MOScout Daily Update: Supremes OK MedEx - IP Reform To Get Closer Look? - "The Other Case" Huge Win for Docs and more...

MedEx Wins At Supreme Court

The Missouri Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision yesterday saying that the Medicaid Expansion initiative petition was constitutional.  The decision (see it here) rejected the argument that the ballot question violated the constitution’s prohibition against requiring an appropriation.

A few quick thoughts…

·         Proponents have argued that expansion will pay for itself.  But assuming it isn’t, this is a pretty good time for the state to handle the extra expense as its coffers are flush with cash right now.

·         One former Republican staffer texted me, “If Republican Supermajorities can’t do something about the Court Plan and Initiative Petitions in 2022, then what is the point of it all?”  I think this may bring some extra enthusiasm to alter the IP process.  But the court ruling being unanimous, and other cases (see below) going their way, it’s hard to say this ruling or this court is “liberal.”


One Dem gives a shout-out: She’s under the radar but the court’s own opinion shows her intellect and influence:  the author of the House Dems amicus Casey Millburg is one of the sharpest political minds in the Capitol.


“The Other Case”

There was another big case among the Supremes’ hand-downs yesterday that received less attention.

RE: SC98977, Maria del Carmen Ordinola Velazquez v. University Physician Associates upheld the 2015 medical malpractice noneconomic damage caps (SB 239 - Dan Brown & Eric Burlison).  One hallwayer calls it “a huge win for physicians and other healthcare providers.  I can’t explain how big that win is.  Massive!”

See the decision here.

From MATA past president Brett Emison’s statement: [T]he Court struck down identical damages caps in 2012 when it recognized “civil actions for damages resulting from personal wrongs have been tried by juries since 1820…”

The Court, however, ignored this precedent in permitting the legislature to erase centuries-old common law and replace it with a statute that fundamentally infringes on the right to trial as it was provided in Missouri’s constitution in 1820…

The Court’s holding today puts ALL constitutional rights in jeopardy according to the whims of the legislature.

How so? This ruling could permit a future legislature to abolish common law protections of Second Amendment rights and constitutionally infringe on those rights by mere statute. Or they may decide to infringe on religious or free speech protections.

This sets a dangerous precedent for stripping away the constitutional rights of all Missourians.


Immigration for Rural?

NYTimes op/ed argues immigration could bolster rural economies.  Read it here.

·         Rural America has a growth problem. Business and industry desperately need workers, but the domestic labor pool is shallow, and the nation’s birthrate is slowing.

·         There’s no better place to help expand our economy than in rural communities like ours. We need smart public policy for sustained growth — and immigration reform would be a big part of it.

·         More immigrants will also increase our tax base and help stabilize Social Security. The immigrant population is already growing here, and they are successfully contributing.


eMailbag on Moon’s Anti-Vax Post

In response to Sen Moon’s post: would an incentive be needed if an untrue rumor was spread — perhaps via goofy analogies about items in a grocery store on FB — that the “free item” was poison, when in reality it had life-saving properties?...


OOOs of the Week (Possible New Weekly Feature)

A sample of the out-of-office replies I received this week…

·         I'm at a conference (in a different city and with people!) and will have limited email access…

·         I am out of the office on business and will be slower in responding than normal… Thanks for your patience and for thinking of St. Louis.

·         Thanks for your email! I am on vacation until July 25.  If you need immediate assistance or need to file a grievance…


New Committees

JC Citizens for Public Safety was formed.  It’s a campaign committee to support a November ballot issue in Jefferson City.  It’s a “public safety oriented tax to benefit both police and fire. Tax revenue to be used for salaries, equipment and other identified needs of the departments as determined.”  Its treasurer is Jacob 'Jake' Vogel.


$5K+ Contributions

Invest in St. Louis Community College - $20,000 from Schnuck Markets Inc.

Invest in St. Louis Community College - $20,000 from Civic Progress Action Committee.

Protect Missouri Workers PAC - $22,500 from Simmons Hanly.

Missouri Democratic State Committee - $7,900 from Natasha Ziff.

HBS MO State PAC - $21,000 from Tenaska Clear Creek Wind.



Happy birthdays to Tom Krewson (the big 6-0), Darrell Pollock, and Bob Quinn.

Saturday: Claire McCaskill, Rep. Wes Rogers, Jean Evans, Betsy AuBuchon, Kim Tuttle, Jim Lembke (the big 6-0), and Kevin Threlkeld.

Sunday: Rep. David Tyson Smith, Charlie Shields, Jay Atkins, and Megan-Ellyia Green.


MOScout Schedule

No Weekender or Sunday6 this weekend.  See you Monday...


MOScout Daily Update: Supremes Invoke Single Subject - STL Dems Order Remask, GOP Vows Fight - Watkins Reps Derges - Imagining Nixon-Greitens and more....


MOScout Daily Update: New Vax Incentives - Moon Posts Vax Skepticism - Hartzler Gets Maggie Nod - Green Clinic Order - Kehoe to RGA? and more....