald Trump?

Favorable: 83%

Unfavorable: 13%

No opinion: 4%

Q2: What is your opinion of Mike Parson?

Favorable: 43%

Unfavorable: 11%

No opinion: 46%

Q3: What is your opinion of Doug Libla?

Favorable: 35%

Unfavorable: 22%

No opinion: 43%

Q4: Possible candidates in the 2020 Republican Primary Election for State Senate are Eddy Justice and Jeff Shawan. If the election were held today, for whom would you vote?

Eddy Justice: 17%

Jeff Shawan: 16%

Undecided: 67%


MOScout’s Hallway Index: Could Greitens Win in 2020?

This week I asked whether Eric Greitens could win if he ran for governor in 2020?  There’s been talk that he’s mulling a comeback, but the lobbyists in Hallway Index yawn at the prospect.  29 responses…

1. Yes… 3.4%

2. He’d win the primary, but lose the general election… 17.2%

3. He’d lose the primary… 58.6%

4. No idea… 20.7%

Selected Comments

·         Ashcroft would be Governor.

·         I really hope he doesn’t put his family through trying this. Imagine the contents of that House Committee Report on broadcast TV for a month. His family will be ripped in half just as they’re starting to heal.

·         He’s not running. And he won’t be running in the future. This is just talk to make Parson nervous - and it’s apparently working.

·         Thanks Dave for planting this nightmare scenario in our heads.

·         Naked pull-ups don't win primary votes.

·         He couldn’t even win a primary now. He’s a more toxic version of Kobach.

·         It would be horrible for the state, but I’d still grab my popcorn if he did run.

·         I honestly couldn’t call it either way given the heinous partisan fever we can’t seem to shake.

·         Many of his state and national donors will be pretty skittish over the events that happened in his basement.

·         I would have liked to been able to choose that he would lose, but based on other decisions of the Republican base I can’t rule out the possibility of him winning a primary.


Who Won the Week

WWTW will return next week…


Gubby Appts

Governor Mike Parson announced nine appointments to various boards, commissions, and county offices…. 

·         Skyler Bowman, of Cassville, was appointed as the Barry County Collector.

·         Carolyn Chrisman, of Kirksville, was appointed to the Missouri Women’s Council.

·         Mark Fohey, of Hannibal, was appointed to the Air Conservation Commission.

·         Dr. Steven Harrison, of Rolla, was appointed to the Conservation Commission.

·         Kevin Kamp, of St. Charles, was appointed to the Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Commission.

·         Mark McHenry, of Kansas City, was appointed to the Conservation Commission.

·         Bob Nance, of Kansas City, was appointed as the Clay County Treasurer. 

·         Richard Rocha, of Kansas City, was appointed to the Air Conservation Commission.

·         Bishop Mark Tolbert, of Kansas City, was reappointed to the Kansas City Board of Police Commissioners.


eMailbag on Dem Special Elections

Party apparatus picking candidates (at least for the KC seat) means we’ll get someone who plays small ball political games and not a serious lawmaker who might actually represent their district…



MO-DSV PAC - $48,355 from Missouri Health Care Association.

RQC PAC - $53,782 from Missouri Health Care Association.


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