MOScout Daily Update: Revenues Continue Fall - Schmitt Sues China - Cole County Reopens - Cable's COVID Response and more...

Revenues Continue Implosion

The daily numbers from state revenues were down again yesterday.  As of close of business April 20, monthly revenues were down 42% compared to April 2019.  Fiscal year-to-date revenues are now only 1.15% ahead of last year.

·         Former budget director Jim Moody in his Moody Report tells subscribers the year-to-date numbers will likely be negative in the near future.


Cole County Open for Business

Just in time for the legislature to return to town, Cole County announced it was lifting its stay-at-home order and reopening bars and restaurants.

See the announcement here.

Cole County’s current Stay at Home Order will expire on April 25, 2020 at 12:01 PM.    As Cole County’s first step into a recovery phase, the Cole County Health Departments recommendation is to not extend the local restrictions in Cole County’s Stay at Home order.  In addition, the establishment order that pertains to restaurants, bars and clubs from March 19thwill be rescinded effective today.


Rally for Reopening

Yesterday folks descended on the capitol to rally for reopening.

See Rep. Mike Moon addressing the crowd here.


Schmitt Sues China

Attorney General Eric Schmitt took the “historic” step of suing China over the COVID-19 virus.  “The lawsuit seeks relief on one count of public nuisance, one count of abnormally dangerous activities, and two counts of breach of duty.”

Business Journal’s Jacob Kirn reports that “Suing foreign governments in American courts is a complicated process that, even if it leads to judgments, raises questions about how to collect… China's embassy in Washington, D.C., didn't immediately respond to a request for comment…”


Sheena Greitens weighs in on twitter.  See it here.

How this affects US-China relations, incl. in higher ed, depends a lot on China's response. Will China ignore the lawsuit bc it thinks unlikely to proceed? End collaboration w/MO in other realms, like ed/investment? Retaliate by suing a similarly-situated US entity in China?


Schatz on Reconvening

Pro Tem Dave Schatz writes about next week’s session in his capitol report.  See it here.

Over the course of the coronavirus pandemic, my colleagues and I have worked to balance the health and safety of our staff and visitors to the State Capitol with our constitutional obligation to pass a balanced budget for the state’s upcoming fiscal year. Striking this balance has presented unique challenges to each member of the Missouri General Assembly; however, I believe the time has come for lawmakers, in both chambers, to return to the State Capitol on April 27 and resume the legislative session. This was not an easy decision, but I believe it is critical that we come together and pass a balanced state budget that ensures our government remains funded, open and able to serve the people of Missouri.

When the General Assembly reconvenes, my colleagues and I will continue to follow social distancing and infection mitigation procedures. Committee hearings and legislative proceedings will remain open to the public. I am always excited to see members from our community in Jefferson City, but I ask that everyone continue to follow social distancing guidelines and participate in the legislative process electronically when possible…


MCTA’s COVID Response

In a letter, Andy Blunt outlines how members of MCTA are responding to the coronavirus.

All MCTA member companies have signed on to the “Keep Americans Connected” Pledge

sponsored by the FCC. In signing the Pledge, these member companies have pledged to:

•         not terminate internet or telephone service to any customers who are unable to pay;

•         waive any late fees that may arise from the inability to pay for service;

•         open their WiFi hotspots to all Americans, free of charge.

MCTA’s member companies have taken the initiative to surpass the provisions of the “Keep

Americans Connected” Pledge. MCTA member companies, as part of their efforts to support

their local communities, have:

•         developed programs allowing 60 days of discounted or free broadband service.

•         partnered with school districts in an effort to ensure that local communities know that these programs are available….

At a time when many sectors of the economy have experienced reductions because of the virus,

our member companies are increasing investments in their communities.


Emerson Fights Coronavirus

Southeast Missourian reports that former congresswoman Jo Ann Emerson has COVID-19.  See it here.

For more than 17 years Jo Ann Emerson represented the 8th District of Missouri in the United States House of Representatives, one of the first Republican women elected to Congress in the state and a political force who regularly won re-election with more than 70% of the vote. In 2013, she resigned from Congress to become the first woman president and CEO of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Known for her spirit of bipartisanship and zeal for "putting people before politics," she fought for constituents at times at the expense of her own party. Today, she's fighting coronavirus….


Claire for Veep?

Of course there’s no indication this could happen in the real world.  But on twitter…. See it here.


eMailbag on “Distance Lobbying”

If you can’t text or email what you are lobbying for you probably shouldn’t be doing it…


New Committees

Michael Burton formed a candidate committee (Friends of Michael Burton) to run for House 92 as a Democrat.


Lobbyists Registrations

Hattie Saltzman added T1International USA.

Dave Berry, Tom Dempsey, and Deanna Hemphill deleted Invenergy.


$5K+ Contributions

Missourians for a New Approach - $10,000 from New Approach PAC.



Happy birthdays to Dana Rademan, and Gary Romine.


MOScout Daily Update: Parson Reiterates May 4 Plan - Rural Hot Spots - CLEAN Gets $500K - Senate Posts Hearings and more...


MOScout Daily Update: New Withholds - Budget Timeline - Moon Contra Parson - No Women on Stimulus Working Group and more...