MOScout Daily Update: Walsh Passes - Bruce the Trump Critic - Ham Breakfast - Parson on SAPA, Refugees - MODot Survey and more...

Parson on 2A

The Governor’s staff published a position statement on the 2nd Amendment to their website yesterday.  See it here.

The move may be in response to recent criticism of the Second Amendment Protection Act the governor signed into law.  Some bootheel Republican legislators have said they want to revise it after complaints from law enforcement.

And Missouri Independent reports that the Department of Justice “is asking Cole County Judge Daniel Green to block” SAPA.

·         Brian M. Boynton, the acting head of the Justice Department’s civil division, wrote that the law violates the U.S. Constitution and “has caused, and will continue to cause, significant harms to law enforcement within the State of Missouri.”

·         Frederic Winston, special agent in charge of the Kansas City Field Division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), said in an affidavit submitted to the court that a dozen state and local officers have withdrawn from participating in ATF task forces at least in part because of the law.


The website also put up an old position statement from the Governor on resettlement of refugees, perhaps in reaction to St. Louis’ push to be a primary Afghani resettlement city.

See it here.  The statement was issued during the Trump Administration.

Who approves who comes in? President Trump’s administration governs who is allowed to enter the country, and the federal government has exclusive authority to make decisions on who to let in or keep out (Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, 8 U.S.C. 12). Governor Parson’s letter is in response to President Trump requiring state and local authorities to consent to the continued settlement of refugees within their states. However, the approval still comes from the federal government.

Who will assist with the transition? In Missouri, there is a nonprofit organization called the Missouri Office of Refugee Administration (MO-ORA) that was designated by federal officials to assist with refugee resettlement. MO-ORA partners with only five different groups from St. Louis, Kansas City, Springfield, and Columbia to assist with placement of legal refugees into communities and to help assimilate refugees with education and jobs. 

How does this affect the State of Missouri? Missouri will continue to work hard to ensure lawfully admitted and fully vetted refugees become a thriving part within the State of Missouri in the communities that request them, in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.


Bruce, The Trump Critic

Hours after Kalenda Bruce announced her entry into CD-4, one reader sent me this op/ed from 2018.  “Farmers like me put Trump in office. Now his trade war is smothering us.”

I’m guessing if Bruce catches some traction in the Republican congressional primary, we’ll see that headline in some attack ads taking her down….


Driving the Day: Governor’s Ham Breakfast

Happening right now… the Goevrnor’s Ham Breakfast at the State Fair in Sedalia.

It won’t be election-year hot, but still a good crowd with politicians from around the state. MissouriNet’s Alisa Nelson reported in 2019 that the affair will serve over 300 pounds of ham (and 200 pounds of hash browns and 100 gallons of coffee)


More Redistricting Talk

One reader reminds me that Republicans can’t always engage in incumbent protection as their top priority in redistricting the state House and Senate maps.

Sometimes in the shifting populations, there’s only so much that can be none.  And in particular if the map goes to the judges – who might be less concerned with whether lines help an incumbent retain their seats.

Sens. Jane Cunningham and Jim Lembke found themselves in that spot after last redistricting.


MODoT Survey

The Missouri Department of Transportation is surveying Missourians to find their opinion of the department.  The survey is being conducted by Heartland Market Research.  It asks questions like…

How satisfied are you with the job the Missouri Department of Transportation, also known as MoDOT, is doing?

And whether “MoDOT keeps its commitments to the public”

What It Means

The Department may face increased scrutiny as it gets more money from the phased in gas tax and potential federal infrastructure spending.


Walsh Passes

Rep. Sara Walsh, on Twitter this morning, shares news of the death of her husband, Steve Walsh.

It saddens my heart to share that this morning my best friend and beloved husband Steve Walsh was welcomed to Heaven’s glory into the arms of Jesus Christ his Lord and Savior. Arrangements pending. Thank you to everyone who has lifted us up in prayer.

He had battled COVID for the past few weeks.


New Committees

Squadron PAC was formed.  Its treasurer is Katie Westerfeld.       


Lobbyist Registrations

Joshua Mitchell Davis added The Giddens Group, and all of their clients.

Michael Christopher Oldweiler added Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services.


$5K+ Contributions

MoCannTrade PAC - $10,000 from Great Outdoors PAC.

MoCannTrade PAC - $15,000 from Missouri Growth PAC.



Happy birthdays to Donna Pfautsch, Mark Siettmann, Tim O’Connell, and Connie Cunningham.



MOScout Daily Update: Wasson in 7-CD - Ham Breakfast Review - $400M for Rural Broadband - Richardson to Return and more...


MOScout Daily Update: Bruce Enters CD-4 - Griesheimer for Senate 26 - Eggleston Antes $100K - STL Seeks Afghan Refugees and more...