MOScout Daily Update: Carlson Hearts MedEx - Smith's Plan B on MedEx? - Hill Contra Checkpoints - State DoD? and more...

STL Archbishop Reaffirms Support for MedEx

St. Louis Archbishop Robert Carlson penned a letter in support of Medicaid expansion that read almost like a rebuttal with Missouri Right to Life’s opposition.  See the letter here.

In October of 2019, I joined my brother Catholic bishops of Missouri in issuing a statement of support for the expansion of MO HealthNet, the Medicaid program in our state...

Recently, questions, concerns and speculation have surfaced regarding an argument that the federal pro-life protections in Medicaid—secured through the Hyde Amendment more than 40 years ago—would be terminated, putting government funds at risk for allocation to abortions.

We acknowledge this concern, however, with abiding trust in our Lord Jesus Christ, we cannot operate out of fear and speculation of the unknown. Our commitment to life is unwavering and lives are at stake. We must make decisions based on what we currently know to be true:

 With greater access to health insurance through Medicaid, we are saving lives and ensuring better health outcomes for our families in need.

 The risk for elimination of the Hyde Amendment is unlikely, based on its 40-plus-year history and polls showing that the majority of Americans oppose public funding of abortion.

 In the unlikely event that the Hyde Amendment is repealed, pro-life states like Missouri would pursue every legal avenue to prevent public funding for abortion through the state Medicaid programs…

The Missouri bishops’ support for this initiative is consistent with our commitment to life…


Republicans Prep MedEx Fail-Safe?

House Budget Chair Cody Smith filed a house joint resolution to put a constitutional amendment before the voters in November. 

It would make Medicaid funding subject to appropriations.  This is a topic of some debate.  But this would explicitly give the state legislature the power to decide whether to implement Medicaid expansion.

To sell it, the HJR has the ballot candy upfront of requiring insurance plans to cover preexisting conditions.

HJR 106

Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to:

• Guarantee health insurance coverage of preexisting conditions and coverage of dependent children until the age of twenty-six;

• Limit Missouri Medicaid benefits to Missouri residents;

• Require able-bodied adult Medicaid recipients to participate in work and community engagement; and

• Subject all Medicaid funds to appropriations?


Hill Proposes Limiting Checkpoints

Rep. Justin Hill filed HJR 111.  It’s a constitutional amendment that would prohibit sobriety checkpoints.

That no person shall be subject to a roadside checkpoint or roadblock established by a law enforcement agency except in an emergency situation to prevent the escape of a fleeing felon or in the event of civil unrest.

There has been an on-and-off debate among legislators over the years whether sobriety checkpoints are an effective use of police.

Find a “fact sheet” from the Center for Disease Control here.


MO Department of Defense?

Rep. Adam Schnelting is proposing a constitutional amendment to add a Missouri Department of Defense.  See it here.

There shall be established a department of defense in charge of the adjutant general appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate, charged with providing the state militia and other defense and security mechanisms as may be required…



·         Missouri makes a cameo in this Washington Post article“Americans’ interest in hunting is on the decline, cutting into funding for conservation, which stems largely from hunting licenses, permits and taxes on firearms, bows and other equipment. Even as more people are engaging in outdoor activities, hunting license sales have fallen from a peak of about 17 million in the early ’80s to 15 million last year, according to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service data. The agency’s 2016 survey suggested a steeper decline to 11.5 million Americans who say they hunt, down more than 2 million from five years earlier… Some states, including Missouri, are redirecting sales tax revenue to conservation…”

·         St. Louis Business Journal reports that Chris Koster was promoted to general counsel of Centene.  See it here.

·         Jordan Overstreet is now the Massachusetts state director for Mike Bloomberg 2020.  Overstreet ran Jolie Justus’ unsuccessfully campaign for mayor last year

·         The end of Blackberries?  See it here.


New Committees

·         Brian Seitz formed a candidate committee (The Seitz Conservative Coalition) to run for House 156 as a Republican.  The incumbent, Republican Rep. Jeffrey Justus, is term-limited.

·         South County Forward was formed. Its treasurer is Robert Spence.  It’s a PAC to support the candidacy of Alex Lange.  He’s running for St. Louis County Council in District 6 as a Democrat.  The incumbent is Republican Ernie Trakas.


Lobbyists Registrations

Jane Moore added Missouri Hospice & Palliative Care Association.

Claire West added Public School Retirement System of Missouri

Mark Nichols added Mark Nichols.

Mallory Schwarz added Mallory Schwarz.

Shawn Rhoads added The Swain Group.


$5K+ Contributions

Health Care Issues Committee of the Missouri Hospital Association - $97.432 from CoxHealth.

Keep Government Accountable - $30,000 from Pipefitters Local Union 533 General Fund.

Supporters of Health Research and Treatments - $25,000 from George Paz.

Missouri AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education - $7,751 from Missouri State AFL-CIO.



Happy birthdays to Danny Pfeifer and Diane Franklin.


MOScout Daily Update: CLEANER Move Forward - Two Sides of Local Taxation - More on GOP's MedEx "Fail-Safe" and more...


MOScout Daily Update: Eigel on DHSS Mission - More MedEx $$$ Debate - Williams for STLCE? - Where GOP, Dems Agree and more...