MOScout Sunday6: Vaccinations - Cyber-Fears - Peak Gas - Most Livable Small Cities and more....

1. Let’s start with Missouri’s COVID vaccination rates by age.

Source: DHSS.

Source: DHSS.

2. And here’s why some folks are skipping the vaccine, aka “vaccine hesitancy.”

3. Are we past “peak gas?”  It has some folks looking at “vehicle-miles-traveled” as the new funding mechanism for roads. 

4. Cyber terrorism scares Republicans and Democrats alike. Rep. Bill Hardwick’s HB 1204 would create the Missouri Cybersecurity Commission.

5. Job market is improving, but it still sucks…

6. Here’s the employment charts.  US and MO look very similar.  Hopefully once we snuff out COVID, we’ll see a return to the trend line.

7. And Missouri’s chart

8. Ship traffic jam at Suez Canal.

Source: Twitter.

Source: Twitter.

9. Missouri lands two spots in the “most livable small cities.”


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