MOScout Daily Update: Thinking Energy Infrastructure - Hinkle on SB 51 - Spencer Hits Reed and more...

Despite the prospect of a bit more snow today, the House will be in session.  Committee hearings start at 8AM and will run through the evening.  Check the updated schedule of hearings here.


All About Infrastructure?

I heard from a few energy folks offering their take on the rolling blackouts hitting western Missouri…

·         Kevin Gunn, in Monday's MO Scout, made the point, that it's all about the infrastructure. He's right. That's also a Parson priority – we have all heard the 'economic development and infrastructure' stump speech from the Governor a hundred times by now. But, so far the Governor has been narrowly focused on hard surface road infrastructure. He has a great chance to broaden his scope to include the grid. And, a 2016 MO PSC staff report sets forth the tools and a roadmap. It is one of the most comprehensive studies on the tools the commission can use to help increase utility infrastructure investment… Unlike highway funding – this could be done at the direction of an executive order outlining the direction and scope of grid investments and regulatory tools to run a 21st century economy without risk of rolling blackouts…

·         Make no mistake, this was a near miss in Western MO and in SPP’s footprint.  Our increasing dependence upon energy sources that are not sustainable or reliable during many common weather conditions is a real culprit.  Energy science and technology simply don’t support their over dependence today.  One reason Eastern Missouri avoided the real crisis of potential outages was due to a new pipeline that provides additional energy resources to that region.  Energy suppliers recognize the need to improve the environment, are diligently taking steps to achieve and have made dramatic improvements.  We have to support and maintain an “all of the above” approach to energy supply, policy and reliability.  Imagine instead of a 30–60 minute rolling blackout, you lost power for 24 hours in subzero wind chills.   Would that change you mindset on energy supply?  The alarm has rung.

·         On Twitter Gunn was emphatic that renewables were not the culprit for the need to implement rolling blackouts: RENEWABLE ENERGY IS NOT THE REASON FOR ROLLING BLACKOUTS. WIND PERFORMED AS FORCASTED OR BETTER!

What It Means

·         There’s a sense of “never let a good crisis go to waste” as folks offer policy ideas to upgrade the energy infrastructure.

·         Calm and rational folks say rolling blackouts during ultra-extreme weather make more sense than paying for additional capacity that’s rarely used. 

·         But that doesn’t take away from legitimate long-term needs in energy infrastructure: more transmission lines, more reliable grid.


Spencer Hits Reed

Alderwoman Cara Spencer has released a couple ads in the St. Louis mayoral race. 

·         The first one – spotted by a MOScouter on STL TV – is a positive bio piece: “A mayor for all of us.”  See it here.  It’s released by the pro-Spencer PAC, Gateway to Progress PAC.

·         But the second one hit’s Board President Lewis Reed.  It’s from Spencer’s candidate committee. And it goes after Reed’s record.  See it here“The Reed record? Corruption, cronyism, and crime that’s out of control.”

The ad brought a blistering response from the Reed: “This is a sad old racist trope - blaming black leaders for crime… I have been working for years to add resources to fight crime and Spencer is just now showing up on the issue of public safety and has done absolutely nothing in her time in office. The darkened, grainy image and racial fear tactics she uses are reminiscent of racist political ads that were designed to paint a frightening image of candidates of color…”

What It Means

Good news for Tishaura Jones to have her two closest competitors aiming their fire at each other and not at her.


Hinkle Says 51’s OK

Don Hinkle, influential religious conservative, wrote on Facebook that he will not oppose the bill.

After having time to study more closely the language and definitions contained in Senate Bill 51 (COVID liability) as it pertains to churches and religious charities, we have concluded that the current version -- with the Moon amendment -- does not create any new, material liabilities that would specifically harm churches, houses of worship or religious charities. Therefore, we will not oppose Senate Bill 51.

While a complete exemption for churches was preferable (like the one government enjoys), the strong guarantees of religious freedom and worship in Missouri law are not reduced by the specific references to religious organizations in this bill.

Hinkle had previously raised concerns that the bill could “threaten First Amendment rights.”

What It Means

The bill – which has been a top priority for Governor Mike Parson – is teed up for a final vote in the Senate next week.  It will then head to the House, where the Republican supermajority is expected to pass it as well.


Lobbyists Registrations

John Bullard added Alexion Pharmaceuticals Inc.                

Ginger Steinmetz added Nucor Steel.

Scott Dieckhaus added Theatre Owners of Mid-America.

Jeffrey Altmann added HSUS; and deleted City Utilities of Springfield.   



Happy birthdays to Sen. Brian Williams, Jon Ratliff, and Pat Jakopchek.


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MOScout Daily Update: Another Snow Day - SEMO's Statewide Mission - Reed on TV - What The Rolling Blackouts Mean and more...