MOScout Sunday6: Mask Divide - Road Maintenance Vs Expansion - Which State Gets Most Fed $$$ and more...
1. As Schmitt goes after school masks, that’s where partisan divide is widest.
Source: Echelon Insights.
2. What states “get” versus “give” the federal government.
Source: Twitter.
3. How state use road funds. Expansion / maintenance mix.
Source: Washington Post.
4. Wall Street Journal: “Nursing homes have a long-term care problem: 18 months after the Covid-19 crisis began, their staffs are still shrinking. While employment in nearly every occupation has been recovering from the shock of the pandemic, the number of people working in nursing homes and other long-term-care facilities has continued to drop, according to federal data.”
5 and 6. A quick look at Missouri’s Ag industry versus our healthcare industry. Ag is much more volatile, showing less growth, and much much smaller.
Source: St. Louis Fed.
Source: St. Louis Fed.
7. Roman emperor deaths.
Source: Reddit.