MOScout Daily Update: US Senate Watch - FRA Developments - Senate 2 Hotbed? - Idaho as our Future? and more...

US Senate Watch

·         Tomorrow Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler is expected to announce her entry into the US Senate race.  The other congressionals wait at their own peril.  Because the race has already started… the money race.

·         And Attorney General Eric Schmitt is deadly serious about it. He already preannounced a $1M first quarter.  And here’s an invite to a big fundy on the eve of Lincoln Days in Kansas City.  On the host committee: Jean Paul Bradshaw, Tom Brown, Anne & Steve Dunn, Diane & Bunk Farrington, Tracy & Todd Graves, Marlys & Michael Haverty, Julie & Blake Hurst, Kristin & Greg Kratofil Jr., Debbie & Jim Wagy, and Loren & Tom Whittaker.

·         Congressman Jason Smith says there’s no real conservative in the race yet.  See it here.


FRA Watch

·         No news emerged from yesterday’s pow-wow.  Over on the House side (they weren’t invited), they’re tapping their toes… “The simple fact is the House can pass any version of the FRA - did it twice this session…”

·         One new narrative: the governor needs to get over his special session phobia. “A special session in June makes the most sense… The governor feels burned by his law and order special session, which was always perceived as optional… a campaign stunt. Passing the FRA isn’t optional. There is no other plan or funding in place if it sunsets. His reticence to call a special on the FRA—for fear of getting burned again—doesn’t rise to the same level as his special session last summer…”

·         And it sounds more and more like the gov is warming to the idea of spending restrictions imposed on July 1 – as an extra incentive for lawmakers to reach an agreement.


Idaho… the Future of Missouri?

One building denizen passed along this AP article about Idaho, wondering if this is where MO politics are headed.  Read it here.

·         The dream world for Idaho’s ascendant far right is one where state lawmakers run a sovereign nation-state free of federal oversight. It would be a place where they can outlaw all abortions, dictate what is taught in schools, have complete say over public health rules and gun laws, and take control of federal public lands, which make up more than 60% of the state…

·         Mainstream Idaho Republicans, who have dominated the state for three decades and would be considered far right in many states, have themselves become targets, including protests at lawmakers’ homes.

·         “It’s definitely conservatives who are battling against the farther right,” said Jaclyn Kettler, a Boise State University political scientist. “Mainstream traditional Republicans who have a preference for smaller government” and right-wing Republicans who question “whether government should even be involved.”

·         Democratic lawmakers are too few to have much say in state government… The main victories for Democratic lawmakers are supplying enough votes to approve legislation often opposed by far-right legislators, including must-pass appropriations bills.

·         [U]ltra-conservative lawmakers have a stated desire to end federal money coming to Idaho, part of a far-right belief involving state sovereignty.


Senate 2 Hotbed?

The 2022 talk continues despite the fact we’re without lines for House and Senate districts and really not even close.  We don’t even have the basic census data to take making conjectures.

Still, one Republican consultant sees Senate 2 emerging as a hot primary in 2022.  Sen. Bob Onder is termed and there’s no shortage of Republican state representatives in that part of the state.

One possible 3-way primary: Speaker Pro Tem John Wiemann, and Reps. Justin Hill and Nick Schroer.

What It Means

With three very conservative state representative, the Lembke/Eigel-led 100 PAC might just sit it out expecting any of the three to ultimately join their voting bloc in the Senate.


AG Bits

·         AG Eric Schmitt weighed in on the Medicaid expansion lawsuit, saying that the legislature has sole power of the purse and judiciary can’t force an expenditure.  MOIndy reports here.

·         And the AG’s office settled a fraud case against Great Circle for a mere $10K about claiming there was millions in overbillings.  St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports here.


New Committees

1776 PAC was formed.  Its treasurer is Chad Hansen.

National Democratic Redistricting Missouri PAC - Federal Committee was formed.  Its treasurer is Gerald Greiman.


$5K+ Contributions

UFCW Local 655 Elect Club - $5,302 from UFCW Local 655.

Missouri AG PAC - $13,000 from Warrenton Oil Company.

Missouri AG PAC - $33,333 from Torch Electronics LLC.



Happy birthdays to Matthew Michelson, Karen Englert, Lon Lowrey, and Kevin Stamps.


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