MOScout Daily Update: Ed Reform Coming - Proudie Nephew Hit by Bullet - MO at 5K COVID Deaths - KC Star Apologizes and more...

Big Fight Coming? Leaders Eye Ed Reform

Two of the most powerful Republicans in the building are aiming to accomplish some education legislation that has eluded reformers for many years.

In response to a Twitter post from a Democratic House candidate, Floor Leader Caleb Rowden wrote: your way of thinking is why so many kids born into poverty are trapped by a bureaucracy that purports to care for kids, but really only cares about their own interests. I have four years left in #MOLeg…fixing this injustice in MO is my top priority.

To that post, Speaker Rob Vescovo replied with a simple “Ditto.”

One advocate cheered in text: “[Rowden and Vescovo] are willing to lock down the building.  We’ve been working toward this FOREVER.”

On the ed reform agenda…

·         Charter expansion.

·         Charter funding equity.

·         Scholarship tax credit.

·         Greater access (virtual/open enrollment).

·         Accountability (via ‘grades’ being assigned to every school building in Missouri).


5,000 MO COVID Deaths

As of Sunday morning, the state dashboard showed 4,937 deaths.  Because of the reporting lag which I’ve written about multiple times, we’re surely over 5,000 deaths at this point.  We probably reached it a few weeks ago.


If you happen to go to the website and see the “deaths” graph, it looks like COVID deaths are falling rapidly. That’s 100% misleading.  That graph has looked like that for months - even as COVID deaths in Missouri have risen.  It’s a terrible, misleading presentation of the data.


More from MOScout Poll

A few thoughts on last weekend’s MOScout poll (see it here).

·         Dems more likely to get vaccinated.  This is a fluid situation, but right now in Missouri Dems are more likely (82% of them) to take the COVID-19 vaccine when it’s available than Republicans (60% on 12/5).

·         The two parties are viewing the 2020 election results completely different.  73% of Republicans believe that Donald Trump actually won. Whereas a majority of Democrats (52%) don’t even believe that Trump believes he won.

·         Finally, how toxic was the “defund police” slogan which emerged out of the police brutality protest? Only 20% of Missouri Democrats said they “generally agreed” with it. 


Proudie’s Nephew Hit By Stray Bullet

On Twitter, Rep. Raychel Proudie recounts her nephew being stuck by a stray bullet over the weekend.  Read it here.

In the wee hours 12/16 I got a call from my mom frantic stating my nephew had been shot in the hand & bring her to the ER @ DePaul, Bridgeton... before I got to her house, which is about a 5 min drive from here, media was already there-after all, it is a minor shot in Ferguson, MO. Of course the media was going to come. As I walked up to the house, the officer called me "Representative", which caught me off guard...He stated the media told him who I was. Pretty sure I said "shit" hella loud. Anyway, they escorted me around the back of the house to show me a bullet hole. Clean through a double window to go through my nephew's right hand. Hell of a shot...He walked me upstairs to show the bullet hole towards my mom's room. She said she'd JUST laid down. My nephew JUST rearranged the room he was in days prior-- moving the head of the seat from where the bullet came. Stray bullets from Berkeley...Y'all, I put my heart and literally my health into serving the 73 District. Its one of the highest honors of my entire life to date. 3 days ago the 73rd sent 2 bullets through the house I grew up in and where those I love most on the planet were. That's a different hurt...

I left Louisiana in the first place to come home to raise my brother's son. None of my degrees, elections, none of what I've taught him, him minding his own business or being a decent person, COVID-- NONE of it prevented my kid from being a victim of gun violence...

After articulating this to FPD and in a moment of clairvoyance, the officer looked straight in the eye and said as I thought it, "You have some work to do".  He's absolutely right and I completely intend to do it...

That said, it is an honor and privilege to serve Missouri's 73rd District, and I look forward to continuing and furthering the work in the 101st General Assembly.

Sincere thanks to all well wishers. My nephew is doing well, but do keep my mother in a believer's prayer, please.


KC Star Apologizes

In a Sunday spread that generated a lot of buzz, the Kansas City Star apologized for the racism in its past.  See it here.

Today we are telling the story of a powerful local business that has done wrong.

Today we are telling the story of a powerful local business that has done wrong.

For 140 years, it has been one of the most influential forces in shaping Kansas City and the region. And yet for much of its early history — through sins of both commission and omission — it disenfranchised, ignored and scorned generations of Black Kansas Citians. It reinforced Jim Crow laws and redlining. Decade after early decade it robbed an entire community of opportunity, dignity, justice and recognition.

That business is The Kansas City Star.


Chamber’s Session Prep Event

MOChamber is holding its “Capitol Insight: Preparing for the 2021 Legislative Session” on January 5.  It’s a virtual event.  See details here.


Lobbyists Registrations

Chriss White added Concerned Women for America of Missouri.

Lauren Courtney Bosler added LifeScience Logistics.

Emma Shankland, Jeremy LaFaver, and Salvatore Panettiere added Missouri Soybean Association.

Emma Shankland deleted Empower Missouri (formerly Mo Association For Social Welfare).

Jeremy LaFaver deleted St. Joseph Medical Center and St. Mary's Medical Center.

Kevin Gunn deleted Missouri American Water.



Happy birthdays to Sen. Andrew Koenig, Reps. Barry Hovis and Don Rone, Virginia Young, the peerless John Combest, and Brendan Lind.


MOScout Schedule

Short short week for me.  Just today and tomorrow, then a lonnnnng weekend.


MOScout Daily Update: Kleinsorge to Lime - Arnzen, Birch to Gov's Office - Parson Pardons - Carpenters Score Win and more....


MOScout Sunday6: Mild Flu Season? - Eviction Risk by State - Public Pension Liabilities - Nov Jobs Report - End-Of-The-Year Lull and more...