MOScout Daily Update: The Eleven Women of the Senate - Waller for Senate?? - Ehlmann + Labor - Ashcroft Crows In Win Over Fitz - Consensus Revenue and more...

The Eleven Say “You Can Too!”

In a letter to their Senate colleagues signed as “The Eleven,” the women of the Senate offer to distribute a book they’ve written with former female senators entitled You Can Too!  “It is a book encouraging young people to imagine their pathway forward by learning about the various pathways and circumstances that led each of Missouri’s 36 Women Senators to the Senate.”

They want to get the book into grade schools, libraries and pediatrician offices around the state.
See the letter here.

What It Means

The initiative hints that “The Eleven” women of the Senate could be a force in driving a bipartisan conversation about key issues in the future.


Waller Eyes JeffCo Senate Race?

The spat of recent news regarding various Republican primaries shows how fluid the 2022 elections are right now.

One MOScouter says that Ken Waller is putting feelers out there about running for State Senate with the news of Vescovo exit.”  Waller had been expected to run for Becky Ruth’s House district.  Waller is the Jefferson County Clerk.  He would likely have the backing of labor if he jumped into the senate race – a move which could provide yet another twist there.


Consensus Revenue

Press release: Governor Mike Parson announced the state’s Consensus Revenue Estimate (CRE) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023.  The key figure in the CRE is the projected general revenue collections.

·         Net general revenue collections in FY23 are expected to be $11.4 billion. This represents a 2.1 percent net general revenue growth over the estimated revenue for FY22…

The annual CRE is a figure established by state budget experts that is used by the Governor and legislative leaders to build and balance Missouri’s budget.  The revised estimate for the current fiscal year (FY22) assumes a 0.5 percent decrease to $11.2 billion in net general revenue collections. Actual FY21 revenues were artificially high due to income tax filing date being moved from April 15 in FY20 to July 15 in FY21, resulting in two income tax filing dates in FY21. The FY22 revised estimate reflects a return to a single filing date in the fiscal year...

Governor Parson will detail his proposed budget for FY23 during the State of the State address in January.

What It Means

Missouri Independent notes the press release included a line from Parson suggesting we’ll see some big proposals in January… Governor Parson said. “With general revenue expected to increase and large amounts of Missourian's federal tax dollars returning to our state, we have a great opportunity and responsibility to make smart, meaningful investments that serve Missourians now and into the future…”


Ehlmann Hits Building Trades Party

A tipster tells of the Saint Louis Building and Construction Trades Council’s annual Christmas party at Carmine's… “It was a HUGE crowd. It included almost every single regional union leader and their full staff. Elected officials were also there including Sam Page (masked up), Rita Heard-Days, Shalonda Webb, members of the Board of Alderman, Jack Coatar, Dan Guenther, Sarah Martin, Bill Stephens, Anne Schweitzer, Tina Pihl, Cara Spencer, John Collins-Muhammad, Joe Vaccaro, Bret Narayan, Shane Cohn. It was an extremely festive atmosphere with over 150 in attendance. It shows the power of the union construction trades in the region as we gear up for the 2022 and 2023 board of alderman races. John Stiffler and his affiliate unions will be extremely influential in local races and local candidates should not ignore their power if they want to win their race.”

·         But this nugget was especially interesting: “Steve Elhmann was also there at the party. I would expect for labor to support him against Bob Onder. Elhmann has been a long-time labor friend.”



Ashcroft Prevails in Fitz Suit

Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft crows in a press release that his office prevailed over State Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick in a suit brought concerning ballot language.

Press release: “The Summary Statement portion of the Official Ballot Title of Amendment 1 fairly and sufficiently summarizes Amendment 1,” Judge Green said in his Final Judgment statement.  “The Summary Statement prepared by the Secretary of State is hereby certified with no changes.”

“We are pleased that the court ruled in our favor and that the Fair Ballot Language is certified to be used at all polling places,” Ashcroft said. “This was ridiculous from the beginning. It was a complete waste of taxpayer funds in an attempt to force a specific voter outcome on the amendment. I am pleased that the court affirmed that our summary of what the amendment would do was fair and sufficient.”


Help Wanted

The Missouri Society of Association Executives (MSAE) seeks Association Management Services.  “The Missouri Society of Association Executives (MSAE) is excited to announce the request for proposals for association management services of this 400+ member statewide organization.  With the many changes in the past and the impact of COVID-19 on the operations of MSAE, we are looking for an individual or organization to manage the administrative operations of MSAE.  The RFP is available on our website here with the expectations outlined and the timeline for executing the association management services contract.  All inquiries may be submitted to”


New Committees

Vote 417, LLC was formed.  It’s a PAC. Its treasurer is Jacob Brower.


Lobbyists Registrations

Will Marrs and Kelli Richardson added Mercy.

Lana Turner added American Lung Association.


$5K+ Contributions

Mo Coalition for Video Lottery PAC - $75,000 from Accel Entertainment Gaming LLC.

Credit Union Political Action Committee of Missouri - $10,000 from CommunityAmerica Credit Union.



Happy birthday to Ric Telhorst.


MOScout Daily Update: Fitz Enters Mask Mandate Fight - Long Attacks! - Dinkins Antes $30K - Tate Looks at Senate - New MMJ Subpoenas? and more...


MOScout Daily Update: Vescovo Out of JeffCo Senate Race? - MO Supremes on MMJ Cone of Silence - Shake-Up on Funeral Board and more.....