MOScout Daily Update: MOChamber for MedEx? - Greitens Doc? - Parson Signs SB 631 and more...

Rumor: MOChamber For MedEx

I’m told that the Missouri Chamber has decided to endorse the Medicaid expansion ballot proposal.  I would expect to see an announcement very soon.

This is a big deal. 

MOChamber is a leading voice for businesses across the state.  Additionally, inside the bubble, MOChamber generally runs to the right of the regional chambers from St. Louis and Kansas City.

Their voice will give greater credence to the argument that expanding healthcare coverage is not just good humanitarian policy, but good for business. 

And it may give cover to some Republican legislators, particularly in swing districts, to re-evaluate that the proposal without feeling bound to oppose it based on partisan affiliation.


Greitens Documentary?

This link was getting passed around yesterday.  Is this real or satire?  I have no idea.  The “article” sounds like something Eric Greitens himself would have written.  See it here.

When ANTIFA and other radical groups threatened to destroy St. Louis, Missouri, in 2017, then-Governor Eric Greitens, a former Navy SEAL officer, stepped in and with frontline leadership defeated them…

Now, a documentary series is in the works about the criminal takedown of the now-exonerated Greitens. A source with close ties to the Navy SEAL community and to several Los Angeles based filmmakers informed SOFREP that filmmakers in Los Angeles and Chicago, working with financiers in New York and New Jersey have developed a 12-minute film, as a preview of the potential movie or documentary series. SOFREP received exclusive access to a short preview.

The film also highlights the involvement of associates of then-Lieutenant Governor Mike Parson, some of them convicted felons, who delivered at least $120,000 in cash to people who made false accusations against Greitens. Parson, the film points out, was the largest recipient of donations from lobbyists for a corrupt tax-credit scheme in Missouri’s history. It was a scheme that Greitens shut down… Moreover, SOFREP has learned that officials from across the country are contacting Greitens for advice on how to effectively deal with violent protestors and particularly those belonging to ANTIFA groups…

Asked about how the incumbent governor is dealing with that situation, Greitens told SOFREP that “he is doing really poorly. The situation demands frontline leadership. There must be someone on the ground who can take the critical decisions and plan for all contingencies. A leader who can deliver a calm and clear message on how to deal with the riots. Governor Parson is not that man.”


eMailbag on Local Tax Increases

[Tuesday] was a bad day for fiscal sanity at the ballot box. That’s why the Conservative Caucus fought to require local tax increase requests that came through the senate this year to be held in the November election—so more folks get a say in the rampant growth of government. I expect results like this will only reinforce this new “November standard” to further tax increase requests making their way through the chamber in upcoming sessions.



·         Governor Mike Parson signed SB 631 which among other things allows absentee voting for folks at high risk of the coronavirus.

·         The Missouri Public Utility Alliance (MPUA) Board of Directors has appointed John Twitty as the organization’s new General Manager and CEO effective Aug. 1. Twitty will succeed Duncan Kincheloe, who is retiring in August after a 21-year term as the Alliance’s President and CEO.


New Committees

ASAPAC MO Federal Committee was formed.  Its treasurer is Frank Vatterrott.


Lobbyist Registrations

Matthew Magner added National Community Pharmacists Association.   


$5K+ Contributions

American Dream PAC - $10,000 from BNSF Railway Company.

UAW Region 5 Midwest States Political Action Committee (PAC) (MO) - $6,000 from UAW Region 5 Exchange Account.



Happy birthday to Colleen Coble.


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