MOScout's Sunday 6: Hospitalizations - e-Commerce - New Business Starts - STL "budget-friendly" for Daters and more....

Plummeting hospitalization as vaccines rollout.

Source: Bloomberg.

Source: Bloomberg.

After initial COVID spike, e-commerce could be reverting to its long-term trend.

What will happen to all those new businesses that were started during COVID?

Will Biden Administration continue this trend?

Source: Pew Research.

Source: Pew Research.

Generational control of the US Senate.

Source: Reddit.

Source: Reddit.

St. Louis ranks as a “budget-friendly” city for dating.

The difference between king and prince over three generations…


MOScout Daily Update: Hoskins Seeks More Seats on MHDC - Onder Does CPAC - Gregory Eyes Meatpackers and more...


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