MOScout Sunday 6: Defund Messaging - Eigel to Airwaves? - 3rd Wave Coming? - GDP vs happiness - Car Alarm Reax and more….
1. Defund Police opinions. (Survey of the 1,875 American general population (ages 18+), April 28th–May 4, 2021, MoE +/-2.8%)
Source: Ipsos.
2. Sen. Bill Eigel appears to be the host of an afternoon talk show coming to the new St. Louis radio station 93.3.
Source: Facebook.
3. Southwest Missouri getting hit with new COVID cases. State analytics show a frightening trajectory for hospitalizations there.
Source: MO DHSS.
4. Cox Health topper Steve Edwards says it’s unlikely to stay regionalized…
Source: Twitter.
5. Medical deductions by state. “Those who deduct health care payments from their taxes can reap thousands of dollars in benefits. On average, taxpayers who itemize their returns claim $16,970 in medical and dental expenses…”
Source: Lending Tree.
6. Confederate monuments in USA.
Source: Axios.
7. Oldest free-standing building in each state.
Source: Reddit.
8. Immigrants could power the future population growth in Missouri.
Source: Axios.
9. This map makes me think of the RFK quote: “[GDP] measures neither our wit nor our courage, neither our wisdom nor our learning, neither our compassion nor our devotion to our country, it measures everything in short, except that which makes life worthwhile…”
Source: Visual Capitalist.
10. Car alarm
Source: Internet