MOScout Sunday6: Pure Rural = Pure R - Prez Pardoning - Work-Sharing- Best Beer Cities and more...

Pure rural = Pure R

Remington Research Group’s 2022 partisan weighting for Missouri is now +14R.

remington mo partisan weighting.png

Work-sharing 2020

Source: Statista

Source: Statista

COVID qualms

Ahead of what could be a lot of pardon activity in the next four weeks…

Best cities for Beer Drinkers.

Source: Smart Asset.

Source: Smart Asset.


MOScout Daily Update: Vaccination Rollout - GOP MedEx Strategy? - Trump Day in the House - Clay County Reset and more...


MOScout Weekender: Missourians Support Texting Ban, Split on Gas Tax - Hallway on Incoming Dem Sens - WWTW and more...