MOScout Sunday6: BLM as GOP Primary Issue? - Trust in Fauci Goes Partisan - Trade Deficit, Inventor Surplus and more....

This mailer from Senate 27 shows how the Black Lives Matter movement is being used as a Republican primary issue…


It’s one of many “big issues” where there’s a partisan split…

Probably not unrelated to the demographics of who’s supporting which presidential candidate…

Dr. Fauci becoming a politicized figure.

20 year chart of US trade deficit.

Winning the labor trade war… “The United States has received an enormous net surplus of inventors from abroad, while China and India have been major source countries.”


MOScout Daily Update: Parson Pivot to Crime Continues - $$$ Flows to PACs - Brattin Gets CWA and more...


MOScout Weekender: Poll on Senate 27 - Hallway on Conservative Caucus Numbers - Franks to Gen Progress - WWTW and more...