MOScout Weekender: Early Biden Action Doesn't Budget MO Approval - Hallway Shrugs at Ed Reform - Who Won the Week and more....

Remington/MOScout Poll: Biden Approval

Survey conducted April 21 through April 22, 2021. 933 likely 2022 General Election voters participated in the survey. Survey weighted to match expected turnout demographics for the 2022 General Election. Margin of Error is +/-3% with a 95% level of confidence. Totals do not always equal 100% due to rounding. Survey conducted by Remington Research Group on behalf of Missouri Scout.  See the full results here.

Q1: How would you rate the job President Joe Biden has done with regard to COVID?

Excellent: 34%

Good: 9%

Average: 16%

Poor: 40%

Q2: President Biden is proposing to spend $2 trillion on the nation’s infrastructure.  To help pay for it, taxes would be raised on corporations and people earning over $400,000.  Do you support or oppose this plan?

Support: 41%

Oppose: 50%

Not sure: 9%

Q3: President Biden is increasing the number of refugees allowed to enter the United States from 15,000 a year to 62,500 a year.  Do you support or oppose this decision?

Support: 24%

Oppose: 66%

Not sure: 10%

Q4: President Biden announced he will withdraw all American troops from Afghanistan by September.  Do you support or oppose this decision?

Support: 46%

Oppose: 37%

Not sure: 17%

Q5: Possible candidates in the 2024 General Election for President are the Democrat Joe Biden and the Republican Donald Trump. If the election were held today, for whom would you vote?

Joe Biden: 38%

Donald Trump: 53%

Undecided: 9%


MOScout’s Hallway Index: Education Reform

I asked the hallway lobbyists about education reform and there’s clearly no consensus on the future of this controversial subject matter…  How likely is passage of a significant education reform bill this session?  25 replies…


1. Very likely… 16%

2. Somewhat likely… 28%

3. Somewhat unlikely… 28%

4. Very unlikely… 28%

Sample of Comments

·         Vouchers is in a better position than anything relating to charters. House caucus gave leadership a vote once on vouchers, I don't see them adopting any additional measures from the Senate if it the bill needs another vote.

·         Has a long way to go through the Senate and the reformers are playing from behind on votes. Deals need cut for Senators to flip, so add it to a long list of other issues in the same boat and the budget process is a mess.

·         If the reformers were smart, they’d take the win on open enrollment and call it a day, but it wasn’t their idea, so that won’t happen.

·         Ed reformers could have made a deal with MedEx supporters. Missed opportunity.

·         Education savings account legislation may pass, though I wouldn't classify it as significant.

·         If Vescovo wants something, he always gets it. And he can’t blame the senate’s failures. He has to take leadership in shoving it through and my money is on the speaker.

·         Floor Leader Rowden and Speaker Vescovo have been champions for the issue. They have invested capital to not get something done.

·         A bill will pass both chambers, just not likely the same bill.


Who Won the Week?

Mark McCloskey – It appears he may be on the cusp of parlaying his fifteen-minutes of fame into a semi-credible Senate campaign.  That’s someone who knows how to seize an opportunity.

Tom Hannegan – While it seems that MONA is dead this legislative session, the successful discharge petition demonstrated that there’s a bipartisan group of supporters and gives them a leg up down the road.

Travis Fitzwater – The expulsion of a member for the first time in 150 years sends a very strong message from the House Ethics Committee.

Hannah Kelly – While most every other legislator will be clawing to pass their bill during the next three weeks, Kelly got to watch the governor sign two of her bills this week.

Find a downloadable version here.


Gubby Appt

Governor Mike Parson appointed James Caleb Cunningham as Camden County Prosecuting Attorney. He will fill the vacancy created by the appointment of Heather Miller to Associate Circuit Judge in the 26th Judicial Circuit.


$5K+ Contributions

American Property Casualty Insurance Association Political Account - $11,216 from American Property Casualty Insurance Association.



Happy birthday to Brian Munzlinger.

Sunday: Reps. Ingrid Burnett, and Ann Kelley, and Lauren Gepford.



To Shannon and Shane Roden on the birth of Cora Francis Roden... 6 lbs 2 Oz, 18 inches long.


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