MOScout Daily Update: Veto Session Eve - McCreery's Huge Host List - Who Did Best and Worst on AFP Scorecard - Brown's Allies and more...

Veto Session Eve

Lots of fundraisers in Jefferson City tonight ahead of tomorrow’s Veto Session.  But before that, there will be several hearings today as lawmakers use the occasion to prep some issues for next session.  Among the hearings…

·         Noon: House Special Committee on Redistricting (Hearing Room 1) - Presentation by Matt Hesser, State Demographer, on the 2020 Census Data.

·         Noon: Senate Committee on Economic Development (Senate Lounge) – Emerging economic development issues related to gaming.

·         1PM: Senate Interim Committee on Elections (Senate Lounge) - Initiative Petition Process, Photo Identification.

·         4PM: House Agriculture Policy (Hearing Room 1) - Presentation from Agriculture Organizations regarding their 2022 legislative priorities.


STL’s Different Voices

Got this text from a veteran Republican who has long eschewed the urban-rural divide and I would characterize as a cheerleader and promoter of St. Louis.   I think it’s an important perspective for St. Louisans to consider.

[My] view of the Monday morning Interim Committee on Greater St. Louis Regional Emerging Issues met at Lindenwood University.

Senator Gannon was the Chairwoman and her opening remarks set the tone for a nonpartisan and earnest look into the emerging issues of the STL region and ways the state could be a better partner in helping the region.

Mayor Tishaura Jones was the first witness. She stated that the number one issue in the STL region is gun violence and public safety. Then focused on a populist messaging for her constituency citing autonomy rather than partnership.

Next witness Jason Hall, CEO of Greater STL Inc, claimed lack of growth was the number one issue in the STL region making no mention of crime.  He failed to explain his numerous press releases criticizing the legislature while being silent on crime and other issues challenging the city.

St. Charles County Executive Steve Ehlmann gave a very historically driven analysis of the STL region. When asked why so many people were leaving STL City for places like St. Charles County, he said they want "good schools and safe neighborhoods".

The bottom line is the region is divided on what its most pressing issues are…  [the region has] to get out of its own way if it wants to partner together and with the State to move the region forward.

·         See Post-Dispatch reporting on the hearing here.


McCreery’s Huge Host List

Rep. Tracy McCreery’s appears to be running for state senate will an eye on winning by acclimation. The invite to her fundraising event late this month has one of the monster lists where a former governor, like Bob Holden, is just one of a couple hundred hosts.

The event will be at Sen. Jill Schupp’s house.  See the invite here.

McCreery is the favorite to replace Schupp – although it’s always possible to get the odd weird bounce in a redistricting year and add a bit of drama to the mix. 


AFP Scorecard

Americans for Prosperity published their legislative scorecard.  Find it here.  Among the rated votes from last session were the gas tax (against), Medicaid Expansion (against), biodiesel fuel mandate (against), and income tax cut (for).

Due to their scoring matrix (you get extra point for sponsoring favored legislation), some folks scored over 100%.  That distinction was bestowed on Sens. Bill Eigel, Denny Hoskins, and Tony Luetkemeyer, and Reps. Derek Grier and Jered Taylor.

The lowest rated Republicans… in the Senate: Sen. Sandy Crawford (40%), and in the House (with 50%) Reps. Chris Brown, Tricia Derges, Don Rone, and Brenda Shields.


Indies OK W Biden Vax Plan

Axios reports on a poll asking about Americans’ view of the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandate roll-out.  See it here.

The poll shows similar fault lines that we’ve seen for a while now.  Democrats favor the plan while Republicans disapprove.  Independents sided with Democrats – albeit less enthusiastically.

Independents are ok with requiring all federal employees to be vaccinated by a margin of 61% to 39%.  And they’re likewise ok with requiring businesses with 100+ employees to vaccinate all staff or undergo regular testing, 62% to 37%.  Democrats favor these actions in 80% range; Republican support is in the 30s% area.

Republicans running in primaries will obviously side with their base.  But leaders in less political arenas can back these types of actions with confidence that they’re supported by a majority of Americans


Former Republican auditor nominee Saundra McDowell pushes back against her church taking her kids’ temperatures as they enter.  See the video here.


Brown’s Allies

Battlelines are shaping up for the fight for Franklin County. Sen. Dave Schatz is termed, and while we don’t have a new map yet, it’s assumed that Franklin County will be at the heart of the that district in 2022.  

That race is business / establishment candidate Rep. Aaron Griesheimer against anti-mask / freedom insurgent Ben Brown.

VIPs backing Brown and in attendance at the Franklin County Freedom Dinner last weekend: Sens. Bill Eigel and Bob Onder, former Sen. Brian Nieves, radio hosts Tim Jones and Marc Cox, US Senate candidate Mark McCloskey and Defense of Liberty Founder and former Rep. Paul Curtman.


Lobbyists Registrations

Brent Hemphill and Liz Henderson added Pan American Risk Management Associates LLC; and deleted Health Management Systems.



Happy birthdays to Rep. Neil Smith, Jon Dalton, Don Hinkle, and Gene McNary.


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