MOScout Daily Update: Why GOP Supermajorities Get Knotted Up - Gov Won't Release Williams Resignation - US Senate Watch and more...

Those Republican Supermajorities…

Ever try to explain to an average person why the Republican legislative supermajorities can’t just pass their agenda in a rapid-fire sequence?  Sometimes the explanation will meander into a discussion of Senate traditions, and the “PQ.”  But really it comes down to the fact that the Republican supermajorities are so big, the internal factions and feuds often overwhelm the efforts to instill unity.

1.      2nd Floor - 3rd Floor Tension

There’s a natural tension between the executive branch and the legislative branch.  But the personal relationship between Governor Mike Parson and Speaker Rob Vescovo is more fragile.  An early session pow-wow famously devolved into a shouting match over nothing more significant than where the State of the State would take place.  These are two folks who know how to not back down…

2.      Senate – House Tension

Likewise, it’s normal for there to be some jockeying between the House and Senate chambers.  The leadership of each chamber has their particular priorities.  We’re seeing each side holding up on the others’ wish list to watch that their own priorities are moving.  This factor is heightened with the fact that the bulk of the GOP agenda has been accomplished (# 6).  The priorities are often more personalized (gas tax, gray machine etc).

3.      Self-dividing GOP

Each chamber has a “Conservative Caucus.”  And the “regular” Republicans often bristle that some have appropriated a label that they claim as well. Are the conservative caucuses more conservative?   This viewpoint is encapsulated in the muttered criticism, “what’s so conservative about expanding gambling?”  These divides increase the tension within chambers – with members sometimes sabotaging the efforts of their fellow Republicans.

4.      Petty Turf Wars

In recent days many capitol denizens have received anonymous text messages attacking Republican legislators and Republican public servants.  The messages are juvenile and it’s hard to figure their motivation.  But the texts started after the Todd Graves nomination to the Missouri University Board of Curators and they target some of those who were critical of Graves.  This is not the behavior of a party of ideas.

5.      Overperforming campaigns

Cycle after cycle of stellar Republican campaign operations have produced Republican victories in previously Democratic territories, with more moderate voting constituencies. And some interest groups have adapted to the Republican rule by backing Republicans in primaries who reflect their values.  The result is a Republican supermajority, but often fewer votes in specific issues areas (labor, education, legal).  Once the debate moves beyond abortion and guns, there’s usually a clutch of dissenters.

6.      The Easy Stuff is Done

A decade of Republican control has passed the most fundamental parts of the GOP agenda.  Abortion laws are nearly as restrictive as possible; gun laws are nearly as permissible as possible; taxes have been regularly cut; each year brings another swipe at tort reform.  As the Republican rule stretches so does its agenda – sometimes beyond what some members of their caucus are comfortable with.


US Senate Watch

Politico reports that congressional Republicans “are practically giddy over the prospect of taking back power…”  This comes from their annual policy retreat over the weekend.

Why It Matters: This is an important factor when handicapping how likely (or unlikely) it is that any of the possible Senate hopefuls from Missouri congressional pool try to leap into the bigger pond.  Reps. Vicky Hartzler, Billy Long, Jason Smith, and Ann Wagner must all weigh whether they want to give up their congressional seat just as the GOP is on the cusp of regaining power for a shot at the Senate.


House Guns Gas Tax Outta Committee

Kurt Erickson reports that “a House committee unanimously endorsed a plan Monday to raise Missouri’s gasoline tax, setting up a potential showdown among tax-averse Republicans in the closing days of the legislative session.  With no comment or debate, the House Transportation Committee voted 13-0 in favor of the plan, which would phase in a 12.5-cent increase over five years.”

This is Senate Pro Tem Dave SchatzSB 262.  It is expected to face criticism on the House floor from some conservative members.


MOIndy on Williams Resignation

Missouri Independent uncovered an oddity: the governor’s office says that former DHSS head Randall Williams’ resignation letter is exempt from the sunshine law.  I’ve been watching politics for quite a while now and I’ve never heard of resignation letters being closed records.  Read it here.

·         Caroline Coulter, the deputy general counsel for the governor’s office, said Monday that Williams’ resignation letter is closed in its entirety. She cited a section of the Sunshine Law that permits closure of “individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment.”

·         “No record will therefore be provided,” Coulter wrote in a letter in response to The Independent’s request.

Kinda makes you wonder what’s in that letter….


New Committees

Invest in St. Louis Community College was formed.  It’s a campaign committee to support Proposition I, an August ballot question to increase the levy in the St. Louis Community College district.  According to the paperwork, Mark Wrighton is heading the campaign.


$5K+ Contributions

Together KC - $5,400 from Lamar.

UAW Region 5 Midwest States Political Action Committee (PAC) (MO) - $6,000 from UAW Region 4 Exchange Account.


Lobbyists Registrations

Gamble & Schlemeier added AM Trace LLC.

Brent Evans added American Association of Timeshare Owners (AATO).



Happy birthday to Reps. Michael Davis and Wiley Price IV, Ryan McKenna, Tony Dugger, and Chris Vas.    



To Mallory and Scott Fitzpatrick on the birth of Noah Scott Fitzpatrick, 7 lbs 14 oz.


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